八年级英语下册 Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 教案 仁爱版.doc

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1、八年级下册第七单元Topic 2Cooking is fun. Section B.Teaching aims and demands1.Learn to cook western foods.2.Learn to have meals:Help yourself to some soup.3.Talk about table manners in different countries.4.Go over infinitives used as logical subject. 5.Talk about the process of cooking. . Important teaching

2、 points 1. The process of cooking:FirstNextAfter thatFinally 2. Different table manners in different countries. Difficult points The process of cooking western foods. Teaching aids Multimedia computer, foods,cooker toys. Teaching processStep 1 Review Check the homework:Ask a student to show how to m

3、ake fried rice(Using the cooker toys and some real foods.) Show the key words (FirstNextAfter thatFinally) on the computer while the student is cooking .T:Who can tell me how to make a bowl of noodles? (Ask a student to act it out ,review the use of :slowly, lightly, finely, immediately, carefully,

4、gently) Show the process on the computer and make the whole class to review.Step 2 Presentation T : Just now ,we have learned how to cook Chinese food. Now , we will learn how to cook western foods ( Show a piece of bread and an apple).T : Do you know how to make a snack with a piece of bread and an

5、 apple? Now look at me carefully and listen. Ill show you how to make it.The teacher say the process in English while making the snack. After that show the process on the computer for the students to learn and practise:First, take two pieces of bread and then spread butter on them; Next, cut up an a

6、pple into small slices and put them on one of the pieces of bread; After that, pour some honey over the pear; Finally, put the other piece of bread on top.T : Now lets watch the flash of 1a and answer the questions: 1. Whats Michaels favorite snack? 2.Is it difficult to make it?Step 3 Practice T : N

7、ow listen to the dialog and repeat. (Play the dialog) Then practise the dialog with your partner. After that I will ask some of you to act out the dialog in pairs in front of the class.(Show the key words on the computer: Firstspread Nextcut up put After thatpour Finally put )Step 4 Consolidation Fi

8、nish 2 with the whole class then ask one or two students to make a hamburger with real foods . After the hamburger is finished, ask one student to eat it loudly in class.(Lead in 3a) T : Do you think its polite to eat in class? Is it polite to eat noisily? (The students answers may be “No”) Are you

9、sure? But sometimes it is polite to eat noisily, do you believe? Now lets listen to the dialog and think about the questions: Is eating noisily polite in Japan? What about in Cuba? Show the dialog of 3a on the computer. Then check the answer. Play the dialog for the students to listen and repeat, th

10、en act out the dialog.Step 5 Practice T : We know different countries have different eating manners. Now lets learn some other eating customs in different countries. Listen carefully and pay attention to the using of infinitive as logical subject. ( Show the flash of 3b) T : Discuss the eating custo

11、ms in different countries in groups. I will ask some students to act out the eating manners in 3b,other students describe. Do some true or false , show it on the computer for the students to talk about.Step 6 Homework (1)Talk something about the table manners in different countries.(2)Preview Section C.



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