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1、四年级上册英语期末试卷-轻巧夺冠1815-16人教版(无答案) 一、 写出所给字母的前后字母的大小写 Dd Hh Kk Pp Tt 二、 为下面的单词选择正确的英文,将其正确的序号填入括号内。 ( )1.计算机 A. TV B. computer( )2.汽车 A. car B. plane( )3.图画 A. map B. picture( )4.容易的 A. easy B. hard( )5.游泳 A. run B. swim( )6.午饭 A. lunch B. Breakfast( )7.西红柿 A. tomato B. potato( )8.商店 A. shop B. booksho

2、p( )9.火车 A. car B. train( )10.回家 A. Go home B. Go to school 三、 选出下面句子中划线单词的汉语,将其正确的序号填入括号内。 ( )1.I can see a blackboard . A. 教室 B. 黑板 C. 操场( )2.May I use your ruler ? A. 尺子 B. 橡皮 C. 钢笔( )3.Can you play football ? A. 打篮球 B. 打乒乓球 C. 踢足球( )4.Im from UK .A. 美国 B. 英国 C. 联合国( )5.Im writing an email to my

3、mum. A. 寄 B. 写 C.读四、 把下面的英语短语和其汉语对应起来,将其序号填入括号内。 ( )1.our new classroom A.我们的新教室 B. 我们的新学校( )2.four monkeys A.两只猴子 B. 四只猴子( )3.have a look at A. 看一看 B. 听一听( )4.winter camp A. 夏令营 B. 冬令营( )5.next year A. 去年 B.明年五、给下面的问句找出正确的答语,将其序号填入括号内。 ( )1.Would you like some water? A. Sure .Here you are .( )2.Tha

4、nk you . B. No ,there isnt.( )3.Where are you from? C. You are welcome .( )4.Is there a computer ? D. Im from China .( )5.May I use your eraser ? E. Yes ,please .六、根据语言场景选择正确的英语句子,将序号填入括号内。 ( )1.当你想借别人的小刀时,你怎么问? A. May I use your knife ? B. Do you have a ruler ?( )2.假如你是胖东来生活广场的一名售货员,你见到顾客,怎么说 ?A. C

5、an I help you ? B.What would you like ? ( )3.当别人向你致谢,你该怎么回答:A. You are welcome. B. Thank you ,too.( )4.你的朋友到你家去做客,你想知道他要点什么,你该怎么说?A.What would you like ? B. Would you like some water?.( )5.你想知道现在几点了,你该怎么说: A. What are you doing now ? B. What time is it now ? 七、阅读短文,回答问题。 Kitty and Ben have twelve yu

6、an. Now they are in the supermarket. The supermarket is very big. They can see food , fruit, flowers and clothes in it. Kitty and Ben are very hungry. They buy two packets of biscuits. Theyre eight yuan. Kitty is thirsty too. A big bottle of water is six yuan. A small bottle of water is three yuan. Which one can she buy? 1. Where are Kitty and Ben? _ 2. Are there any fruit and food there? _ 3. How does Ben feel? _ 4. How much is one packet of biscuits? _ 5. What does Kitty buy? _八、写作以 “ My school” 为题写话,要求三种句型,至少五句。 第 页



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