初一下第一次阶段测试英语试题 .doc

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1、初一2013-2014学年度下学期第一次阶段测试(英语)试卷出题人:赵振芝 核对人:徐英 审核人:包丽娜 一.听对话,从AG 选项中选出所给问题的正确答案。对话读两遍(5分)( )1.Whats Janes favourite animal?( )2.What do the giraffes look like? ( ).3Whats Damings favourite animal?( )4. Where do koalas live ?( )5. Where are kangaroos from?A. Cute and friendly.B. Australia.C. In the tre

2、es.D. Koalas.E. Giraffes.F. In the City Zoo.G. Long and beautiful necks. 二听对话或短文,选择正确答案。对话或短文读两遍。(5分)听第一段材料,回答第12题。 ( )1 Where does the lion come from? A Asia. B.Europe C. Africa. ( ) 2 What does the lion like eating ? A Water B Meat C. Plants听第二段材料,回答第35题 ( )3 What is Bettys favourite animal? A The

3、 elephant B The panda C The dog ( )4 Why does Betty like the animal? A Because theyre clever and cute. B Because theyre friendly and helpful C Because theyre beautiful and strong. ( )5 What do pandas like eating? A Meat B Grass C Bamboo三 听第三段材料,回答第610 题。(5分) ( )6 How many kinds of animals does the z

4、oo have? A Six B Seven C Eight ( ) 7 What do Koalas do in the day? A Sleeping B Eating leaves C Climbing the tree. ( ) 8 What do pandas look like? A Long necks B Strong C Black and white ( ) 9 What do elephants look like? A Beautiful and cute B Funny and clever C Big and strong ( )10 According to th

5、e passage,what do you think of the tiger? A Dangerous B Clever C Strong 笔试部分 (85分)一 单项选择(15分)( ) 1 He has _friends in Beijing. He often visits them. A few B a few C little D a little( ) 2 Tony often sends email_ his pen friends A at B to C of D on( ) 3 Do they often play computer games? _. A Yes, th

6、ey do B Yes, they are C No, they dont D No, they arent( ) 4 Lingling and Daming _ the zoo. A visits B doesnt often visit C dont often visit D not often visit( ) 5 _ do you have P.E.? _ Three times a week. A How long B How often C How soon D How many( ) 6 lucy _ like watching TV or film. A doesnt B d

7、oes C isnt D dont( ) 7 Lisa _ like rice _ bread. A doesnt ; or B dont ; and C doesnt ; and D isnt ; or( ) 8 There are two _ and six _ in the zoo. A kangaroos;wolfs B kangaroos;wolves C kangarooes; wolves D kangarooes; wolfs( ) 9 There is _ European wolf and _ Asian elephant. A an; an B a; an C an; a

8、 D a; a( ) 10 My parents_ a computer with me . A share B connect C turn on D save( ) 11 She lives in a big house_,she feels _. A alone,alone B lonely,lonely C lonely,alone D alone,lonely( ) 12 The girl can sing the song_Japanese.( ) A with B in C from D on( ) 13 I often watch football_television_wee

9、kends. A in,at B on, in C on,at D at,at( )14 My brother with his friends often _ football after school. A play B plays C dont play D is playing ( )15 I can speak English _ Chinese. A as well as B as well C too D or二 完形填空 (10分) My mother has got a brother. 1 name is Wang Jun.He is my 2 .He is a taxi

10、driver(出租车司机)。He works 3 Monday to Friday. He 4 at half past seven . He 5 to work at eight oclock 6 he doesnt have any 7 to have breakfast. He finishes work at 5:30 in the 8 . He has dinner at 9 and takes a walk after that. He reads books or 10 TV in the evening. He goes to bed at about ten oclock.

11、Hes busy, right?( )1.A.His B. Her C.Your D.Their( )2.A.brother B. uncle C.aunt D.mother( )3.A.on B. in C.from D.at( )4.A.gets up B.goes to work C.does the housework D. goes to bed( )5.A. stays B.opens C.starts D.finishes( )6.A. or B.so C. but D.and( )7.A. plan B.dinner C.time D.food( )8.A. morning B

12、.afternoon C.evening D.night( )9.A. six B. five C. four D.three( )10.A.sees B. looks C.watches D.reads三阅读理解。(10分) A An old woman has a cat.The cat is very old.She cannot bite.One day the old cat sees a mouse. She jumps and catches the mouse. But she cannnot bite. So the mouse gets out of her mouth a

13、nd runs aways. Then the old woman is very angry,because the cat cannot kill the mouse.She begins to beat the cat. The cat says to her,“Donbeat your servant.Dont be hard on the old. When they are young,they can do good work.” 1.The old woman has .A.an old cat B. a young cat C.an old cat D. a mouse 2.The cat ca



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