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1、Insects让世界更美好江苏省兴化市新生中心小学 杨 奕教案背景:新课标提出“激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣”是基础教育阶段英语课程任务的首要要求,并且提出通过多种学科的知识互动、综合能力培养,促进师生合作,实现以人为本的新型课程发展。教学课题:5B Unit8 At the weekends PartBPartE教材分析:At the weekends是牛津小学英语Unit 8的教学内容,考虑到要调动学生学习的兴趣,并探索英语和科学学科的课程整合,我设计先把B板块的昆虫类单词,和E板块的介绍昆虫的短文整合成第一课时,既讲授了单词,又培养了学生的爱护昆虫的环保意识。教学方法:本课主要采用的教学

2、方法有:情景教学法、游戏教学法、全身反应法、合作学习法等教学目标:1. PartB部分单词an ant, a bee, a grasshopper, a firefly, a dragonfly, a butterfly三会;2. 短文PartE能了解其含义。3. 让学生们认识到昆虫是人类的朋友,是大自然赐予人类的礼物,培养学生们保护昆虫的意识。4. 让学生通过参加Pair work或group work活动,能够学会相互探讨,共同进步。教学重、难点:几个合成词a grasshopper, a firefly, a dragonfly, a butterfly的发音。课前准备:CAI课件、装着

3、蝴蝶和蚱蜢的大玻璃瓶教学过程: 教学过程设计意图Step . Warming up1. Greetings.2. Sing a song:If you are happy.Step . Free talk and revisionT: Well done. 这么好听的歌声把谁吸引来了呢?CAI:大屏幕呈现姚明的照片。http:/ Yao Ming. I like sport. I like playing basketball. And I think you sing very well.教师引导学生姚明的赞赏表示感谢。Ss: Thank you very much.T: Today Yao

4、 Ming wants to know more about you.CAI: 播放音频(姚明问)I often listen to Music at the weekends. How do you spend your weekends? 呈现句子和动词短语do homework /go to the park /surf the Internet /go swimming 学生用老师所给短语,或是根据自己的情况,来回答姚明的问题。T: There are some children here. Lets see how do they spend their weekends。 CAI:

5、 呈现孩子们捉虫子的图片。句子:We like insects. Because some of them are very beautiful. We often catch insects at the weekends. Let us put them in the bottle.教授单词insectT: What insects do they catch? Can you guess?学生们自由发言。Step . PresentationT: Look, their bottle is here. There are some insects in it. What can you

6、see?教师拿出准备好的大玻璃瓶,里面事先捕捉了一些昆虫。先蒙住下半部分,从露出的上半部分,学生可以看到飞舞的蝴蝶。讲授单词a butterfly学生跟读、分音节读、小组读。T:OK, well done. Now, lets see a video about butterfly.CAI:播放前两天兴化电视台民生直通车栏目播出的和菜粉蝶相关的一段报道。总结:菜粉蝶是成虫,它不吃菜叶,仅吸食花蜜。它在花丛中吸食花蜜时,无形中替花做了媒,起了传粉的作用。可是它在幼虫时期,即菜青虫期,却专门咬食菜叶,造成蔬菜减产。T: OK. Now lets listen carefully. Whats co

7、ming?CAI播放野蜂飞舞一段。学生猜出是蜜蜂。CAI在公园的背景图上方出现蜜蜂的图片和单词:a bee,学生听音频跟读、拼读、分组读。Some interesting information about bees:百度搜索_蜜蜂 一只蜜蜂酿吐一公斤的蜜,要用上三万三千三百三十三个工作小时,吮吸三千三百三十三朵花蕊。要酿出500克蜂蜜,工蜂需要来回飞行3万7千次去发现并采集花蜜,带回蜂房。一汤匙蜂蜜可以为蜜蜂环绕地球飞行一圈提供足够的能量。T: Boys and girls, lets play a guessing game. We can see a riddle. What insec

8、t is it?CAI: It usually flies high. But when it flies low(低) it means(意味着) it will rain(下雨) soon. What is it? 接着在公园图片左下角出现蜻蜓的动画和单词:dragonfly。学生听音频跟读、拼读、分男女生读。前面谜语中说道when it flies low it means it will rain soon.这是为什么?学生自由发言。总结:蜻蜓是捕捉害虫的益虫。T: Everybody, in this bottle we can see a butterfly, and 将玻璃瓶再次

9、出示,将蒙住下面的纸撤掉,露出里面的一只蚱蜢。讲授单词:grasshopper听音频跟读、高低音读、开火车读。拆词记忆单词:grass草;hopper跳越者T: Well done. Now, lets play a game Magic ears. What word is it? T: As a reward for you good job, lets see a very interesting film to have a rest. CAI: 播放动画片虫虫特工队中,蚂蚁搬运食物的一段动画。全球历史票房经典动画喜剧虫虫特攻队二_在线视频观看_土豆网视频 虫虫 特攻队 虫虫特攻队T:

10、 I think its very funny. They are very small, but they can carry big things. Do you think so? CAI: 图片中间显出蚂蚁的图片和单词:an ant听音频跟读、拼读、开火车读。T: Look,lets read this poem together.CAI: 图片http:/ 秋夕唐.杜牧银烛秋光冷画屏,轻罗小扇扑流萤,天阶夜色凉如水,坐看牵牛织女星. T: What insect we can find in this poem? 讲授单词:a firefly学生听音频跟读单词萤火虫、拼读、拍手读。S

11、tep . PracticeT: OK, boy and girls, lets play a game: Find friends. Who are good friends? Can you guess?学生自由讨论,发言,说出配对的理由。教师说出自己的看法,总结:Firefly, butterfly and dragonfly are friends. Because they have the same word: fly.Firefly, butterfly, dragonfly and grasshopper are friends. Because they are compos

12、ed with two words.Ant and bee are friends. Because they are very diligent!T: Everybody, lets do a practice, look and write.CAI: 呈现表格,学生们写出六个昆虫类单词的复数形式。并读一读。Step . Consolidation T: OK. Lets listen to a passage and try to answer my questions.1. What can ants do?2. What can fireflies do?3. How does the

13、 boy spend his weekends?4. Which insects do you like?CAI: 呈现四个问题,然后播放音频。选用合适的图片来呈现短文情景,帮助学生理解,回答问题。 T: Good. Now clap our hands, lets have a chant.It jumps high, jumps high, its a grasshopper.It flies high, flies high, its a dragonfly.It glows at night, at night, its a firefly.It likes flowers, flowers, its a butterfly. T: 你喜不喜欢昆虫?为什么?如果没有昆虫,世界将会怎样? 学生自由发言。T: 如果昆虫消失,食物链的很大一部分就会遭到破坏,大量鸟类立即因缺乏食物而饿死,其他依赖鸟类为食的动物也会消失,陆地上依赖昆虫为食的一些小型哺乳动物也要灭绝。整个地球将会出现灾难性的连锁反应。http:/



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