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1、(一)动词的种类动词是动作或状态的词,分四类1、be动词,具体包括am,is,are,它在句子中表示存在、判断等作用。举例:He is here.(他在这儿). is表示存在.She is a teacher.(她是一名教师). is表示判断.2、行为动词,表示具体的动作。比如,play ,come,visit举例:She plays the violin every day.We visited the zoo last sunday. 注意人称、时态、单复数3、助动词,本身没有意义,和其他行为动词参与构成句子,表示时态等关系,具体包括do(does,did),be(am,is,are),用

2、于一般疑问句。举例:Do you play the violin every day?Does she play the violin every day?Did you play the violin last sunday?4、情态动词,表示说话人能否、意愿等情态,具体包括can,may,must,would举例:I can speak English.You may come in.You must finish the homework.(二)be动词,行为动词,情态动词所构成的陈述句、否定句、一般疑问句的特点。1、be动词一般现在时的陈述句、否定句、一般疑问句(1) I am We

3、areYou are (not)a student. You are (not) students.He is They are She is It is (not) a cock. They are (not) cocks.(2)Am I .?Yes, you are.No, you arent. Are you .?Yes, I am.No, Im not. Is he (she,it).?Yes, he (she,it)is.No, he (she,it)isnt.Are we .?Yes, we (you) are.No, we (you) arent. Are you .?Yes,

4、we are.No, we arent. Are they .?Yes, they are.No, they arent.2、be动词一般一般过去时的陈述句、否定句、一般疑问句(1)I was We wereYou were (not)a student. You were (not) students.He was They were She was It was (not) a cock. They were (not) cocks.(2)Was I .?Yes, you were.No, you werent. Were you .?Yes, I was.No, I wasnt. Was

5、 he (she,it).?Yes, he (she,it)was.No, he (she,it)wasnt.Were we .?Yes, we (you) were.No, we (you) werent. Were you .?Yes, we were.No, we werent. Were they .?Yes, they were.No, they werent.3、行为动词一般现在时的陈述句、否定句、一般疑问句(1)人称的分类:第一人称:单数我,I 复数我们,we第二人称:单数你,you 复数你们,you第三人称:单数他(她,它),he (she,it) 复数他们(她们,它们),th

6、ey一般现在时的提示标志:often,usually,every day,sometimes.(2)第一人称全部、第二人称全部、第三人称复数在行为动词一般现在时的陈述句中用动词原形。举例:I play We playYou play the violin every day. You play the violin every day. They play(3)仅第三人称单数在行为动词一般现在时的陈述句中动词形式要改变,一般在动词末尾加s (特殊的加 es或将y改成i加es)具体见表格:一般的动词结尾加s likereadplay likesreadsplays以字母o,s,ch,sh等结尾的

7、动词加es dowatchbrush doeswatchesbrushes以辅音字母加 y结尾的动词,先把y变i,再加es studycarry studiescarries 第三人称单数时,动词形式的几种变化:He(She) plays the violin every day.He(She) watches cartoons every day.He usually does his homework after school.He(She) carries the food every day.It eats a fish every morning(4)借助于do和 not 将第一人称

8、全部、第二人称全部、第三人称复数的行为动词构成的一般现在时的陈述句改为否定句。I dont play You dont play the violin every day. We dont playYou dont play the violin every day.They dont play(5)借助于does和 not 将第三人称单数的行为动词构成的一般现在时的陈述句改为否定句。需注意的是改后的否定句要用动词原形。举例:He(She) doesnt play the violin every day.He(She) doesnt watch cartoons every day.He u

9、sually doesnt do his homework after school.He(She)doesnt carry the food every day.(6)借助于do 将第一人称全部、第二人称全部、第三人称复数的行为动词构成的一般现在时的陈述句改为一般疑问句。Do I Do you Do we play the violin every day? Do you Do they肯定回答和否定回答见下表:Do I play?Yes, you do.No, you dont. Do you play?Yes, I do.No, I dont. Does he(she,it) play?

10、Yes, he(she,it) does.No, he(she,it) doesnt.Do we play?Yes, we(you) do.No, we(you) dont. Do you play?Yes, we do.No, we dont. Do they play?Yes, they do.No, they dont.(7)借助于does 将第三人称单数的行为动词构成的一般现在时的陈述句改为一般疑问句。需注意的是改后的一般疑问句要用动词原形。举例:Does he(she) play the violin every day?Does he(she) watch cartoons eve

11、ry day?Does he usually do his homework after school?Does he(she) carry the food every day?4、行为动词一般过去时的陈述句、否定句、一般疑问句特殊说明:行为动词一般过去时不需考虑人称问题。一般过去时的提示标志:yesterday,last year,a moment ago,just now,in 1965.(1)行为动词一般过去时的陈述句,一般在行为动词结尾加ed(特殊的双写最后一个字母加ed ,或将y改成i加ed,或不定式)动词过去式的构成一般的动词结尾加ed askhelpplay askedhelpedplayed结尾是e的词,只要加d likedancelove likeddancedloved以辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,先双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ed stop stopped以辅音字母加 y结尾的动词,先把y变i,再加ed studycarry studiedcarried不规则动词:am(is)was arewere comecame dodidgetgot gowent havehad makemaderunran saysaid seesaw telltoldtaketook举例:I You visited the zoo last sunday.He(She)It



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