四川省成都市十四中10-11学年九年级英语上学期期末复习卷 外研版

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四川省成都市十四中10-11学年九年级英语上学期期末复习卷 外研版_第1页
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《四川省成都市十四中10-11学年九年级英语上学期期末复习卷 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四川省成都市十四中10-11学年九年级英语上学期期末复习卷 外研版(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、成都市十四中10-11学年初三上英语期末复习卷一、单项选择(25分)1. They think its exciting to trek _ the jungle . Do you agree?A. past B. across C. over D. through2. - Why not _to Guilin for holidays ? - Good idea!A. consider going B. to considering going C. consider to go D. considering going3. - Whats your plan for the coming

2、vacation ? - Id like to go _ .A. anywhere relaxing B. somewhere relaxing C. relaxing anywhere D. relaxing somewhere4. Taiwan is _ the southeast of China and Japan is _ the east of China.A. in ; in B. in ; to C. to ; to D. to ; on5. I hate those _ dont help others when they are in trouble.A. who B. w

3、hich C. they D. them答案 DABBA 6. To welcome the 29th Olympic Games, a lot of money _ in improving the environment in Beijing.A. take B. spend C. spent D.was spent7. Does Tom often play _ football after _ school?A/, / B/, the Cthe, / Da, a8How wonderful! The _is made of _.Ahouse , glass Bhouse, glasse

4、s Chouses, glass Dhouses, glasses9. Every morning Mr. Smith takes a _ to his office.A20 minutes walk B20 minutes walkC20-minutes walk D20-minute walk10. Uncle Tom asked David, Sam, _ brothers and _ three to help write the cards.Amy, I Bmy, me Cmyself, I Dmyself, me答案610 DAACB( )11. Well be away for

5、two weeks because well have a _. A. two-weeks holiday B. two weeks holidays C. two- week holiday D. two-weeks holiday( )12. The number of the students in our grade _about six _,of them are girls. A. are, hundreds, two- thirds B. is, hundred, two- third C. is, hundred, two thirds. D. are, hundreds, t

6、wo third( )13. _ travellers come to visit our city every year. A. Hundred of B. Hundreds of C. Five hundreds D. Hundred( )14. He spent _ yuan on the new computer. A. five thousand, three hundred and forty B. five thousand, three hundred and forties C. five thousands, three hundred and forty. D. five

7、 thousands, hundreds and forty( )15. My home is about _ from my school.A. 15 minutes B. 10 minutes ride C. 20 minutes by bike D. 15- minutes on foot.答案11-15 BCAAC( ) 16. We are doing much better _ English _ our teachers help. A. in, at B. at, in C. in, with D. with, with( ) 17. The food _ my hometow

8、n is quite different _that there. A. in, like B. to, from C. from, to D. in, from( ) 18. Before 1992, there was no airline _ the two cities. A. along B. in C. between D. among( ) 19. _the new computer, travellers at the offices of CAAC can now buy their air tickets much faster. A. Because B. Thanks

9、for C. Thanks to D. Since( )20. He had _ much work to do that he couldnt go out.A. so B. such C. as D. or答案16-20 ACBAC( )21. The headmaster _for more than two weeks. A. has left B. has gone C. has been away D. has come back( )22. -Where s Mr Green? -Oh, he _ Canada. A. has been to B. has gone to C.

10、went to D. was in( )23. The factory has been _ for two years. A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened( )24 .-How long have you _there? -About four years. A. come B. gone C. left D. worked( )25.-Must I clean the room now? -No, you _.A、 can t B. may not C. mustn t D. needn t答案 CBADD二、完形填空(共15分)Many 1.

11、_must be done with2 people. One person takes the lead (带头). 2._ helps. It is this cooperation that brings success. So it is with the human body. 3._of our good health 4._the cooperation between substances. When they work together, chemical reactions 5._smoothly. Body systems are 6._ in balance.Some

12、of the most important helpers in the job of good health are the substances we call vitamins. The word vitamin dates back to Polish 7._Casimir Funk in 1912. He was studying a substance in the hull that covers rice. This substance was believed to cure a disorder 8._ beriberi.Funk believed the substanc

13、e 9._a group of chemicals known as amines. He added the Latin word vita, meaning life. So he called the substance a vitamine - an amine necessary for life. Funk was not 10._separate the anti-berberi substance from the rice hulls; it was later shown to be thiamine. Other studies found that not all vi

14、tamines were amines. 11._ the name was shortened to vitamin. But Funk was correct in recognizing their12._.Scientists have discovered fourteen 13._vitamins. They are known 14._vitamins A, the B group, C, D, E and K. Scientists say vitamins help to carry out chemical changes within cells. If we do not get enough of the vi


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