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1、外研社小学英语三年级上 Module 10 Unit 1 This is his head . 融安县长安镇新安小学 黄燕菊一、教学目标 1知识目标:1)掌握单词head/arm/hand/leg/foot及句子This is his head. 2)能口头运用Point to your head .的语句发出指令。并能根据指令指出相应的身体部位。3)能口头运用This is his head .语句谈论身体部位。2能力目标: 培养学生听、说、做、读的能力。3情感目标:培养学生大胆说英语的自信心,激发学生说英语的兴趣。 二、教学重点、难点重点:让学生会运用“This is his head .

2、”句子在生活情境中进行自我表达。难点:让学生熟练使用“This is his ”句型进行介绍某人或某物。多媒体课件、录音机、英语磁带、单词卡片,小贴画。 四、教学过程: Step 1:Greetings T: Good morning ,boys and girls .Ss: Good morning ,Ms Huang. T: How are you ? Ss: Im fine ,thank you .And you ? T: Im fine ,too. Lets sing a song ,OK ? 播放英文歌曲 Ten Little Fingers.师生一边唱歌,一边做动作。设计意图:通过

3、师生对话以及唱英文歌,不但让学生复习学过的一些英语日常用语,而且,很好地调动学生的英语学习兴趣。 Step 2:ReadingT: Boys and girls . Lets play a game . I say and you point. Point to the door/window/Zhang Wei(一个学生)。 T:Whats this ? (老师指着学生的头) 说:“head , head, his head .” “head , head, his head .This is his head .” (老师又指着自己的头) 说:“head , head , my head

4、,This is my head .”老师特意把“his ” “ head”加强语气。然后,让学生跟着读,一边指着自己的头或他人的头,一边说。 学生分成小组进行“ head , head, his head .This is his head . ” “ head , head , my head ,This is my head .”练习。分小组进行表演,并评价,给表现好的组奖励小贴画。 接着老师出示图片(人的手臂)问:Whats this ?T /Ss: arm . T: Follow me, Please. “arm , arm, his arm .This is his arm .”

5、(老师又指着一个学生的手臂)说:“arm , arm, your arm .This is your arm .”学生自由进行练习说。抽查学生掌握的情况,进行评价,给表现好的奖励小贴画。设计意图:通过听、模仿读、做的学习过程,让学生对新单词head、arm、及句型This is 的初步感知。 T播放录音(学生打开书:Listen ,point and find “head , arm ,hand ,leg ,foot”.)a. Watch and listen .b. Listen and repeat . c. Listen ,point find “head , arm ,hand ,le

6、g ,foot”.老师出示图片(人的手)问:Whats this ?(请个别学生回答)S: “hand , hand, his hand . This is his hand .”Ss: “hand , hand, his hand . This is his hand .”老师出示单词“leg ”说:Read .S: “leg ” T: “Yes, very good !”(指着学生的腿)说:“ Leg, leg, his leg . This is his leg .”Ss: “Leg , leg, his leg . This is his leg .”老师用简笔画画出人的脚,问:Wha

7、ts this ?(请一个学生回答)S: “foot , foot, his foot . This is his foot .”Ss: “foot , foot, his foot . This is his foot .”设计意图:让学生听一听、做一做、看一看、说一说、读一读的任务形式进行生词及句型的导入,吸引学生的注意力,让学生积极参与学习。 Step 3: chantT: Now,read after me,please .Head , head, his head . This is his hand . Arm , arm, his arm .This is his arm . H

8、and , hand, his hand . This is his hand . Leg , leg, his leg . This is his leg . Foot , foot, his foot . This is his foot . 学生边读边指着相应的身体部位。接着让学生表演,并给予评价,给表现好的奖励小贴画。Step 4: Lets play a game . I point and you say . T: 老师指出身体的不同部位,让学生说出相应的单词。设计意图:利用chant操练单词与句型,进行师生放松。通过老师指出身体部位,由学生说出单词的活动,让刚学习的单词得以巩固。

9、Step 5: Guess friends .课件出现遮挡起来的卡通人物身体的某部位,让学生猜,猜对的学生就可以得到相应的图片。设计意图:针对小学生注意力不能持持续长久的特点,设计Guess friends .来调动学生的学习积极性。 Step 6: Seek friend.学生自由找自己的好朋友进行对话练习,练习内容包括介绍对方的姓名、年龄、身体的各部分的名称等。让几位学生向全班同学介绍他的朋友,并让同学进行评价,给表现好的奖励小贴画。 Step 7: Homework . a.Read the text whit your friend . b.Introduce yourself . 板书设计: Module 10 Unit 1 This is his head . head . arm . This is his hand. leg . foot .



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