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1、昌荣中心校六年级英语6B期中测试卷班级 姓名 成绩 听力部分(30%)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,并将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分) ( )1. A. child B. children C. chat ( ) 2. A. cat B. cute C. but ( )3. A. minus B. minute C. mine ( ) 4. A. twelve B. twenty C. twin ( )5. A. far B. farther C. further ( ) 6. A. on B. one C. only ( )7. A. some B. same C. come ( ) 8

2、. A. sorry B. worry C. hurry ( )9. A. 40+14 B. 40-14 C. 40+40 ( )10.A. 10:10 B. 9:50 C. 10:50 二、根据你所听到的问句,选择正确的答句。(10分) ( )1. A Yours are. B Yours is. C Your is.( )2. A Its right B All right C Thats all right.( )3. A Yes, he does. B Yes, she does. C Yes, they do. ( )4. A Lets go. B By car. C Get on

3、the car.( )5. A. My father is. B. My father. C. My mother.三、听录音,完成对话。(10分) A: Excuse me, sir. I _ _ the way to the _ .Can you tell me _ _ get there ? B: Yes . _ bus _ and _ _ at the _ stop . A: I see. Thank you. B: Thats all right. 笔试部分(70%)一、语音,判断下列各组单词中划线字母的读音,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。(共6分) ( ) 1.look book (

4、 ) 2.minute but ( ) 3. work word ( ) 4.so also ( ) 5. short for ( ) 6. got hot二、 英汉互译。(12分) 1、去散步 5、某一天 2、比他强壮 6、和她一样高 3、看起来一样 7、善于 4、跳得远 8、一位老人 5、an animal show 10、need help with 11. do more exercise 12、shopping centre 三、单项选择。(10分) ( ) 1. My coat isnt as good as _ . A. you B. your C. yours D. youre

5、 ( ) 2. Jim gets up_ than _. A. earlier, me B. earlier, I C. early, me( ) 3. The post office is _ Jianguo Street. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 4. He doesnt know how _ a lantern. A. can be make B. making C. to make D. make ( ) 5. She reads _ than _ of us. A. better, all B. well, both C. good, some D. better

6、, any ( ) 6. Jim is _ Maths. A. good in B. good at C. well in D. better in ( ) 7. -Is it far _ here? -No. Its _ a kilometer _. A. from, about, away B. near, at, away C. from, at, away D. near, about, along ( ) 8. We usually stay _ home _ Saturday afternoon. A. at, in B. at, on C. in, at D. on, on (

7、) 9. This dress is very nice, but its _. A . much small B. small too C. too small D. to small ( )10. Do you have _ bothers _ sisters? A. some, and B. any, and C. some, or D. any, or 四、看图完成填空。(12分)1、A: me, can you tell me the way to the , please? B: Go _ this street, and then turn .at the second . Th

8、e place is on your _. A: Thank you very much. B: Thats .2、A: What _ does Nancy get up every day? B: twenty to seven.A: _David get up than Nancy?B: , he does.五、完形填空。( 10分)Suzhou is a very big_. I _there last year _ my parents. There are _ famous (著名的) places in Suzhou. For example (例如), Guanqian Stre

9、et. There are many _ there, it is very _ .But _dont want to go there, they want to go to Suzhou Amusement Land (苏州乐园), they can _happily there. I you can go there one day.( )1. A. country B. city C. town ( )2. A. go B. get C. visited ( )3. A. and B. with C. to ( )4. A. many B. a lot C. a( )5. A. sho

10、p B. shops C. shopping centre ( )6. A. short B. long C. longer ( )7. A. children B. boys C. girls( )8. A. because B. so C. and ( ) 9. A. look B. visit C. play( ) 10. A. like B. hope C. dont六、阅读理解。(10分) A阅读短文,选出正确答案,并将其序号填入题前括号内。 “Early to bed, early to rise(起身)makes people healthy, wealthy and wise(

11、健康,富有,聪明).” This is an old English saying.Children sho5Y k J. c oM uld have ten hours(小时)sleep every night, or they cant do their work very well. They will not be wise. The body needsexercise. Walking, running, swimming and playing ball games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. ( )1. “Early to rise” means that we must early. A. go to school B. get up C. go home ( )2. Children should have hours sleep every night. A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 ( )3. Everybody exercise. A. need B. needs C. should ( )4. is good exercise, too. A. Jog


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