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1、 At the farm教学设计 【教学内容】 新版PEP小学英语四年级下册 Unit Four At the farm B .Lets learn【教学思考】一、教材分析 BLets learn 是本单元B部分第二课时,主要是学习四种动物名称: horses, cows, hens, sheep ,能用What are these/those? Theyre进行问答,并能用Theyre so cute.等来描述他们的特点。在A部分学生已接触到What are these/those? Theyre的句型,对复数已建立初步的概念。本课时内容的知识链接点在三年级上册的Unit4 We love

2、animals & Unit Three At the zoo二、学情分析 本单元教学重点是以农场为话题学习农场里的农作物以及动物名称的复数形式。在A部分,学生已接触了句型What are these/those? Theyre对复数已建立初步的概念。在学习B. Lets talk 时,有一个Act like the animals的游戏,学生也初步接触了单词horses, hens,cows,sheep,因此本课时的重点在于创设情境运用目标单词。 sheep 的复数形式是一个难点。在三年级上册的Unit4 We love animals & Unit Three At the zoo 学生也

3、接触到 big, small, long ,short,这些形容词,这节课学生还可以运用颜色来描述动物。三、目标【能力目标】能听说认读句型What are these/those? Theyre能在故事的帮助下,运用目标词语进行交际。【知识目标】学习新单词horses, cows, hens, sheep 目标句型What are these/those? Theyre【教学重点】 在情景中学习运用目标语言进行交际。【教学难点】Sheep 的复数形式【教学资源】PPT,小农场(手工制作),动物贴纸(手工制作)【教学流程】一. Warm up 1.Sing a song “Ali Ba Ba h

4、as a little farm.”(设计意图:节奏欢快的歌曲既能吸引学生的注意力,又能复习相关的动物单词,激活学生的背景知识。) 2. Go over a chant : Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the pig. It is big. Look at the dog. Its on the log. Look at the duck. Its in the truck. Look at the bear. Its on the chair.改编:Look at the cats.They are black .They are fat. Loo

5、k at the pigs.They are pink. They are big. Look at the dogs. They are brown.They are cute. Look at the ducks. They are yellow.They are small. Look at the bears. They are brown.They are strong. (设计意图:歌谣的吟诵,为学生学习新知识、运用旧知识做了很好的铺垫,能提升学生语言综合运用的能力。)二Presentation.1. PPT: Look at the hens . They are ( small

6、/yellow/cute ) .用相同的手法呈现cows, horses, sheep . 设计意图:看图补充单词,让能力强的学生通过回答示范新单词的读音(上一课时的游戏接触过);并通过动物的明显部位特征,让学生猜动物,激发学生的思维。第二个句型补充的单词不呈现出来,引导学生畅所欲言,运用学过的单词恰当描述。2. horses: 添加文本Look at the horses. They are not short.Theyre strong and tall. They have no horns.They have big tails.(设计意图:加大语言输入,丰富学生对的认知)3.shee

7、p 创编歌谣 One sheep,two sheep, three sheep, four.Five sheep, six sheep. Seven sheep, more.Eight sheep, nine sheep. Ten sheep all.Oh, No! I feel asleep.(设计意图:突破sheep复数的难点,让学生在吟诵歌谣的过程中,自然感悟sheep的复数形式)4.A listening training: A guessing game.“What are these?” 根据描述,找出动物。 (设计意图:听力技能训练。)5. Open the book ,list

8、en and repeat. (设计意图:听力技能训练,模仿语调。)三、Consolidation1.Group work 1. Talk about the animals at your farm. For example: Look at my farm. These are pigs. They are pink. They are big(设计意图:课堂活动的评价贯彻始终,每个小组桌面上摆放着一个小农场,小盒子上放着一些动物贴纸,每组只有一种动物,只要这组学生回答问题正确的,组长将会在盒子里拿出贴纸贴到小农场上作为奖励。而这个小组活动环节则充分利用小组收集的小动物作为谈论的主题,创设

9、了一个良好的对话情景。) 2、Group work 2: Read a story and make a story book A The animals at the farm are good friends. But one day. Theyre in a querral.”We are useful. You are not useful.”Who is useful? Lets read the story.要求:在3分钟内完成6个活页的故事阅读,完成1.Lets read; 2. Lets write. 3. Lets stick.(设计意图:故事设计采用活页,一种动物一个活页,

10、共有6页,便于小组成员分工合作;学生通过阅读文字,找出相应的动物,先在文本上补充所缺的动物单词,然后找出图片,粘贴到该页的方框里。调动学生的多种感官,增加对目标语言的体验)BListen and number the story.( 设计意图:听力能力训练。学生通过听力活动,检查刚才的阅读结果,并为活页故事写上数字编号。)C. Act out the story.(设计意图:每个小组扮演自己农场上的动物角色,复述故事,通过角色的体验,进一步巩固目标单词的语意,强化认知。)DSummary. All the animals are usefull. Theyre our good friends. We love animals. They love us.(设计意图:德育渗透,通过故事的角色扮演,让学生感悟:不同的动物各有所长,我们应该爱护所有的动物)四.Homework. 1. Read the words on page 42 and make sentences; 2.Retell the story in your group.板书设计: Unit Four At the farm B Lets learn cows horsesLook at the hens . Theyre . sheep


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