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1、Exercises about the Reading of Module 3 Part OneI: Fill in the blanks according to the text:The boys in the _ were starving and chose Oliver Twist to ask for more _. When Oliver did this, the workhouse managers were very _ and _ Oliver in a room. Everybody believed that Oliver would be _.II:Choice:1

2、. warden(a) a person whose job is to control the boys(b) a person whose job is to make sure the boys are happy2. appetite(a) the feeling of wanting to eat(b) the feeling of wanting to drink3. pick out(a) to pick something up from the ground(b) to choose one person or thing from a group4. nudge (a) t

3、o push someone a little with a part of your body(b) to kick someone5. misery(a) great anger(b) great unhappiness6. hang someone(a) to put someone in prison(b) to kill someone by pulling a rope tightly around his/her neckIII:Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.astonis

4、hment companion courage desperate eager employ reward seize support whisper1. He tried to find work, but no one wanted to _ him.2. The boy_ the bowl of soup and started to eat it.3. When Mr. Bumble returned to the room, the boys started _ to each other.4. Oliver and his _ had very little to eat.5. W

5、hen he told them what had happened, their faces showed _. “I dont believe it!” one man said.6. The child was weak from hunger and almost fell. “Help him, he needs _!” said an older boy.7. The boys _ wanted to leave the workhouse.8. It was very brave of him. He has a lot of _.9. They promised a _ to

6、anyone who could help them.10. The children _ explained what had happened.IV:Fill in the blanks1. The room _ (孩子们进食的场所)was a large stone hall.2. The warden, helped by two women, _(舀粥) from this pot _ (开饭的时候).3. Each boy was allowed _ (一碗粥) and no more , except _ (特别的节日)4. The bowls never _(不需要洗),.5.

7、 When they would sit _(瞪着) the pot with _(热切的眼神), as if they wanted to eat it.6. Boys usually _(好胃口).7 ., they became _ (饿得发疯).8. Oliver was _ (被饥饿和苦难逼的什么都顾不上).9. There was one boy who was _(较同年龄高) and _(不习惯挨饿)all the time.10. The tall boy had _(眼睛里闪动着一副野性的饥饿的眼光), and everyone _(相信他所说的话).11. They de

8、cided that one of them should _ (到) the warden after supper that evening and _(要) more food.12. They wrote their names on pieces of paper and _one_(抽出).13. _ Oliver Twist _ (就是) was chosen.14. The boy _ (交头接耳) to each other, and those next to Oliver _(推)him.15. _ (被自己的大胆吓了一跳), he said, “ Please sir, I want some more.”16. A _(热烈的讨论) took place.17. The next morning a notice was _(被张贴) on the door of the workhouse, _(提供) a reward _ anybody who would employ.18. “I know that theyll _(吊死) him.”24. “I never was more sure of anything in my life- that boy will be _ (被吊死). ”



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