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1、-主语从句练习题一翻译1 (谁将去接他 )_ is not decided.2 (哪个班极会赢得这场足球赛)_ is not clear .3 (他能否买到飞机票 )_ doesn t matter much.4 (我们如何去那里 )_ is a question.5 (你刚才告诉我的 )_ was really a surprise.6 (他什么时候出国 )_ is being discussed7 (他为什么哭 )_ is not clear.8 It is clear他(是一个乞丐 ).9 (你要请谁 )_ is not important.10(我们将在哪里举行篮球赛)_ is not

2、 clear.二找出下列句子中的主语从句及其引导词,并且指出引导词是否充当成分,充当什么成分。1. That we shall be late is certain.2. That the driver could not control his car was obvious.3. It is certain that we shall be late.4. It was obvious that the driver could not control his car.5. Is it possible that they will come tomorrow?6. It is clear

3、 that he was telling the truth.7. It s probable that we ll be a little late.8. What caused the accident is a complete mystery.9. It worried her a bit that her hair was turning grey.10.It shocked me that Peter didn t tell anybody where he was.11.Who was responsible for the accident is not yet clear.1

4、2.It s a pity that you can t go with us.13. What he did is not yet known.14. It is said that he has been there many times.15. It is not yet clear who was responsible for the accident.16. When they will have the sports meet is still a question.17. It seems that he has lost something.18. What he said

5、at the meeting encouraged everyone.19. What caused the accident was a broken bottle.20. It remains a problem whether it is true.21. Whoever breaks the law is sure to be punished.22. What she looks like doesn t matter.-23. How this happened is not clear to anyone.24. Whoever comes is welcome.25. Whet

6、her he ll come here isn t clear.三用适当的引导词填空。1. It is likely _ he is the winner of this game.很可能他是这场游戏的胜利者。2. _ she bought so many dictionaries is not clear.= It is not clear _ she bought so many dictionaries.不清楚她为什么买这么多字典。3. _ he was admitted into Beijing University made his teachers and parents happ

7、y.他考上了北大,这让他的老师和父母很高兴。4.It s atypiyou can t attend my birthday party.很可惜你不能参加我的生日聚会。5._ we will build a new high school hasn t been decided.我们是否要建新高中还没决定呢。6._ breaks the law should be punished.不管谁违法都应该受到惩罚。7.It is necessary _ the problem (should) be solved at once.很有必要立刻解决这个问题。8._he was born is unkn

8、own.他生于何时还不知道。9 It is possible _ he has stolen the car.很可能他偷了小车。10. _ has broken the glass is unknown.谁打破了玻璃现在还不知道。11. _ he wants is all here.他所要的东西都在这里。12. _ he worked it out is still a secret.他是如何把它做出来的还是一个秘密13. _ they makes in this factory are TV sets.他们在工厂里所做的东西就是电视机。14. _ they would support us

9、was a problem.他们是否会支持我们还是一个问题。15. _ you want is yours.你要哪个哪个就是你的。16. _ we need is money.我们需要的是钱。17._ we arrive doesntmatter.什么时候到没有关系。18. _ it was done was a mystery.这是怎样做的是一个谜。19 _ this happended is not clear to anyone.这件事怎样发生的,谁也不清楚。20. _ I spend my summer is no business of yours.我在哪里过暑假不关你的事。四、选择

10、1. has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.A.WhoB.The oneC.AnyoneD.Whoever2.It washe saiddisappointed me.A.what ;thatB.that; thatC.what;whatD.that;what3. we ll go camping tomorrow depends on the weatherA.IfB.WhetherC.ThatD.Where4.he said at the meeting surprised everybody present.A.Wh

11、atB. ThatC.The factD.The matter5.was to return to school.A.That really interested himB.What really interested himC.Which really interested him D.That interest him really6、he made an important speech atthe meeting was true.A. ThatB. WhyC. WhatD.How7、we ll go camping tomorrow depends onhet weather .A

12、IfB WhetherC ThatD Where8.is known to us allthat America is a developed country .A WhichB asC WhatD It9、 What I saynone of your business.A. isB. areC. hasD have10. It s known to us alla form of energy .A. water isB. that water isC. is waterD. that water to答案:一、翻译1. Who will pick him up2. Which class will win the football match3. Whether he can buy the plane ticket 4.How we will go there5. What you told me just now6. When he will go abroad7. Why he cries8. that he is a beggar9. Who you will invite10.Where we will hold the basketball match二、略三、 1.that 2. Wh


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