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1、 Lesson5 At the Amusement park (3)知识目标:学习问形容词比较级。过程方法:表演法、观察法、比较法情感态度:能将所学知识灵活恰当适用于日常生活中。教学重点:How tall /old are you ?及回答。教学难点:对句型比较级的灵活运用。教 具:录音机、课件教学过程:Step1. warm up T: How are you today ?Ss: We are fine, today. Thank you. And you ?T: Im fine, too. Lets chant adjective words. Ok?Ss: Ok !Chant: Big

2、 , big ,bigger ; Bigger ,bigger , biggest ; Small , small , smaller : Smaller , smaller , smallest ; Short , short , shorter ; Shorter , shorter , shortest ;Long , long , longer ; Longer ; longer ; longest ;Tall , tall ,taller ;Taller , taller , tallest .T: You are great ! Today ,our new friends com

3、e here .Do you want to know them?Ss: Ok !Step 2.lead=in.1.打开课件(呈现Ming mings family)(小组间竞赛问答)课件依次呈现每个人的高度,学生做回答。T: who are they ?Ss: They are Mimgming、Mingmingfather、Mingmingmather.2.T:How tall are they ?S1: Mimgming is 135cm tall.S2: Mingmingfather is175cm tall.S3: Mingmingmather is 168cm tall.3. T:

4、How old are they ?S4: Mingmingmather is32 years old .S5: Mimgming is13 years old .S6: Mingmingfather is 36 years old.Questions:.who is young/younger/ youngest?S7: Mimgming is the youngestS8: Mingmingmather is younger.S9: Mingmingfather is young .Learn new words : young younger youngest.who is old/ o

5、lder /oldest ?S10: Mimgming is old .S11: Mingmingmather is older.S12: Mingmingfather is the oldest .Learn new words : old older oldeststep3.presentationT:Today,we learn new lesson.板书:Lesson5 At the Amusement Park(3)1. listen to the chant.2. chant together.3. work in pair“How tall are you ?”4. report

6、 “How tall are you ?”step4.InterviewT: Do you want to know your good friends How tall they are ? How old they are ?Ss:Yes.T: OK.Lets interview.tallerName IHow tall? cm cm cmShorter younger olderName IHow old ? years old years old years oldStep5.report result.Step6. listen and write the names of the

7、kids.Step7.Read and choose True or False.Step8.sing a song T: Are you happy ?Ss:Yes, we are happy.T: lets sing a song Step9.Home work: act the dialogue.板书设计:Lesson5 At the Amusement Park(3)young old How tall are you?younger older Im taller/shorter than you are.youngest oldest How old are you ? Im yo

8、unger /older than you are .课后反思:1. TPR 活动以旧引新,注重相关知识的衔接TPR 活动能调动学生的学习积极性,并且使学生的注意力快速集中,进入本节课的学习,营造了良好的英语学习氛围。学生通过TPR 活动复习了本节课要用的已学知识:big 、 small 、 long and short ,为学习新语言知识做好了铺垫。2利用现代教育技术 本课灵活、恰当地运用了多媒体技术辅助教学。多媒体课件色彩鲜艳,图象逼真,将抽象的形容词的比较级、最高级变化过程化为简单易懂的实物演示,帮助学生理解了形容词的比较级、最高级词汇概念。从而激发了学生的学习兴趣,使学生多角度轻松地吸

9、收学习内容,并使其记忆长久。3任务联系了学生生活 本节课设计的任务紧密联系了学生的生活。比如,在巩固交际用语. How tall are you? Im taller/shorter than you are.How old are you ? Im younger /older than you are .让学生对身边的朋友的年龄及身高进行调查访问表演。在表演的过程中,学生可以利用黑板上的重点句型,也可以对所学的对话加以适当改编,创编新的对话。这样的任务型活动不仅将新旧知识有机结合起来了起来,同时还训练了学生联系生活实际运用所学语言的能力。本节课也存在着不足之处:1在句型练习环节上,学生虽理解句型,但有时表达不清楚,教师应给学生做出示范,帮助学生正确运用句型。2学生在回答和朗读中出现的错误,教师应及时纠正过来。3教师教学用语要简单些,便于学生理解,提高课堂效率。对学生的语言训练还有待于提高,把握语言使用的准确性。课后小记:


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