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1、 Unit2 Great people Reading(I) 施河中学 郎宇同【目标定向】1.会读、听懂并能拼写四会词汇,理解并识记重要短语,能正确运用句型2. 通过快速默读、大声朗读、略读、寻读和研读等技巧完成相关阅读任务,了解尼尔阿姆斯特朗的生平的登月经历。3. 通过对阿姆斯特朗的经历了解,激发对探索太空的兴趣,树立崇高而远大的理想。【个体自学】1. Free talk:Look at the picture,and talk about the great person.Who is he ? What is he?He is an _. He is the first man _.2.

2、 Skim the article and underline the key words, then guess the meaning of the new words and complete Part B1. Watch the animation , and finish the Part B2.3. Read Paragraph 1-2 carefully, and answer the two questions.(1)When did Armstrong become interested in flying?(2)What did he do after he became

3、a test pilot?4. Read Paragraph 3 carefully,and finish the table Gemini 8 双子座8号AstronautsTitle(头衔)Mission(任务)AccidentSolution(解决方案)5. Read paragraph 4-5 and fill in the blanks Armstrong _ on the Moon. He stepped out onto _. He said the famous words “_ ” Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the Moon for _.

4、They collected _to take some _ back for further research. Apollo 11 returned and people waited excitedly to greet them.6. Read paragraph 6 ,and try to answer this question : What award was Armstrong presented?7. Finish Part B3. If the sentence is false, please correct it.【同伴互导】Work in pairs to retel

5、l something about Neil Armstrong.【教师解难】Discussion:Why could Neil Armstrong achieve success?What can we learn from him?【练习检测】Make a report about ArmstrongNeil Armstrong is the first man to walk on the moon. He took his first _ at six and received his pilots _ at 16. In 1949, Neil _ the navy and worke

6、d as a _. He was _ to be an astronaut in 1962. Four years later, he _ to join two spacecraft together in space. On 20th July 1969, he _ Apollo 11 on the moon together with Aldrin. Neil said the famous words “one small step for man, one _ leap for _” on the moon. They became _ after they returned with many rocks. Because of his excellent _, Neil Armstrong got the highest _ that a US _ can receive. He is the _ of the world.【补充学习】 完成课课练p14



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