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1、Chapter 6 Lateral Earth Pressure (Part 1)6.1Earth Pressure at rest 静止土压力 (Ko)(i) Consider the wall shown in Figure 6.1. Assume there is no ground water table. If no movement of the wall takes place, the soil is at rest.(ii) The lateral earth pressure at-rest 静止土压力 (eo) acting on a soil element locat

2、ed at a depth of z is:(6.1)where Ko is coefficient of earth pressure at-rest 静止土压力系数 and g is unit weight of soil. Ko is the ratio of horizontal and vertical effective stresses when a retaining wall does not move at all or “at rest”.(iii)Jaky (1944) proposed the following empirical expression to est

3、imate Ko for normally consolidated soil 正常固结土:(6.2)where f is effective angle of internal friction 有效內摩擦角.(iv)The lateral earth pressure varies linearly with depth. The total lateral force per unit length (Eo) imposed on a retaining wall is:(6.3)where H is height of the wall and Eo is acting at H/3

4、from the bottom of the wall.6.2Rankines Earth Pressure Theory 朗肯土压力理论The following assumptions are made to develop the Rankines earth pressure theory:(i) The wall is rigid, vertical, frictionless and extends to an infinite depth(ii) The backfill is a dry, homogeneous, isotropic and cohesionless soil

5、 mass(iii) The soil surface is horizontal and there are no shear stresses on horizontal and vertical planes, i.e. the horizontal and vertical stresses are principal stresses.6.2.1Active Earth Pressure 主动土压力(i)If the wall is moved away from the backfill (AB to AB in Figure 6.2), the effective horizon

6、tal stress will reduce but the effective vertical stress will remain constant.(ii)Therefore, the Mohrs circle will expand as shown in Figure 6.3 until touching the Mohr-Coulomb failure surface and the soil elements will undergo active failure 主动破坏.(iii)The slip planes for active failure are inclined

7、 at 45+f/2 with respect to the horizontal. (iii) The active earth pressure 主动土压力 (ea) acting on a soil element located at a depth of z is:(6.4)where Ka is coefficient of active earth pressure 主动土压力系数 and g is unit weight of soil. Ka is the ratio of horizontal and vertical effective stresses when a r

8、etaining wall moves away (by a small amount) from the retained soil and is defined by the following expression:(6.5)(v)The active earth pressure varies linearly with depth (see Figure 6.4). The total lateral force per unit length (Ea) imposed on a retaining wall is:(6.6)where H is height of the wall

9、 and Ea is acting at H/3 from the bottom of the wall.6.2.2Passive Earth Pressure 被动土压力(i)If the wall is moved towards the backfill (AB to AB in Figure 6.5), the effective horizontal stress will increase but the effective vertical stress will remain constant.(ii)Thus, the Mohrs circle will first cont

10、ract and then expand until touching the failure surface as shown in Figure 6.6 and the soil elements will undergo passive failure.(iii)The slip planes for passive failure are inclined at 45-f/2 with respect to the horizontal.(iv)The passive earth pressure 被动土压力 (ep) acting on a soil element located

11、at a depth of z is:(6.7)where Kp is coefficient of passive earth pressure 被动土压力系数 and g is unit weight of soil. Kp is the ratio of horizontal and vertical effective stresses when a retaining wall moves against a soil mass and is defined by the following expression:(6.8)(v)The passive earth pressure

12、varies linearly with depth (see Figure 6.7). The total lateral force per unit length (Ep) imposed on a retaining wall is:(6.9)where H is height of the wall and Ep is acting at H/3 from the bottom of the wall.6.2.3Some key points for Rankines Earth Pressure Theory(i)The lateral earth pressures on ret

13、aining walls are related directly to the vertical effective stress through the active (Ka), at-rest (Ko) and passive (Kp) earth pressure coefficients.(ii)Ka Ko Kp and Ka = 1 / Kp(iii)Only a small movement of the wall away from the soil is required to mobilise full active earth pressure in the soil m

14、ass (see Figure 6.8).(iv)Substantial wall movement towards the soil is required to mobilise full passive earth pressure in the soil mass.(v)Rankines earth pressure coefficients are only applicable to a frictionless, rigid, vertical wall retaining homogeneous soil with a horizontal ground surface.6.2

15、.4 Effect of ground water table on earth pressure(i) If groundwater is present, the pore water pressure must be added to the lateral earth pressure.(ii) DO NOT multiply the pore water pressure with a coefficient of earth pressure.(iii) If the groundwater table is located at a height H2 from the bottom of the wall (see Figure 6.9), the hydrostatic pore water pressure is gwH2 and the total imposed lateral force due to groundwater is gwHw2(iv) Below ground water table, the submerged unit we



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