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1、常见场景词归纳一 交通场景A 机场场景 送别: airway空中航线, airport, keep in touch, see sb. off. 询问: flight, fly, direct flight直飞, transfer转机; arrival, departure出发, destination目的地, one-way ticket单程票, return ticket, first class头等舱, business class, economy class经济舱, airline, airway, airport, air lounge候机大厅, waiting room候机大厅,

2、 book, be booked up客满, get ticket changed换签, switch换签, on time, delayed, postponed延期, put off, behind schedule延期, cancelled. 登机: luggage行李, baggage, suitcase手提箱, briefcase公文包, bag, backpack; check-in登记, board上飞机, boarding pass登记证, the Customs海关.机上: take off起飞, land着陆; fasten, seat belt, safety belt,

3、 life belt安全带; blanket毯子故障: bad weather, mechanical problems机械故障B 事故场景交通堵塞:be held in traffic, be stuck in traffic, break down抛锚; rush hours高峰时间, traffic jam交通堵塞事故后果:consequence结果, crash碰撞, minor injury小伤, slightly injured小伤.C 交通工具工具:car, van, truck, lorry, jeep, bus, coach, trailer拖车, limousine豪华轿车

4、;工具的一部分:wheel车轮, tyre (tire)轮胎, flat tyre (tire), steering wheel方向盘, headlight前灯, windscreen挡风玻璃, brake刹车, pedal踏板, compartment车厢.二 家庭生活A 写信: write home, hear from收信, receive a letter from, mail, email.B 电话: phone, call, ring, contact, mobile phone, pay phone公用电话, hand phone , cost, cheap, operator接

5、线员, dial拨号, wrong number, not in不在, nobody by that name没有这人.打电话场景1)电话种类: long distance call 长途电话 overseas call 越洋电话 collect call 对方付费电话 incoming call 往里打的电话 outgoing call 往外打的电话 telephone booth 公用电话 cell phone/mobile phone 手机 pay phone 投币式公用电话 person-to-person call 受话人接听电话 station-to-station call 叫号

6、电话(这种 (比较贵,但只有当你和受话人真正谈 电话只要有人接听,从对方摘机起就 话时才开始计费。) 开始计费,但是费用较低)2)打电话时可能出现的问题: to dial the wrong number 拨错电话 The line is busy/hot/engaged. 电话占线。 The connection is bad. 信号不好。 The phone is not clear. 听不清楚。3)常用表达: telephone/phone book/directory 电话簿 receiver 电话听筒 phone bill 电话账单 The line is dead. 电话断了。 t

7、o hang up 挂上电话 to cut off 挂电话(对方) to hold on 别挂电话 to hold the line 别挂电话 to ring sb. up 给某人打电话 to give sb. a ring 给某人打电话 to give sb. a call 给某人打电话 to leave a message 留个口信 answering machine 电话(自动)答录机 I will call you back in a minute. 我马上给你打过去。C 过节 节日:Christmas, Thanksgiving;出游: travel, tour, visit, qu

8、ite an experience.D 送礼: 礼物: gift, present;场合: birthday, Christmas;赠送: give, buyfor, getfor, send三 健康场景A. 受伤: twist扭伤, strain拉伤, injure, hurt;B. 外伤部位: shoulder肩, ankle踝, knee膝, wrist手腕;C. 内伤部位: stomach胃, liver肝脏, lung肺, heart;D. 检查措施: make an appointment预约, check, x-ray, operation, treat治疗, cure治愈, d

9、iagnose诊断;E. 症状描述: tired, sneeze打喷嚏, running nose流鼻涕, have ringing in the ears耳鸣, feel under the weather身体不适, catch a cold感冒, cough咳嗽;F. 建议处方: ward病房, take two days off, more vegetables, less fried(fast) food少油炸, quit(give up) smoking戒烟.G. 相关人员: doctor, nurse, dentist牙医, surgeon外科大夫, physician内科大夫;四

10、. 娱乐场景A. 陶冶情操观赏活动:film, movie, theatre电影院, concert音乐会, play, show, TV,art gallery艺廊;相关词汇: channel, part, actor, actress, scene场面, act, oil painting, romance爱情片, love story, horror恐怖片, action, documentary纪录片, comedy喜剧, soap opera肥皂剧, quiz show智力节目, sit-com(situation comedy)连续剧, thriller恐怖片;对电影的评价与讨论:

11、Not that exciting. 没那么精彩。feel sleepy 无聊Its a waste of time. 浪费时间,不值。Its a waste of money. 真不值B户外活动出游:camping, picnicking野餐, boating, skating, swimming, historical sites历史遗址, natural beauty自然风光, scenery, tourist attraction游览胜地, sightseeing观光;球赛:game, match, score, season, superstar.五 用餐场景:A 预定: a tab

12、le for four, reserve a table, reservation预定, corner table;B 等待: hungry, starving饿死了, order, menu, waiting line排队, queue;C. 用餐: try something Italian, appetite胃口, appetizer开胃菜, dessert餐后点心;D. 埋单: treat埋单, my turn, on me记我账上, go Dutch AA制;1)餐馆类型常见表达: restaurant 餐馆 caf 餐馆 place 餐馆 Italian place 意式餐馆 Fr

13、ench place 法式餐厅 Chinese place 中餐馆 pub 酒吧 inn 小客栈 snack bar 快餐店 cafeteria 学生自助餐厅2)食物种类: buffet 自助餐 main dish 主菜 salad 沙拉 soup 汤 sauce 汁 dessert 甜食 pudding 布丁 dressing 调味汁 doughnut 多纳圈(面包圈) French bread 法式面包 a loaf of bread 一片面包 jam 果酱 apple pie 苹果派 sandwich 三明治 toast 吐司,烤面包 pizza 比萨饼 hamburger 汉堡 snack food 快餐食品 potato chips 土豆片 French fries 炸土豆条 yogurt 酸奶3)饮料种类: water 水 mineral water 矿泉水 juice 果汁 orange juice 桔汁 lemonade 柠檬汁4)餐馆常见动作: to order dishes 点菜 to bring me the menu 看菜单 to make a recommendation 推荐招牌菜5)付账常用说法: I will pick up the bill. 我来买单。 Its my treat. 我请客。 Let me foot the bill. 我付账。



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