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1、一轮复习题库 语法知识动词和动词短语1The headmaster will_ a speech to the visiting foreign guests this afternoon.Adeliver Baddress Cannounce Ddeclare2He worked hard before the college entrance examination, and it _.His dream to go to college came true.Ashowed off Bpaid off Cput off Dtook off3After a long journey acro

2、ss the whole country from north to south, they found themselves as well as their clothes _.Apicked out Bcalled outCmade out Dworn out4Internet shopping is really_ when people are sure of its safety.Ataking off Btaking up Csetting off Dsetting up5We have to _ the wheat as soon as possible because a s

3、torm is on the way.Aget away Bget acrossCget through Dget in6I didnt like the soap opera at first,but when I started watching one,I immediately became _ it.Aaccustomed to Baddicted to Copposed to Dallergic to7The Dtrain accident has once again _ our awareness that safety should always come first in

4、the process of development.Araised BspottedCclaimed Dplaced8Mrs Black told her children to _ for bones when they were eating fish.Alook on Blook intoClook up Dlook out9Everyone in the village hoped that he would_ after a few days treatment.Apick up Bcome up keep up Dmake up10She is working hard all

5、day long,which will surely_ her success in her future work.Aresult from Bcontribute to Cbenefit from Dstick to11Emergency line operators must always _ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.Agrow Bappear Cbecome Dstay12Some adverts, like the environmental protect

6、ion advertisements, _ to our conscience or desire to be worthy citizens.Aadapt Bappeal Cadopt Dadjust13The story of the homeless orphan has _ sympathy from the public.Aaroused Brisen Craised Darisen14The idea of travelling abroad really_ a lot of Chinese people.Thats why every year witnesses more pe

7、ople applying for passports.Atakes to Bcaters to Cattends to Dappeals to15I admire her very much in that she successfully _ her career and family life.AacceptsBreceivesCcombines Dcollects1(2013高考新课标全国卷)Try not to cough more than you can_since it may cause problems to your lungs.AcheckBallowCstop Dhe

8、lp解析:选D。本题考查动词的意义辨析。A项check“检查,核对”;B项allow“允许”;C项stop“停止”;D项help在这里不表示“帮助”,而是表示“control it or stop it happening”。根据句意“既然咳嗽可能引起肺病,那么你能不咳嗽就尽量不要咳嗽。”可知,more than you can help是“除非忍不住;尽量控制”的意思。A、B、C三项填入空白处都与句意不符,故答案选D项,它既符合逻辑又符合句意。2(2013高考新课标全国卷)The watch was very good,and he _ 20 percent down for it.Apai

9、d BcostCbought Dspent解析:选A。本题四个选项都为常见动词,都可以表示“花费”。本题题意为“这块手表很好,他先付了20%的订金”。pay.down(或pay down)付押金,付定金,符合题意。要注意以下表示“花费”的句式:sb.pay (s) money for sth.某人花钱买某物,主语为“人”,符合题意,故选A。sth.cost(s)sb.money某物花费某人多少钱,主语为“物”;sb.buy(s)sth.for money某人买某物花多少钱,for后面接money;sb.spend (s) money on sth.某人花钱买某物,主语为“人”,与介词on搭配。

10、解答这道题目需要抓住句中的关键信息词down和for。3(2013高考天津卷)If you are in trouble,Mike is always willing to _a hand.Alend BshakeCwave Dwant解析:选A。句意:“如果你有麻烦,迈克总是愿意伸出援助之手。”lend a hand意为“伸出援助之手”,符合语境。shake a hand意为“握手”,wave a hand意为“挥手”,want a hand意为“需要帮忙”,均与句意不符。4(2013高考浙江卷)When the group discussion is nearing its end,mak

11、e sure to _ it with important points.Aconclude Blead Cavoid Dhold解析:选A。题干的意思是:“小组讨论接近尾声时,一定要用几条要点作为结束。”conclude(使)结束,conclude.with以结束,符合题意。lead领导,引领;avoid避免,回避;hold容纳,举行。其中nearing its end为重要信息提示。5(2013高考福建卷)Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which _ spending quite a lot of time with stude

12、nts.Aenjoys BinvolvesCpractices Dsuggests解析:选B。首先了解四个选项的汉语意思。enjoy表示“享受,喜欢”;involve表示“需要;包括;涉及,牵涉”;practice表示“练习,实践”;suggest表示“建议”。由题干中的关键信息a job以及spending.time.可知此处应填involve,意为“需要”。题干的意思是:“米歇尔找到了一份中学老师的工作,这份工作需要花费相当多的时间和学生在一起。”6(2013高考江苏卷)The town is so beautiful! I just love it.Me too.The characte

13、r of the town is well_.Aqualified Bpreserved Cdecorated Dsimplified解析:选B。本题中四个选项都为常见动词,句中使用过去分词作表语,具有形容词的性质。be qualified 合格的;有资格的;be well preserved 保存完好的;be well decorated 装饰得很漂亮的;be simplified被简化的。根据句意“这座小镇是如此美丽!我实在是喜欢它。”“我也是。小镇的特色保存得很完好。”可知选B项。7(2013高考湖北卷)While intelligent people can often_the com

14、plex,a fool is more likely to complicate the simple.Asacrifice BsubstituteCsimplify Dsurvive解析:选C。句意:聪明人经常能把复杂的事情简单化,而愚蠢的人更可能会把简单的问题复杂化。根据语境:这里用simplify与后面的simple呼应,complex与后面的complicate呼应。另外三个选项的含义为:sacrifice“牺牲”;substitute“代替”;survive“幸存”。8(2013高考湖北卷)According to the law,all foreigners have to_with the local police within two weeks of arrival.Aassociate BdisputeCnegotiate Dregister解析:选D。句意:按照该法律,所有外国人在到来的两周内必须到当地警署登记。这里说的是在警署登记注册,用register表示“登记,注册”,register with表示“在处登记”。associate“将联系起来”;dispute“表示异议;争论,争吵”;negotiate“协商;谈判”。来源:9(2013高考江西卷)She_the ca



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