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1、 Its extremely frustrating to me to communicate over and over again, as clearly as I can. And we are still, by far, the worst contributor to the problem. And I look around and look for really meaningful signs that were about to really change. I dont see it right now. A number of very reputable scien

2、tists have said that one factor of air pollution is oxides of nitrogen from decaying vegetation. This is what causes the haze that gave the big Smoky Mountains their name.Thank you very much, okay.This guy is so far off in the environmental extreme, well be up to our neck in owls and out of work for

3、 every American.This guy is crazy.Even if humans were causing global warming, and we are not, this could be maybe the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people. Were dealing with something thats highly emotional. If an issue is not on the tips of their constituents tongues,its easy for t

4、hem to ignore it.To say, Well, well deal with that tomorrow.So the same phenomena of changing all these patternsis also affecting the seasons. Here is a study from the Netherlands. The peak arrival date for migratory birds 25 years ago was April 25th, and their chicks hatched on June the 3rd. Just a

5、t the time when the caterpillars were coming out.Natures plan.But 20 years of warming later,the caterpillars peaked two weeks earlier,and the chicks tried to catch up with it, but they couldnt.And so, theyre in trouble.And there are millions of ecological niches that are affected by global warming i

6、n just this way. This is the number of days with frost in Southern Switzerland over the last 100 years. It has gone down rapidly. But now watch this.This is the number of invasive exotic species that have rushed in to fill the new ecological niches that are opening up. Thats happening here in the Un

7、ited States, too. Youve heard of the pine beetle problem? Those pine beetles used to be killed by the cold winters, but there are fewer days of frost, and so the pine trees are being devastated. This is part of 14 million acres of spruce trees in Alaska that have been killed by bark beetles. The exa

8、ct same phenomenon. There are cities that were founded because they were just above the mosquito line.Nairobi is one, Harare is another. There are plenty of others.Now the mosquitoes, with warming, are climbing to higher altitudes.There are a lot of vectors for infectious diseases that are worrisome

9、 to usthat are also expanding their range.Not only mosquitoes, but all of these others as well.And weve had 30 so-called new diseasesthat have emerged just in the last quarter century.And a lot of them, like SARS, have caused tremendous problems.The resistant forms of tuberculosis. There are others.

10、And theres been a re-emergence of some diseasesthat were once under control.The avian flu, of course, quite a serious matter, as you know.West Nile Virus.It came to the eastern shore of Maryland in 1999.Two years later, it was across the Mississippi.And two years after that, it had spread across the

11、 continent.But these are very troubling signs.Coral reefs all over the world,because of global warming and other factors,are bleaching and they end up like this.And all the fish species that depend on the coral reefsare also in jeopardy as a result.Overall, species loss is now occurringat a rate 1,0

12、00 times greater than the natural background rate.This brings me to the second canary in the coal mine.Antarctica.The largest mass of ice on the planet by far.A friend of mine said in 1978,If you see the breakup of ice shelves along the Antarctic peninsula,watch outbecause that should be seen as an

13、alarm bell for global warming.And actually, if you look at the peninsula up close,every place where you see one of these green blotches here is an ice shelf larger than the state of Rhode Island that has broken up just in the last 15 to 20 years.I want to focus on just one of them.Its called Larsen

14、B.I want you to look at these black pools here.It makes it seem almost as if were looking through the iceto the ocean beneath. But thats an illusion.This is melting water that forms in pools,and if you were flying over it in a helicopter,youd see its 700 feet tall.They are so majestic, so massive.In

15、 the distance are the mountains and just before the mountainsis the shelf of the continent, there.This is floating ice,and theres land-based ice on the down slope of those mountains.From here to the mountains is about 20 to 25 miles.Now they thought this would be stable for at least 100 years,even w

16、ith global warming.The scientists who study these ice shelves were absolutely astonished when they were looking at these images.Starting on January 31, 2002in a period of 35 daysthis ice shelf completely disappeared.They could not figure out how in the world this happened so rapidly.And they went back to try to figure out where theyd gone wrong.And thats when they focused on those pools of melting water.But even before they could figure out w


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