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1、Unit1 Whats the matter? 第一课时Section A (1a2d)课前预习助学一、人体的部位你知道多少,请把各部位与相应的英语单词对应起来。 ( )1.头 ( ) 8.胃 A.hand H. tooth ( ) 2.腿 ( ) 9.眼睛 B. ear I. eye ( ) 3.鼻子 ( ) 10.背 C.foot J. throat ( ) 4.牙齿 ( ) 11.颈部 D.arm K. mouth ( ) 5.胳膊 ( ) 12.喉咙 E. head L. neck ( ) 6.嘴,口 ( ) 13.手 G. back M. leg ( ) 7.耳朵 ( ) 14.脚,

2、足 F.stomach N. nose二、预习并尝试写出下列单词、短语。 1.发烧_ 2. X射线_ 3.看牙医_ 4.躺下休息_ 5.头痛_ 6.加蜜的热茶_ 三、1. 你知道询问病情的句型吗? 预习并写下来。 2. 如果朋友感冒了,你又是如何给出建议的呢? 请写出几条。 课外资料助学在英语中表示人体某部位“痛”时常用以下几种形式:1. have a + 身体部位名次接词缀ache,如:have a headache 头疼 have a earache 耳痛have a toothache 牙疼 have a stomachache胃疼2. have a sore + 身体部位名词。sore

3、为形容词,意为“疼痛的;发炎的”,如:have a sore throat 嗓子疼 have a sore arm 胳膊疼have a sore foot 脚疼 have a sore back 背疼3. 人体部位+ be + sore,如:My leg is still very sore. 4. 人体部位 + ache或hurt它们都为动词,意为疼痛,在句中作谓语。如:My head aches. 5. have a pain in the+身体部位,如: I have a pain in the arm. 课中生成助学一、连词成句。 1. have toothache a I . 2.

4、the what matter is ? 3. should dentist he a see . 4. cant my move neck I . 5. I temperature my take should ? 6. think rest I you lie and down should .二、根据2d完成短文。 Lisa and Mandy are good friends. One day Lisa doesnt feel well, she says she has a and cant move her , Mandy says it doesnt like she has a

5、 . Lisa says she computer games all weekend. Thats probably . Lisa needs to take away from the computer, and she shouldnt in the same way for too long moving. Mandy thinks she should lie down and . Lisa thinks Mandy is right. 得分课堂测评助学一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 (每空一分,共5分)1. The baby (have) a very sore throat . 2

6、. Mother tells me not to sit in the same way for too long without (move). 3. What s the matter with ( he )? 4. -What did you do on the weekend? - I (play) basketball.5. If you have a fever, you should take ( you ) temperature first. 二、单项选择。 (每题一分,共5分)( ) 1. -Whats the matter _ Toms glasses ? -They a

7、re broken .A. in B. with C. for D. to( ) 2. -I have a toothache . - You should .A. lie down B. eat nothing C. see a dentist D. drink more water( ) 3. You dont look well . you should see a doctor. A. may be B. maybe C. May be D. Maybe( ) 4. He needs breaks away form the computer.A. take B.takes C. to

8、ok D. to take( ) 5. You shouldnt eat before you see the doctor. A.something B.nothing C. anything D. some things课后拓展助学 用下面单词,编写一段对话,要求用到所给所有单词。 fever , should , doctor , lie down , shouldnt , idea ,thank ,dont , water , look A: B: A: B: A: B: 第二课时 Section A (3a4c)课前预习助学一、写出下面短语。1.同意去做某事 2.下车 3.造成麻烦 4.使.惊讶的_ 5.有心脏病 _ 6.摔倒 二、预习3a并填空,完成下面句子1.那个驾驶员看见一个老人躺在路边。 The driver saw an old man _ on the of the road.2.多亏了王平和那些乘客,医生及时地挽救了老人的性命。 Wang Ping and the passages,the doctors saved the man .3.



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