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1、pep小学英语四年级(上)期末练习题(建议考试时间60分钟)学校 班级 姓名 学号 听力部分(60%)一、 听音,打圈。(8%)1. fruit food 2 fish face 3. thirty thirteen 4. green grape5 small short 6. book look 7. long lamp 8. bus bike二、 听音,选择正确答案。(8%)1( ) What food do you like?A: I like hot dogs. B: I like hamburgers. C: I like chicken.2( ) Whats in your pen

2、cil-case? A: Two pencils. B: A Chinese book. C: Four sharpeners.3( )John likes and . A: music, sports B: painting , sports C: sports , music4( ) Can I use your pen? A: Thank you. B: No problem. C: Here you are.5( )Who is your math teacher? A: Mr. Brown B: Miss White C: Mr. Black6( ) Where is the com

3、puter?A: Its in the teachers desk. B: Its near the window. C: Its behind the door.7( )What color is your ball? A: yellow B: blue C: purple8( )How are you today? A: fine B: very well C: not well三、 听音,填数字。(7%)四、 听音,涂色并连线。(5%)笔试部分(40%)一、看图写单词。(16%) 二、将对应的单词相连。(4%)1 woman black short big 2 small man whi

4、te tall 三、读句子,排序。(7%)( ) Good idea( ) Hi, Amy, We have a new classroom.( ) Its nice now.( ) Really? Lets go and have a look!( ) Hello, Mike.( ) OK ,Wow, Its so big.( ) Lets clean our classroom. 四、将相应问答连线。(5%)Where is my seat? A schoolbag.Whats his name? 30. Can I have some juice, please? His name is ZhangPeng. Whats in your desk? Its near the window. Whats 13 plus 17? Sure. Here you are.



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