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1、教学年级:小学五年级(Module 6 Unit 2 Book 6)课题名题:Book 6 Module 6 Travel Unit 2 Its in the north of China.课时说明:第1课时(35minutes)一、学情分析五年级的学生形象思维已经有所发展,但仍以形象思维为主,第二信号系统开始占优势,求知的欲望和能力,好奇心都有所增强,对新鲜事物开始思考、追求、探索。对于旅行而言,五年级的学生都有很多的旅行经历,但用英语表达自己的旅行经历,存在一定的难度。通过本节课的学习,学生可以将所学内容运用到表述自己的旅行过程,在快乐的体验中学习英语。二、教学目标1、知识目标:能听懂、会

2、说、会用单词rode,parents,climbed, holiday;能听、说词组rode a horse, climbed the Tianshan Mountain, visited the Tianchi Lake; 能听、说句子“When did you go to for your holidays? Where is?”Its in the north/south/east/west of China.2、能力目标:能运用本节课所学知识,用英语描述自己的旅行过程。3、情感目标:通过用英语描述自己的旅行,培养对英语的学习兴趣、自信心。三、教学重点与难点教学重点是新单词及句子,教学难

3、点是用英语描述自己的旅行、字母组合的发音规律总结。四、教学准备生词卡片,课件,用本课第三部分单词做成的奖状,贴画若干,CD-ROM五、教学过程课前热身:English is so EASY!T: Boys and girls, when you learn English, you should learn it from ABC, and can you recite the alphabet; can you recite it from A to Z?S: Yes, I can. A B C DT: Yes, thats very easy, but can you recite is

4、from Z to A?S: (大部分同学摇头)no, noT: I can! Do you want to listen? S: YES!T: Z Y X W V U S:(claps!)T: Practice makes perfect! If you keep practicing, youll be a perfect student, and can be better than me! Will you?S: Yes!设计意图在个环节,我设计用背字母的“绝活”,紧紧抓住了学生的注意力,提高了学生的学习兴趣,将学生深深地吸引到课堂上来。Step1.Warming-up and Rev

5、iew (热身复习,导入新知)1、歌曲欣赏T: First, lets listen to an English song. Take it easy, follow the TV to sing the song.(Play the CD-ROM, and let students follow it to sing.)T: He traveled east, traveled west, the home is best. But I think, east, west, the school is best. You have your best teacher and friends

6、here, school are best.设计意图“MY HOMES THE PLACE”这首歌,作为第二单元的组成部分,放在课前进行欣赏式学习,既可以活跃课堂的英语气氛,又能提高学习的英语学习兴趣。2、复习east, west, south, north四个方位词的用法T: Look at this map of China, lets review the four directions, I point, and you say.S(根据教师指的) : East, West, South, North.T: Good! Look at the map, where is Xinjian

7、g?S: Its in the west of China.T: Where is Qingdao?S1: Its in the east of China.T: And where is Yinchuan? Where is Hainan?T1: Yinchuan is in the north of China.T2: Hainan is in the south of China.T: Perfect! Now lets chant!East, east, Qingdao is in the east of China. West, west, Xinjiang is in the we

8、t of China.North, north, Yinchuan is in the north of China.South, south, Hainan is in the south of China.设计意图由谈话法复习了四个方向,通过让学生回答教师的提问,练习这四个方向在句子中的用法,并进一步用Chant加深了学生语言的机械、意义操练,增强了课堂的英语学习气氛。并为谈论旅行去过的地方,进而谈论本模块的话题“travel”打下基础。Step2. Presentation & Practice. (任务呈现,感知新知)1、“Where did you go?”句型的练习巩固。T: I

9、like to travel. Last year, I went to lots of places of China. I went to Qingdao, I went to Mongolia. How about you? Where did you go?(教师板书Where did you go?换行板书:I went to.)S1: I went to Weihai. (T: Oh, thats a beautiful city. Its in the east of China.)S2: I went to Qingdao. (T: Qingdao is very big an

10、d nice. Its in the east of China)S3: I went to Hong Kong. (T: I havent been there; you must say sth about there for me.)T: Oh, I am tired. Where did you go, where is it, can you say the information by yourselves?S: Yes!S4: I went to Beijing. Its in the north of China.S5: I went to Hainan. Its in the

11、 south of China.T: Great! Youve been to lots of places, and you can say it to your friends that information.(学生找自己的好朋友,彼此交流去过的地方。)设计意图谈论去过的地方及这个地方所处的地理位置,是话题“travel”的第一个难点。为了突破这个难点,我设计了这个教学环节,采取由易到难循序渐进的操作方式,进行句型的意义操练。在操作过程上,先由教师作示范性讲解,并板书句型,再让学生先谈去过哪里,逐步加上描述地理位置的描述。在操作范围上,先由教师示范性讲解,再到优秀生的尝试性练习,最后落脚

12、在学生个体的表达上,使每个学生都能、都敢、都乐于用英语进行信息交流。2、What did you do?及其回答的训练。T: Ah, you went to Beijing, you went to Shanghai, you went to lots of places. What did you do there?(教师板书What did you do?)T: As you know, I went to Qingdao. I played football. (重点强调played,提醒学生注意时态的表达。)You went to Qingdao, you went to Hangzh

13、ou, and what did you do there?S1: I went to Qingdao. I played football on the beach. ( T: You like football, too!)S2: I played flute. (T: You like music. Thats very good. )S3: I swam in the sea. (T: That was very interesting! You must had a lovely day!)S4: I had some seafood. (T: Thats delicious.).T

14、: You can talk about that in your group.(学生小组内谈论自己做过的事情。教师点击课件,呈现教师骑马的图片。)T: I went to Mongolia, What did I do?S: 骑马!T: Yes, I rode a horse.T:(用单词卡片,呈现单词rode和horse,并进行相应的练习。)S: (Students Practice the words.).T:(点击课件,呈现教师爬泰山的图片。)And I went to Taian. I climbed the Mountain Tai.教师带领学生练习climb这个生词,并用小技巧呈

15、现climbed词形。设计意图克拉申认为,英语学习者通过接触略高于他们现有水平的语言材料,即i+1(i为现有水平 ,1为略高于i的水平),而习得语言。因而在这个教学环节中,我先让学生练习掌握得比较好的what did you do?的句型问答,即练习“i”部分,又悄悄加入了练习“1”的内容,即本单元的生词rode, horse, climbed等。使学生既对重点句型进行了练习,又在情境中学习、练习了新的内容。Step3. Text Learning. (课文学习,拓展新知 ) 1、课文重点部分的学习T: Just now, we talked about yourself, where did you go, what did you do? How about Lingling? Where did Lingling go? We talked about this in Unit 1.S: She went to Xinjiang.T: Yes. What did she do there? Lets talk about the pictures.(教师点击课件,依次呈现下列



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