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1、英语语音基础知识 要想说好英语语音,就要有英语语音的一些基本知识。以下内容供你参考。 1关于语音的几个概念 2. 元音:3. 容易混淆的元音 4. 辅音 5. 容易混淆的辅音 6. 读音规则7. 特殊读音 8. 重音9.意群的划分 10.句子的语调 1关于语音的几个概念 1)字母:语言的书写形式。元音字母a, e, i(y), o, u, 2)音标:词的语音形式。 3)音素:音的最小的单位。英语中有48音素。 4)音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。一个元音,或一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合称为音节。m, n, l, N和辅音音素结合,也可以构成一个音节。如:/ lisn / -listena

2、pple, student, teacher, understand 5)元音:发音响亮,是乐音;口腔中气流不收阻碍;是构成音节的主要音。英语中有20元音。单元音(12):/ i: / i / e / / / a: / / : / u / u: /: / /双元音(8):/ ei / ai/ i / i / u / / u / au /6)辅音:发音不响亮,是噪音;口腔中气流受到阻碍;不是音节的重要组成部分,英语中有28个辅音。按发音方法为:爆破音:/ p / b / t / d / k / g / 鼻音:/ m / n / N /摩擦音:/f / v / / / s / z / / / r

3、/ h / w / j /破擦音:/ / / ts / dz / tr / dr / 旁流音:/ l /按声带震动与否为:清音:/ p / t / k / f / / h / s / / /浊音:/ b / d / g / m / n / / v / / z / / / r / w / j / l /7)开音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音+e name bike ;b) 辅音+元音 he, go, hi 8)闭音节:a) 辅音+元音+辅音 bad, bed, sit, hot, cup; b)元音+辅音it 9)重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。 2. 元音: 1)i: sea, he, see

4、, piece, ceiling 2)i sit, build, miss, myth3)e bed, desk, head,4) bad, land, bank, stamp5)a: car, fast, class, plant,calm, aunt6) hot, want7): door, more, sport, ball, warm, author, court, bought, caught8)u: good, who, blue, soup,9)u look, put, women, could10) cup, come, blood, rough11): girl, work,

5、 serve, nurse12) cadre, ago, forget, polite, dollar, doctor, famous, Saturday13)ei cake, they, play, eight, great,14)ai bike, die, neither, light, try, find, eye15)u phone, cold, boat, soul, grow16)au house, town17)i boy, oil18)i dear, idea, deer, here, fierce,19) pear, care, there, fair20)u tour, p

6、oor, 3. 容易混淆的元音 1)e bed bad; men, man; pen, pan; lend land2)i:ei real rail; greet, great; mean, main; read raid3)eai bet bite; red write; said side, head, hide4)au: house horse; loud lord; south sauce; now nor; count corn; cloud clause5)au found fond; gown gone; down don4. 辅音 1)p pen,pencil , point,

7、 pupil, people2)b bed, comb, bread, bring, broke, buy3)t tell,tea , team , teacher, tennis4)d day, played, wanted, desk, duck, do5)kcold, sky,quick, school, back, accept,6)g big, go, guess, language, glass,grass7)m man,many, more, monkey, money, may8)n nine, knife, autumn, nice, not, nose9) bank, En

8、glish, sing, thing, think10)l land,world,lots,leaf, lovely,listen11)r read, write, red, repeat, wrong,ring12)f five, cough, laugh13)v voice, of, love, lovely, save, live14) think,thing, three, thirty, th15) this, mother, brother, their,there16)s sit, miss, science, case, scarf17)z zoo, close,rose, n

9、ose, zero18) sure, she, social, nation,station19) pleasure,treasure20)h hot, who, hour, him, his, whose21)w wall, what, water, which, well22)j yes, year, yesterday, yellow, yet23)t child, teach, catch,children24) joke, bridge,orange, judge,cage25)ts boatscoats sits goats, shirts26)dz goods birds bed

10、s feeds needs27)tr tree trip true trousers28)dr dream drive driver dress drop5. 容易混淆的辅音 1)v w vet wet; vest west; vine wine; very well2)s sink think; sort thought; miss myth; mass math3)z closing clothing; breeze breathe; bays bathes4)n thin thing; sin sing; ban bang ; win wing; ran rang6. 读音规则 1)重读

11、音节(见元音和辅音的例句) 2)非重读音节 banana, student, today, after, i orange, secret, evening, very, Monday 7. 特殊读音 1)音的连读:1 辅音 + 元音要连读。如:Take a look at it.I love you and all.not at all, half an hour, 2 末尾有字母r的词,在短语或句子中和以元音开始的词相邻时,r要读出音来,并和后面的元音连读。如:There is a pair of shoes. after all3 在意群有停顿时,不连读。如:Shall we meet

12、at eight tonight / or ten oclock tomorrow?2)失去爆破:good girl, good student, extremegood job, expression, school, 3) 不完全爆破: 在某些情况下,发爆破音p,b,t,d,k,g时,气流不必冲破阻碍,而只是发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,并稍作停顿,这样的爆破音称为不完全的爆破音。主要有下列几种情况:1 爆破音p,b,t,d,k,g相邻时,前面一个发不完全爆破音。如:have a bad cold todayh v b (d) k ul(d) t dei2 爆破音p,b,t,d,k,g在 ,

13、前面时。如:Have you read the book about that child?h v ju re(d) buk bau(t) (t) aild ?3 t,d 在m, n, l, s的前面时,发生壁画、旁流、破擦等现象。如:Good morning! Good night! I dont know. I cant say.I would like to go.4.s后的清辅音要读为相对的浊辅音 /sp/_ /sb/ speak sports /sk/_ /sg/ school skate /str/_/sdr/ street strain4) 音的同化:this year, Would you do it? Cant you see it? 8. 重音1)单词重音A)双音节词a)一般在第一个音节重读。letter, sorryb)有 a-, be-, de-, re-, res-, in-, im-, en-, em-, es-, ex-, con-, com-, dis-, mis-, pre-, per-, pro-, trans- 等前缀的词,第二个音节是重音。about, believe, address, decide, report, condemn, re



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