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1、牛津小学英语 6A练习卷姓名_班级_成绩_听力部分(你可要听仔细了!)一、 根据你所听到的内容,选出正确的选项。(听两遍)10( )1A. little B. litter C. lift D.left( )2A.away B.always C. aslo D.about( )3A. fourth B. fourteenth C. fortieth D.four( )4A.mobile phone B. earphones C. telephone D. elephant( )5A. exciting B. excited C.interesting D.interested( )6A. bl

2、ow B. glow C. grow D. yellow( )7A. glass B. grass C. class D. dress( )8A.June 12th B. July 21th C.June 12th D. July 22th( )9A. 1月12日 B. 3月14日 C. 2月13日 D.3月12 日( )10A. present B. parent C. please D.presents二、 根据你所听到的内容,选择合适的应答。(听两遍) 10( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. It means “Danger”. C. No, it isnt. D. No,

3、thanks.( ) 2. A. Today is Sunday. B. His birthday is on the 1st of May. C. Yes, it does. D. Herbirthday is on the 1st of May.( ) 3. A. Its Monday tomorrow. B. Its Saturday. C. Yes, it is. D. Its the 11th of June.( ) 4. A.Yes, Id like to. B. Id like a pair of glasses. C Yes, please. I like it. D.No,

4、I dont.( ) 5. A. Im watching TV. B. I like watching TV. C. I dont like it. D.I was watching TV just now.三、听录音,填入所缺的单词。(听三遍)51. A:What does this mean? B:It “Danger”. A:Can I go in? B:No.You go there.You stay away from it.2. A:When is your ? B:Its on the fourth of . A:Would you like a as a present? B:

5、No.thanks.Id like a pair of .三、 听短文,判断下列句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的写”T”,不相符的写”F”。(听三遍)5( )1.The fox is looking for food.( )2.The wall is so high that the fox cant touch the grapes.( )3.The fox wants to eat the grapes,he runs and runs.( )4.The fox finds many nice grapes at the top of the wall.( )5.The fox goes a

6、way because the grapes are not good.笔试部分(认真审题,仔细答题是成功的法宝!)一、 选出下列划线部分发音不同的单词 5 ( )1A. year B. bear C. near Dhear( )2A.was B.cage C.date D race ( )3A. pick B. public C.sign Dlitter( )4A. sweater B. breakfast C. head Dmean( )5A. around B. ground C. brown D. yellow二、词组互译 15 1.散步_ 2作为一份生日礼物 _ 3.把他们捡起来_

7、4三副眼镜_ 5. 十月十二日 _ 6一个有趣的公共标志_7.一本令人激动的书_ 8. 寻找他们的书_9和我父母看场电影_ 10玩的开心_11. 去野营 _ 12. in December_13.make noise _ 14. watch a running race_15. walk in the mountains 三、用括号内的词的适当形式填空 13 1. I like (play) football.But he (like) watching TV.2. Liu Tao often _ (get) up at six . Its six oclock today, but he _

8、(sleep) now. 3. Nancy (want) to take some photos,but she cant (find) her camera. 4. _ (not walk) on the grass . 5. What (do)these signs mean?6. Liu Tao _ (water) the flowers every morning, but he_ ( not water) the flowers yesterday morning.7. They are glasses. Please give them to . (he) 8. Tuesday i

9、s _ _(three) day in a week.9.Where (be) the diary now? It (be)there just now.10. It means “No ” . We shouldnt _(smoke).11、The cartoon is _.The children are very _.(excite)12.My birthday is on the _ (twenty) of March.13 Shed _ (like) _ (make) model planes.14.Lucy usually _ to school by bike. But she

10、_ to school by bus yesterday. (go)15.Last week, we (visit) the zoo. There _ (be) many animals there.四、选择填空。15. ( )1.Dont speak loudly . _, please. A. No smoking B. No parking C. Be quiet D. No littering ( )2. The students are _ the race now.A . looking at . seeing . watching D look ( )3. _ your sist

11、er at home two days ago?A. Was B. Were C. Are D Is ( )4.It is hot._ your coat.A. Wash B. Take off C. Take on D. Put on ( )5.No parking_ we shouldnt park our car here.A.mean B. means C.meaning D is meaning( )6.The books are on the ground.Please_for me .A.pick up them B.pick it up C. pick them up D.pi

12、ck up it ( )7.We must stay _the bus.A.at B.away C. away from D. here( )8.September is the _ month in a year.A.nine B. nineth C.ninth D.nineteenth( )9. Liu Tao has a new storybook. He is very _ .A. exciting B. excited C. laughing D laugh( ) 10. The photos arent there_, but they were there _.A. a moment ago, now B. just now, a moment ago C. now, a moment ago D. a moment ago, just now( )11、I _ my homework yesterday.A. doesnt do B. didnt do C. dont do( )


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