英语七年级下外研版Module 7 Planes boats and trains

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《英语七年级下外研版Module 7 Planes boats and trains》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语七年级下外研版Module 7 Planes boats and trains(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、MODULE 7 TEACHING PLAN 一、题材内容本模块话题是“旅游与交通”。语法重点是学习形容词最高级形式和by+交通工具的用法,围绕旅游与交通开展听、说、读、写的课堂活动。要求学生通过对形容词最高级形式的操练,能够就相关话题进行问答,能够描述自己或他人的旅行。在阅读过程中,学会应用寻找细节的阅读技巧, 能将标题与段落, 单词与释义相匹配。教学中教师应随时随地以课本为出发点,灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容。充分调动学生的积极性。教学目标1) 语言知识:语音形容词最高级形式的发音词汇journey, ferry, subway, taxi, crowded, modern, far

2、thest, best, most, close, stop, terminal, British, airway, express, star, take, passenger, airline, distance, hour, quick, way, fare, know词组bus stop, ferry terminal, by bicycle/bus.语法形容词最高级、by+交通工具功能三者或更多事物之间的比较话题以“旅游与交通”为话题。2) 语言技能:听能听懂含有形容词最高级形式的对话以及对交通工具的描述.说能运用形容词最高级形式谈论乘坐的交通工具。流利的说出生词、短语。读能读懂有关

3、旅游和交通的短文,并且将标题和段落相匹配; 理解阅读材料中所学的形容词最高级所表达的语义。在阅读中学会应用寻找细节的阅读策略,进行简单的阅读技能训练。写能用形容词最高级形式描写旅行。演示与表达 能向同学们介绍自己或他人的旅行以及乘坐的交通工具。3)学习策略:一定程度形成自主学习,有效交际、信息处理、英语思维能力。认知联系,归纳,推测等技能。观察并归纳形容词的最高级的变化规则,提高自学能力。调控从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及作文中的错误进行修改。交际学习运用恰当词语简单描述旅游交通。资源通过其他资源获取更多有关“旅游交通”的简单英语。自学策略培养在词语与相应事物之间建立联想的习惯,形成话题联想

4、的习惯。能注意发现语言现象背后的规律,并能运用规律举一反三。合作学习策略互相学习,取长补短,注意学习策略共享, 将自己所搜集的信息与其他同学共享。4)文化意识:中外对比主动理解英语国家有关旅游交通等方面的信息,并密切联系自己的日常生活,从而拓展视野,激发学习英语的兴趣。5)情感态度:通过学习描述旅游交通,提高对旅游和英语的学习兴趣。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中进一步树立准确的语言学习观。6)任务: 能够根据表格分析数据,并谈论相关信息。教学重点和难点 重点:掌握描述旅游交通的基本词汇,读懂含有形容词的最高级的句子,掌握形容词的最高级的结构和用法。难点:掌握形容词最高级的结构和用法。教

5、学方法运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展和谐愉悦的课堂活动,强调兴趣第一的原则,初步设计“PTP”自主学习立体模式:pre-tasktask-cyclepost-task。二、教材处理核心任务: 能够运用所学句型结构描述旅游交通。三个环节如下:pre-task: 学生联系生活实际,激活背景知识,。task cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化对“旅游交通”的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫post-task: 达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况三、教材安排根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,我把本模块划分为4课时:Period 1: Listening and Vocabular

6、y &Pronunciation and SpeakingPeriod 2: Reading and Vocabulary Period 3: Writing& Around the world &Module TaskPeriod 4: Language in use教学时应根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。四、教学设计Module 7 Planes, boats and trainsPeriod 1 Listening and Vocabulary &Pronunciation and SpeakingTeaching Aims and D

7、emands:1. Language Knowledge Key vocabulary and phrases: journey, ferry, subway, taxi, crowded, modern, farthest, best, most, closeKey structure: by bus/ train/ taxi (重点) 2.Listening skill: To understand conversations with superlative adjectives. (难点) 3.Speaking skill: To ask and answer about transp

8、ort and travel4. Affection and attitudes: Choose the right transport form to travel.Teaching Aids: Multi-Media (Tape recorder, video等)Teaching Procedures:Part I: RevisionPart II: Lead in: Task : Introduce to them the new words in activity 1 on Page 44.Step 1 Ask the students how they got to school.

9、And list their answers on the board.Step 2 Ask for other ways to travel and list those, too.Step 3 Show the pictures of the means of transportation, and ask Ss to talk about what they can see through the pictures. Part III: Listening Task 1: Listen to the quiz .Match the words in 2 boxes. Then match

10、 them with the pictures.Step 1 Read the lists of words and have the students repeat them after you.Step 2 Listen to the tape and match the words in Box 1 with the words in Box 2.Task 2: Discussion-Activity 3Step 1 Read through the phrases with “by” in activity 3 on Page 45.Step 2 Ask the Ss to ask a

11、nd answer “How do you go to school?Task 3: Introduce to them the superlative degree of adjectives in English.Step 1 Elicit a few common adjectives from the Ss, and write them on the blackboard. Step 2: Change them into superlative degree Step 3: Write a sentence for each one, e.g.Step 4: Show the Ss

12、. the structure and explain when we use this construction. We may elicit other adjectives and some other examples of superlative degree from the Ss. Task 4: To understand conversation.Step 1: Give the Ss 2questions: How does Tony get to school? Does Dad always go to work by taxi?Make sure the Ss. un

13、derstand the question: Step 2: Play the recording and have them listen.Step 3: Play the recording again and have them write the answers individually.Step 4:. Have them check their answer with a partner and Call back the answer from the whole class.Task5: Activity 5 on Page 45.Step 1: Play the record

14、ing again and have them write a name in front of each sentence individually in Activity 5. Have them check their answers with a partnerStep 2: Play the recording again . Have them check their answers with a partnerStep 3: Call back the answer from the whole class.Task 6: Listen and read:Step 1: Play

15、 the recording and ask the Ss. to listen and read the conversation.Step2: Play the recording again and pause after each phrase, asking the Ss. to repeat chorally and individually.Step3: Put the Ss. into groups of 2 to practice the dialogue. Step4: They should repeat it several times, changing the roles each time.Part IV: Pronunciation Task: Listen and repeat the sentences in Activity6、7、8 Step 1: Play the recording and ask the Ss. to listen and repeat the sentences in activitie



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