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1、Whats Your Hobby? 教学案例 设计教师:衡南县明德小学 贺艳姑教学年级:小学六年级案例名称:Whats Your Hobby?授课时间:40分钟学生分析本案例的教学对象是小学六年级的学生。他们经过学习完小学英语第6册和第7册的前3个单元后,四会词汇量达到215个、句型37个。经过入学后前三个单元的学习和测试,我们基本可以得出如下结论:学生能够在图片,手势或图像的帮助下,听懂简单的话语和录音材料;能够听懂课堂活动中简单的提问或指令要求并做出适当反应;能够运用一些常用的日常会话进行简短对话;能够正确朗读没生词的六十余字数的文章;能够模仿范例说、写句子;能够按要求用简单的英语做游戏。

2、教材分析Whats Your Hobby?这个单元所要学的 words、 phrases and patterns比较贴近学生生活,文中充满了紧跟时代步伐的文句表达,容易引起学生共鸣,激发学习兴趣。本节课授课内容是Lets Learn(第一课时)。教学目标1、 知识目标(1)能够听、说、认读句子:What is your hobby? I like collecting stamps.(2)能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:collecting stamps,riding a bike,diving ,playing the violin,making kites.2、 能力目标(1)通

3、过学习,能够询问和简单描述业余爱好。 (2)通过学习,使学生能够仿照课文中的句子询问别人的业余爱好后作出总结报告。3、 情感目标(1)通过学习Whats your hobby?句型,鼓励学生发展广泛的兴趣与爱好,以及乐于与人交往的性格。(2)通过对本课单词、短语、句型的学习,培养学生获得如何询问和描述人们的兴趣爱好的表达能力。(3)通过记者采访、填表、作报告等学习方式,能积极运用所学语言进行表达与交流,加强合作,共同完成学习任务,并且课后能尝试调查亲朋好友、左邻右舍的兴趣爱好,达到完全掌握所学语言知识和技能。教学策略本节课借助多媒体,运用情景、听说、直观、活动等方法创设教学情景,用“导”、“引

4、”方式去调动学生的积极参与,让学生合作、自主、探究学习,使学生在宽松、愉悦的氛围中达到学习目标。教学过程1、Warm-upT:Hello,boys and girls. Do you like going hiking? Lets listen to the song I like going hiking.Lets do the actions.播放五年级下册Recycle 2的歌曲“I Love Going Hiking”,学生边唱边跟教师做相应的动作。(这个环节的目的是通过唱歌做动作,把课堂气氛调动起来。)2、Preview Lets chant提问几个学生,导入Let chant.T:

5、 I like going hiking. Hiking is my hobby. Do you like going hiking? Do you like reading? Lets chant others hobbies.课件展示以下的lets chant:She likes to read books. Reading is her hobby. He likes to go swimming. Swimming is his hobby. She likes to sing songs. Singing is her hobby. He likes to draw pictures

6、. Drawing is his hobby.She likes to ride a bike. Riding is her hobby.He likes to go fishing. Fishing is his hobby. 让学生跟读,然后表演。(此环节的lets chant旨在让学生认识hobby这个单词,做好学习Whats your hobby?的准备,为学习新课作一个充分的铺垫。)3、Presentation Lets start.与两名学生示范对话, 示范填写Lets start部分的表格。同桌之间进行问答、填表。T:My hobby is playing the violin,

7、 so I tick here. And then, I am going to ask my partner and another student. Whats your hobby?S1:Swimming. What about you?T:I like listening to music.(这个环节学习填写简单的表格,目的是为了引入句型“Whats your hobby?和为下一步让学生帮助Xiao Fang填写表格作铺垫。)Lets learn(1) 谈话引入,让学生帮助Xiao Fang填表格,写Report.(出示表格在黑板上,表格上已印有名字。)T: Well, I am h

8、appy because youve done a good job. Now a student wants our help. Her name is Xiao Fang, the reporter of the School Radio Station. She has interview some teachers and students in our school. She wants us to help her fill out the form and make a report. Would you like to help her?(1) 课件展示Xiao Fang 的访

9、问。X: Good morning. I am Xiao Fang, the reporter of the School Radio Station. Can I ask you some questions?Z A M W : Sure. Please go. X: Whats your name? Z: My name is Zhang Ling. X: Whats your hobby?Z: I like playing the violin.(出示violin图片、音乐)X: Thank you. What about you?A: My name is Amy. I like pl

10、aying the violin, too. 引导学生说Zhang Ling和Amy的爱好。 T: What does Zhang Ling say? Ss:I like playing the violin.板书playing the violin并填表,带读短语,板书I like playing the violin指导学生拼读playing the violin并进行问答操练。(边做动作边说自己的业余爱好:“I also like playing the violinDo you like playing the violin?” 如果学生说Yes, I do,就说So,playing

11、the violin is your hobby.如果有学生说“No,I dont.” 就问:“Whats your hobby?”)(2)继续演示课件:M:My names Mike. I like collecting stamps. X: Thank you.填表collecting stamps并带读。展示集邮册,同时说:“I like collecting stamps,too”问学生:“Do you like collecting stamps?”,引导学生作答后拼读并操练:I like collecting stamps(2) 继续演示课件: X: And you?Wang Ch

12、ong: Im Wang Chong. I like riding a bike.(出示骑自行车图片)X: Thank you all very much. Bye!Z A M W:See you.提问。T: Then, whats Wang Chongs hobby? Ss:Helikesridingabike.T: Yes,he likes riding a bikeI go to work by bike every dayI like riding a bike, too板书,填表:riding a bike,指导学生拼读,告诉学生riding是ride去掉结尾不发音的e再加上ing。

13、(4)告诉学生,Xiao Fang除了采访了以上四位同学外,还采访了另外的四位同学。继续演示课件:X:Good afternoon. My name is Xiao Fang. I am the reporter of the School Radio Station. Can I ask you some questions?J W C L: No problem. Whats the question? X:Whats your name? And whats your hobby?J: My names John. I like making kites.(出示制作风筝图片) 提问:T:

14、 Whats Johns hobby?Ss: He likes making kite.T: Right.(板书,填表)出示一只风筝,问:“Whats this?”引导学生回答:“Its a kite”然后出示两只风筝,问:“What are they?”引导学生回答。接着做放风筝的动作,问:“What am I doing?”学生回答:“Youre flying a kite”自己说:“Yes,I like flying kites,tooI can make kitesI like making kites,too”然后出示making kites的图片,板书I like making k

15、ites.学生拼读,注意making的拼写。(5) 继续演示课件:W:Im Wu Yifan. I like diving.出示diving的单词卡片,问:“What is he doing?”引导学生回答:Hes divingT: Good, thats Wu Yifans hobby. Let me tick here. 板书,填表:diving,学生拼读,注意diving的拼写。 (6) T:OK, look, here is the chant. Lets read it out.手指板书,学生齐拍手练习说句子,如:What is your hobby? What is your hobby? Playing,playing,I like playing the violinCollecting,collecting,I like collecting stampsRiding,riding,I like riding a bikeMaking,making,I like making kitesDiving,diving,I like divingT: Group 1, read the chant, please.(此环节通过



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