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1、非谓语动词句型操练非谓语动词指不定式、动名词、现在分词和过去分词。它不仅是中学英语学习的重点,同时也是难点,令很多学生望而生畏。其实,使用好非谓语动词并不难,只需系统的训练和不断的总结和比较。本节旨在使学生通过正确翻译下列典型句子,学会灵活运用非谓语动词形式,从而达到增加文章可读性和提高自己作文档次之目的。一非谓语动词的简单分工项目语法意义例句不定式表目的To borrow some money, he cane to John for help.现在分词当状语,主动、正在进行Walking in the street, I came into a friend of mine.过去分词当状语

2、,被动、已经完成United, we stand, disunited, we fall.动名词当名词I rememberedhis paying the billalready.二非谓语动词在高考写作的运用1.Living under the wings of my parents protection, I cannot learn to be independent. (2007年读写任务的答卷句子)2.Suspended in the years 1924 and 1928,the shooting event returned to the Olympic Games in 1932

3、. (2008年基础写作)3.Only stimulated by money to do better in exams, students will never learn the importance of study. (2010年基础写作)三.练习用适当的非谓语动词形式翻译下列句子:1.当他醒来时,他发现自己被锁在一间黑屋子里。2.与他的成就相比,我自觉惭愧。3.由于眼睛被一条毛巾捂着,他不知道自己到底在哪里。4.在完成了英语作文以后,他开始读当天的中国日报。5.在那片森林里有几间小木屋。6.那位刚退休的老人坐在窗前,眺望着夕阳西下。7.我并不想知道在什么时候执行那个计划。8.由于都

4、知道他是这个镇上的名人,他一露面人们就围着他,让他签名。9.由于被评为最好的论文,它被刊登在一本国外的杂志上。10.他站在警察的面前,两腿一直在发抖。句子翻译答案.1.When he woke up, he found himself shut up in a dark room.2.Compared with his achievement, I feel sorry for myself.3.With the eyes covered with a towel, he didnt know where he was.4.Having finished his English composi

5、tion, he started to readChina Dailyof that day.5.There are several small cabins standing in the forest.6.That old man who had just retired from his position was seated by the window, looking at the sun setting in the west little by little.7.I dont want to know when to carry out that plan.8.Known as a famous person in the town, hardly had he turned up when people came over and surrounded him, asking him to sign his name on their books.9.Rated as the best essay, it was printed in a famous foreign magazine.10.He stood before the policeman, his legs shaking all the time.



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