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1、福建省建瓯市2013届九年级英语六校联考试题 人教新目标版(满分:150分;考试时间:120分钟,其中听力30分钟,笔试90分钟)I听力部分。(每小题1.5分,共30分)A.单句理解。听句子,从所给的图中选出与所听到的句子情景相同(相近)的图画。(句子读两遍)B.对话理解。听对话,根据所听到的内容,选择最佳答案。(对话读两遍) 第一节 听下面三段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳答案。 听第一段对话,回答第6.7小题。( )6.What does Brian like doing? A.Listening to music B.Collecting stam

2、ps C.Playing the violin( ) 7.Does Jenny like listening to music? A.No, she doesnt B.Yes, she does C.Sorry, I dont know 听第二段对话,回答第8.9小题。( )8.What would the woman like to buy?A.A coat B. A bag . C. A jacket. ( )9.What colour does she like? A.Black B.Blue C.Red 听第三段对话,回答第10.11小题。( )10.What does Tom wan

3、t to be in the future? A. A doctor B. A teacher C. A policeman. ( )11.Is Toms father a policeman or a doctor? A.He is a policeman B. He is a doctor C. Yes ,he is . 听第二段对话,回答第12.13小题。( )12.Where does the dialogue happen ? A. In the library B. At home C. In a restaurant ( )13. How long can the man kee

4、p the dictionary? A. 7 days B. 14 days C.Two months 听第五段对话,回答第14.15小题。( ) 14.Where is the woman going? A.Cinema B. Bus stop C.Grocery store.( ) 15. Is it far from here ? A.Yes,it is B. No,it isnt C.About half an hours walk C.根据短文内容选择最佳答案(短文读三遍) ( )16.Dick was _. A.a little girl B. a big dog C.a smal

5、l dog ( ) 17.He was _ years old . A.nine B. eight C.seven ( ) 18.The weather was _ like that day. A. rainy B. sunny C. cloudy ( )19. Dick felt _ that day . A. sad B. thirsty C. excited ( )20. Dick get _ from the sea. A.a green jacket B.a little boy C. a ball II笔试部分(120分)一单项选择。从A.B.C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最

6、佳答案。(每小题1分,共15分)( )21.Alice likes playing _ guitar while Jane likes playing _ soccer . A.the .the B./ ,the C.the, /( )22.Lets play ping-pong _ Tuesday morning,shall we? A. on B.in C.at ( )23.Are these _ coats ? No, they arent ._ are there. A.your, Ours B. your , We C.you, Ours ( )24.What does Jay Ch

7、ou_? He is tall _ small eyes . A.like ,of B. look like ,with C. look like , has ( )25.Please help _to some apples, kids . Thank you . A.yourselves B. ourselves C. yourself ( )26._ do you go to the library? -Once a week . A.How long B. How often C. How soon ( )27.Must I finish my homework now? NO,you

8、 _. You may do it this evening. A.cant B. mustnt C,neednt ( )28.What nice shoes! Could I _ ? A.try it on B. try them on C. try on them ( )29.Whats wrong? Theres _ with my bike. A. wrong something B. something wrong C. anything wrong ( )30.I _ my homework yet ,Im afraid I cant play with you . A. dont

9、 finish B. havent finished C. wont finish ( )31.I missed the chance to take part in the concert of Jay Chou. A.What a pity! B. Never mind C.What a surprise! ( )32.Rose didnt win at last ,_ she did her best . A.though B.so C. and ( )33.My father likes _books in the morning.He didnt often _ TV. A.read

10、ing ,watch B. watches ,see C.to read ,watches ( )34.Did you go to Roses birthday party ? No ,I _. A.am not invited B. didnt invite C. wasnt invited ( )35.Im waiting for the mail .Do you know _? Usually it comes by 4:00. A. where it will arrive B. when it will arrive C.how it will arrive 二完形填空。从A.B.C

11、 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(每小题1.5分,共15分)Mr. Wang teaches English in a middle school. He likes his work very much. He wanted 36 a teacher even when he was a young boy.There are six classes in a school day at Mr. Wangs middle school. Mr. Wang teachers five of these six classes. 37 his free hour from 2 to

12、3 in the afternoon, Mr. Wang 38 meet with parents, check students homework and 39 many other things. So Mr. Wang works hard from the moment he gets to school early in the morning until he leaves for home late in the afternoon, and his free hour is not free at all.In his English lesson, Mr. Wang some

13、times teaches poems (诗). He likes poems very much, and he likes Li Bais poems 40 of all.In his fifth class today, Mr. Wang taught a poem. He wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it. As soon as he finished 41 the poem, the students began to ask questions. He answered all the questions. Then he asked his students to talk about the poem. 42 one wanted to stop when the bell rang. 43 home, Mr.



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