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1、Section A Grammar Focus-3cR七年级上册七年级上册Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Learning objects(学习目学习目标标)1.To learn the usage of“have”in present tense:I/They have.He/She has.I/They dont have He/She doesnt have Do you/they have.?/Does he/she have.?Yes,I/they do./No,I/they dont.Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn

2、t.2.To talk about ownership with the key sentence patterns.Lets chant!Do you have a ping-pong ball?Yes,I do.Yes,I do.Do you have a soccer ball?No,I dont.No,I dont.I have a volleyball.You dont have a volleyball.I have a basketball.You dont have a basketball.Do you have a baseball?Yes,I do./No,I dont.

3、I have a volleyball.Do you have a ping-pong bat?Yes,I do./No,I dont.I have a ping-pong ball.Grammar FocusLets readDoes she have a tennis ball?Yes,she does./No,she doesnt.She has a baseball.Does he have a soccer ball?Yes,he does./No,he doesnt.He has two ping-pong bats.Do they have a basketball?Yes,th

4、ey do./No,they dont.They have a volleyball.dont=do not doesnt=does notI have a ,Look and saybut I dont have a .Do you have a basketball?肯定句肯定句否定句否定句一般疑问句一般疑问句Do you have a basketball?一般疑问句一般疑问句Yes,I do.No,I dont.(do not=dont)肯定回答肯定回答否定回答否定回答表示谁拥有什么的时候,当主语是第一人称表示谁拥有什么的时候,当主语是第一人称(I,we),第二人称,第二人称(you)

5、和第三人称复数和第三人称复数(they或或其他复数名词其他复数名词等等)时,动词用时,动词用 _,变一,变一般疑问句时,第一,二人称和第三人称复数是般疑问句时,第一,二人称和第三人称复数是在句首加在句首加 _,do后的动词后的动词 have 使用使用 _(形式形式),回答用,回答用 _.havedo原形原形do 或或 dontDoes Jane have a?Look and say一般疑问句一般疑问句Yes,she does.No,she doesnt.(does not=doesnt)肯定回答肯定回答否定回答否定回答表示谁拥有什么的时候,当主语是第三人称表示谁拥有什么的时候,当主语是第三人

6、称单数单数(he,she,it或或单数名词单数名词)时,动词用时,动词用 _。变一般疑问句时,第三人称单数是。变一般疑问句时,第三人称单数是在句首加在句首加 _,does 后的动词后的动词 have 使用使用 _(形式形式),回答用,回答用 _.hasdoes原形原形does 或或 doesnt谓语动词是谓语动词是have的否定句和疑问句要通过助动的否定句和疑问句要通过助动词词 do 或或 does 构成。句式结构见下表构成。句式结构见下表:肯定句肯定句主语主语+have/has+其他其他.否定句否定句主语主语+don t/doesnt have+其他其他.一般疑问句一般疑问句 Do/Does

7、+主语主语+have+其他其他?肯定回答肯定回答:Yes,主语主语+do/does.否定回答否定回答:No,主语主语+dont/doesnt.巧记巧记 have 的用法的用法 动词动词 have 意为意为“有有”,一直紧跟主语后;,一直紧跟主语后;主语主语“三单三单”用用 has,其他人称用,其他人称用 have。一般疑问很好变,句首来把一般疑问很好变,句首来把 do/does 添;添;否定句也不难,否定句也不难,dont/doesnt 放放 have 前;前;does/doesnt句中现,句中现,has 用用 have 来替换。来替换。Pair workA:Do you have a/an?

8、B:Yes,I do.I have a/an/No,I dont.I dont have a/anPaulAlanMikeJaneDaleA:Does Paul have a/an?B:Yes,he does.He has a/an/No,he doesnt.He doesnt have a/an一、用一、用 have/has 填空。填空。1.My grandparents _ two sons and a daughter.2.She _ a volleyball.Lets play volleyball.That sounds great.havehas即时演练即时演练3.Does you

9、r English teacher _ a radio?Yes,she does.4.My father _ a new volleyball.Lets play it after school.5.Laura and Betty _ four pencils.havehashave二、二、按要求完成句子,每空一词。按要求完成句子,每空一词。1.I have a yellow notebook.(改为否定句改为否定句)I _ _ a yellow notebook.2.Micheal has two soccer balls.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_ Micheal _ two so

10、ccer balls?dont haveDoes have 3.Does your sister have ping-pong bats?(作否定回答作否定回答)_,she _.4.Jane has two computers.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问)_ _ Jane _?5.你的哥哥有排球吗你的哥哥有排球吗?(汉译英汉译英)_ your brother _ a volleyball?No doesnt What does haveDoes haveGroup workA:Do you have a.?B:Yes,I do.(I have a.)/No,I dont.(I dont h

11、ave a.)A:Does B have a.?C:Yes,she/he does.(He/She has a.)No,she/he doesnt.(He/She doesnt have a.)Write each word in the correct place in the chart.3aI he they you we she it EricdodoesI they you we he she it Eric3b Fill in the blanks with do or does.Then practice the conversations with your partner.A

12、:you have a baseball?B:Yes,I .A:Great!I have a bat.Lets play!Do do A:John have a soccer ball?B:No,he .A:he have a ping-pong bat?B:Yes,he .I think he has a ping-pong ball,too.A:Hmm lets ask.Does doesnt Does does A:your friends have a basketball?B:Yes,they .They have two basketballs.A:Well,lets play b

13、asketball.B:That sounds good.Do do play+球类球类/棋类名词棋类名词(名词前不加冠词)(名词前不加冠词):play baseball/chessplay+the+乐器名词乐器名词:play the piano/guitar表示表示赞同对方所提赞同对方所提的意见:的意见:That sounds good.That sounds like a good idea.Thats a good/great idea.Sounds good/great/fun.Pair workPractice the conversations in 3b with your pa

14、rtner.namebasket-ballsoccer balltennisballvolley-ballbaseball I Li Wei Ask and answer in pairs.Then make a survey.Do you have a?You can say like this:I have a.,but I dont have a.Li Wei has a.,but he doesnt have a.Give a reportLook and sayLook at the picture.This is Bobs room.What can you see in his

15、room?3cRemember the things in Bobs room.Then close your books and ask and answer questions with a partner.A:Does Bob have a soccer ball?B:Yes,he does.SummaryKey sentences:Do/Does you/he/she/they have a.?Yes,I/he/she/they do/does.I/He/She/They have/has./No,I/he/she/they dont/doesnt.I/He/She/They dont/doesnt have a.Grammar focus:一般现在时中一般现在时中have的用法的用法


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