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1、Module Two Unit 3的词汇巩固和检测I高考高频词汇。1. v. 解决;解答 2. adj. 普遍的;通用的3. adj. 智能的;聪明的 4. v. 探索;探测;探究5. adv. 完全地;整个地 6. n. 操作员;接线员7. adv. 就个人而言 8. v./n. 类型;打字9. n. 目标;球门 10. _ v. 出现;发生11. n. 病毒 12. v. 简化13. v./n.发信号;信号 14. n. 性格;特点15. n. 应用;申请 16. n. 外观;外貌;出现17. 金融;财经II高考高频短语。1. 在某种程度上 2. 在的帮助下3. 看守;监视 4. 处理;安

2、排;对付5. 结果 6. 从时起7. 如此以致于III考纲内词汇变形。1. universal adj. - n. 宇宙2. operator n. - v. 动手术;操作- n. 操作,手术3. logical adj. - adv. - n. 逻辑;逻辑学4. technology n. - adj. 工艺的;技术上的5. intelligence n. - adj. 6. solve v. - n. 解决方案7. reality n. - adj. 真实的8. personal adj. - adv. - n. 个性;品格9. application n. - v. 申请;应用- n.

3、申请者 申请;报名参加10. happiness n. - n. 苦恼,忧愁- adj. 不开心的11. type n./v. - n. 打字员12. arise- - 13. electronic adj. - n. 电力;电流- adj. 电动的,发电的,导电的14.mop- - 17. deal- - III考纲内词汇变形。1. universal adj. - universe n. 宇宙2. operator n. - operate v. 动手术;操作- operation n. 操作,手术3. logical adj. - logically adv. - logic n. 逻辑

4、;逻辑学4. technology n. - technical adj. 工艺的;技术上的5. intelligence n. - intelligent adj. 6. solve v. - solution n. 解决方案7. reality n. - real adj. 真实的8. personal adj. - personally adv. - personality n. 个性;品格9. application n. - apply v. 申请;应用- applicant n. 申请者 apply for 申请;报名参加10. happiness n. - unhappiness

5、 n. 苦恼,忧愁- unhappy adj. 不开心的11. type n./v. - typist n. 打字员12. arise- arose - arisen 13. electronic adj. - electricity n. 电力;电流- electric adj. 电动的,发电的,导电的14.mop- mopped - mopped 17. deal- dealt - dealt IV词汇巩固练习。1. The conference e the possibility of closer trade links, but no agreement was reached.2.

6、 What role did new t play in the spread of mass culture at the turn of the 20th century.3. We should not judge a person by his a but people make that mistake from time to time. 4. Her speech yesterday was a s that her views have changed, so you turn to her. 5. Im honored to have his chance to thank

7、you and him p .6. Money does not always bring h , but without it people often cant live well. 7. There were probably about 40 people there in t .8. He runs every day. (结果), he has lost weight.9. He may not like my visit,but I shall go and see him a .10. Weve achieve our g of building a shelter for t

8、he homeless.11. The police s the traffic to move forward slowly.12. They (监视)by three policemen.13. I dont care what you say; Im going to do it a .14. The salesgirl asked me if I had the exact s , since the shop had no change.15. The invention of aircraft caused a r in our ways of traveling.16. With

9、 the development of the Internet, the World Wide has become a valuable information source for us.17. (人造的) intelligence is the study of how to make computers do things that people can do.18. The weathermen in Beijing are planning to fire r to drive away rain clouds during the 2008 Olympics.19. Two f

10、emale tourists were robbed of their money and (可移动的) phones while walking in the street, so they felt very upset.20. The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who broke the world record in the 110-meter hurdle (比赛).21. They use the (管子) to transport oil from the west to the east.22. (人类的)

11、facial expressions differ from those of animals.23. We will soon arrive at the point where we can find all the knowledge of humankind on a computer (网络).24. Try to (simple) your explanation for the students to help them understand better.25. If you want to know about the hotel, you can call the (operate) to find out the information.26. The boy is very clever and he shows high (intelligent) in study.Modu



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