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1、无 锡 职 业 技 术 学 院毕业设计说明书(英文翻译)Inteegraatedd Ciircuuitss(集成成电路)The Inttegrrateed CCirccuitt Diggitaal llogiic aand eleectrroniic ccirccuitts dderiive theeir funnctiionaalitty ffromm ellecttronnic swiitchhes callledd trranssisttor. Rooughhly speeakiing, thhe ttrannsisstorr caan bbe llikeenedd too ann el

2、lecttronnicaallyy coontrrollled vallve wheerebby eenerrgy appplieed tto oone connnecctioon oof tthe vallve enaablees eenerrgy to floow bbetwweenn twwo ootheer cconnnecttionns.BBy ccombbiniing mulltipple traansiistoors, diigittal loggic buiildiing bloockss suuch as ANDD gaatess annd fflipp-fllopss ar

3、re fformmed. Trranssisttorss, iin tturnn, aare madde ffromm seemiccondducttorss. CConssultt a perrioddic tabble of eleemennts in a ccolllegee chhemiistrry ttexttboook, andd yoou wwilll loocatte ssemiiconnducctorrs aas aa grrouppof eleemennts sepparaatinng tthe mettalss annd nnonmmetaals.Theey aare c

4、allledd seemiccondducttorss beecauuse of theeir abiilitty tto bbehaave as botth mmetaals andd noonmeetalls. A ssemiiconnducctorr caan bbe mmadee too coonduuct eleectrriciity likke aa meetall orr too innsullatee ass a nonnmettal doees. Theese diffferringg ellecttriccal prooperrtiees ccan be acccuraat

5、elly cconttrollledd byy miixinng tthe semmicoonduuctoor wwithh smmalll ammounnts of othher eleemennts. Thhis mixxingg iss caalleed ddopiing. A semmicoonduuctoor ccan be dopped to conntaiin mmoree ellecttronns (N-ttypee) oor ffeweer eelecctroons (P-typpe). Exxamppless off coommoonlyy ussed semmicoond

6、uuctoors aree siiliccon andd geermaaniuum. Phoosphhoroous andd booronn arre ttwo eleemennts thaat aare useed tto ddopee N-typpe aand P-ttypee siiliccon, reespeectiivelly. A ttrannsisstorr iss coonsttrucctedd byy crreattingg a sanndwiich of diffferrenttly dopped semmicoonduuctoor llayeers. Thhe ttwo

7、mosst ccommmon typpes of traansiistoors, thhe bbipoolarr-juuncttionn trranssisttor (BJJT) andd thhe ffielld-eeffeect traansiistoor (FETT) aare schhemaaticcallly iilluustrrateed iin FFiguure 2.11.Thhis figguree shhowss booth thee siiliccon strructturees oof tthesse eelemmentts aand theeir graaphiical

8、l syymboolicc reepreesenntattionn ass woouldd bee seeen in a ccirccuitt diiagrram. Thhe BBJT shoown is an NPNN trranssisttor, beecauuse it is commpossed of a ssanddwicch oof NN-P-N ddopeed ssiliiconn. WWhenn a smaall currrennt iis iinjeecteed iintoo thhe bbasee teermiinall, aa laargeer ccurrrentt is

9、s ennablled to floow ffromm thhe ccolllecttor to thee emmittter.Thee FEET sshowwn iis aan NN-chhannnel FETT, wwhicch iis ccompposeed oof ttwo N-ttypee reegioons sepparaatedd byy a P-ttypee suubsttratte. Wheen aa vooltaage is appplieed tto tthe inssulaatedd gaate terrminnal, a currrennt iis eenabbled

10、d too fllow froom tthe draain to thee soourcce. It is callledd N-chaanneel, beccausse tthe gatte vvolttagee innducces an N-cchannnell wiithiin tthe subbstrratee, eenabblinng ccurrrentt too fllow bettweeen tthe N-rregiionss. Anootheer bbasiic ssemiiconnducctorr sttruccturre iis aa diiodee, wwhicch ii

11、s fformmed simmplyy byy a junnctiion of N-ttypee annd PP-tyype sillicoon. Dioodess acct llikee onne-wway vallvess byy coonduuctiing currrennt oonlyy frrom P tto NN. SSpecciall diiodees ccan be creeateed tthatt emmit ligght wheen aa vooltaage is appplieed. Appproppriaatelly eenouugh, thhesee coompoon

12、ennts aree caalleed llighht eemitttinng ddioddes, orr LEEDs. Thhesee smmalll liightts aare mannufaactuuredd byy thhe mmilllionns aand aree fooundd inn diiverrse apppliccatiionss frrom tellephhonees tto ttraffficc liightts. Thee reesulltinng ssmalll cchipp off seemiccondducttor matteriial on whiich a

13、 ttrannsisstorr orr diiodee iss faabriicatted cann bee enncassed in a ssmalll pplassticc paackaage forr prroteectiion agaainsst ddamaage andd coontaaminnatiion froom tthe outtsiide worrld.Smaall wirres aree coonneecteed wwithhin thiis ppackkagee beetweeen thee seemiccondducttor sanndwiich andd piins

14、 thaat pprottrudde ffromm thhe ppackkagee too maake eleectrricaal cconttactt wiith othher parrts of thee inntenndedd ciircuuit. Onnce youu haave sevveraal ddisccrette ttrannsisstorrs, diggitaal llogiic ccan be buiilt by dirrecttly wirringg thhesee coompoonennts toggethher. Thhe ccirccuitt wiill funn

15、ctiion, buut aany subbstaantiial amoountt off diigittal loggic willl bbe vveryy buulkyy, bbecaausee seeverral traansiistoors aree reequiiredd too immpleemennt eeachh off thhe vvariiouss tyypess off loogicc gaatess. At thee tiime of thee innvenntioon oof tthe traansiistoor iin 119477 byy Joohn Barrdeeen, Wallterr Brratttainn, aand Willliaam SShocckleey, thee onnly wayy too asssemmblee muultiiplee trranssisttorss innto a ssinggle cirrcuiit wwas to buyy seeparratee diiscrretee trranssisttorss annd wwiree thhem



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