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1、比较级和最高级讲解和练习一、形容词的比较级和最高级:1. 在英语中,在表示“比较”和“最”时,形容词要用特别的形式,称为“比较级”和“最高级”,原来的形容词称为“原级”: 原级 比较级 最高级 strong强 stronger较强 strongest最强big大 bigger较大 biggest最大nice美好 nicer较美好 nicest最美好tired疲劳 more tired较疲劳 the most tired最疲劳old 老 elder 年长的 the eldest 最年长的二、形容词比较级和最高级的用法:1、两者之间的比较,常用比较级 结构为 “比较级+than”Eg: His r

2、oom is bigger than mine. 他的房间比我的房间大。She is younger than my sister. 她比我妹妹年轻。(注意:在形容词和副词的比较级前,有时可以用much, a little ,even, a lot, a little, a bit, a little bit 等词来修饰) Eg: I am a little heavier than him.2.三者或三者以上的比较,用最高级 Eg: It is the largest island in Europe. 它是欧洲最大的岛。 The Yangtze is the biggest river i

3、n our country. 长江是我国最大的河流。 It was the cheapest hotel we could find. 这是我们能找到的最便宜的旅馆。3. 表示两者在某一方面相同时,用句型 “as +形容词/副词的原级+as”Eg:I think science is as important as math. Tom runs as fast as Jack.4.表示一方在某一方面不及另一方时,用句型“not as +形容词或副词的原级+as”或“not so +形容词或副词的原级+as”Eg: It is not so cold as yesterday Jack is n

4、ot as old as Tom或者用“less+原级+than”(此处形容词和副词是双音节或多音节词)Eg: She is less healthy than him.三、比较级的特殊句式:1.“比较级and+比较级”或“moreandmore/lessandless+原级”结构表示“越来越”的意思,与这类结构搭配的常用动词有grow,get,become等。Shefeltherselfbecomingmoreandmoretired.Asthewinterisnear,itsgettingcolderandcolder.2.the+比较级+ofthetwo+名词。Janeisthetall

5、erofthetwochildreninourfamily.3.“the+比较级, the+比较级”,表示“越,越”。Themoremagazinesyousell,themoremoneyyouwillget.4.“否定+比较级”相当于最高级。Lets go out to play, OK?Icouldntagreemore.Theideasoundsgreattome.5.倍数表示法:timesas+形容词原级+as;times+形容词比较级+than;timesthe+性质名词+of。Thedininghallisthreetimesaslargeasthatone.Thediningh

6、allisthreetimeslargerthanthatone.Thedininghallisthreetimesthesizeofthatone.6.”themore, themore”.表示“越越”:Themorebooksyouread,thebetter gradesyou will get.Themorefoodyoueat,thefatteryouare.7.moreandmore.表示“越来越”:Moreandmorestudentsrealizedtheimportanceofaforeignlanguage.四、最高级特殊用法:1. 最高级+of/among (同类比较)/

7、 in (范围比较)Tom is the tallest of/among the three.Tom runs (the) fastest in our class.2. 序数词修饰最高级Mike is the second tallest student in our class.3.one of +形容词最高级+名词复数表示“最 之一”Jack is one of the tallest students in our class.Exercise:一、在空格中填入所给形容词的适当形式: 1. She is two years _ than me. Shes the _ girl in

8、our class. (young)2. Bill is _ than Tom. Hes the _ brother in our family. (old)3. John is the _ boy in the class. (clever)4. Her bicycle is _ than mine. (good)5.Ofthetwogirls,IfindLucythe_(clever).6.Gold(黄金)is_(little)usefulthaniron(铁).7.Mysisteristwoyears_(old)thanI.8. Tokyo is _ from Beijing than

9、from Shanghai. (far)9. It is _ in Hong Kong than in Kunming. (hot)10.He is _ among us. (careful)二、形容词和副词单项选择题( )1. She is _ than _ . A. busier / us B. busier / we C. more busy / us D. more busy / we ( )2. Jane is _ than Betty. A. less taller B. less tallest C. less tall D. not as tall ( )3. China is

10、 _ country in the world. A. the third largest B. the largest third C. the third large D. a third largest ( )4. Which is _ season in Beijing? I think its autumn. A. good B. better C. best D. the best ( )5. Which is_ , the sun, the moon or the earth? Of course, the moon is. A. small B. smaller C. smal

11、lest D. the smallest ( )6.The air in Beijing is getting much _ now than a few years ago. A. clean B. cleaner C. cleanest D. the cleanest ( )7. Mobile phones are very popular now and they are _ than before. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest ( )8.I study English as _ as my brother. A. ha

12、rd B. harder C. hardest ( )9. Which is _ , a bicycle or a computer? A. expensive B. more expensive C. the most expensive ( )10. The Yellow River is one of _rivers in China. A long B longer C the longest( )11. Tom is _ of the two boys. A. taller B. tallest C. the taller D. the tallest( )12. Of my par

13、ents, my father looks_. A.old B. older C. the oldest D. the older三、单词拼写1. You look very s_, is something wrong?2. Tina and Tara look very s_, but Tina is more outgoing.3. Can you give me some i_ about trains to Hanghzou?4. Can you get that book from the top shelf (架子)for me? I cant r_.5. C_, Ronaldo doesnt work as hard as Emily. 6. Now, there is a lot of c_ in study between students at school. 7. Ronaldo is t_ talented in soccer. Non



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