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1、新概念第二册L13-16test 姓名: 成绩: 笔 试 部 分一、单选(10)1, I _her the answer if she _me.A。 can tell; will ask B. will tell; will ask C。 would tell; ask D. will tell; asks2, -Do you know when he will come back tomorrow? -Sorry, I dont know。 When he _back, Ill tell you。 A。 comes B。 will come C。 come D. may come 3, Co

2、uld you tell us where_? A。 will the next Youth Olympic Games held B。 the next Youth Olympic Games will be held C. would the next Youth Olympic Games be held D. the next Youth Olympic Games would be held4, Ill wake you up when he _back。 A. will B。 is going to com C. comes D。 come5, Look, they _ a goo

3、d time, _they? A。 have; do B. have; dont C。 are having; are D. are having; arent 6, I didnt know he came back_ I met him in he street.A. since B。 when C。 until D. after7, -What a hot day! Have you had a drink? -Yes. But Id like to have _after work。 A. it B。 one C. another D. other8, Mr。 Zhu, youd be

4、tter _ too much meat。 You are already over weight。 said the doctor. A。 not to eat B. to eat C。 not eat D。 eat9, A new cinema _ here。 They hope to finish it next week。 A. will be built B。 is built C。 has been built D. is being built10, My girlfriend asked me _ I knew today was her birthday。 A. whethe

5、r B. that C. why D. what二、完形填空(10分)There was a 1 in the room。 The mice there were 2 of it. They were 3 a meeting. They wanted to think out a 4 to do with the cat. A small mouse said, “Shall we tie a small bell around its neck? The others asked, “Why?” The mouse said, “If we do so, when it comes near

6、 us, we can hear the 5 of the bell and run 6 at once. The 7 mice were very happy to hear it。 They all said, “Its a good 8 !” But 9 could go and 10 the bell for the cat? None could think it out。1. ( ) A. duck B. dog C. cat D。 monkey2. ( ) A。 worried B。 afraid C。 capable D. interested3. ( ) A。 having

7、B. running C。 taking D. catching4. ( ) A。 road B。 rail C. way D. street5。 ( ) A. voice B. sound C。 noise D。 speak6. ( ) A. well B. nearly C. suddenly D. away7。 ( ) A。 another B。 others C。 other D. the others8. ( ) A. idea B. ideal C. thinking D. opinion9. ( ) A。 what B. where C. when D. who10. ( ) A

8、。 hurry B。 tie C. wave D. park三、阅读理解。(20分) BLast Saturday morning Mr. White looked out of the window of his bedroom. Mrs. Black was in the street。 She came to the door of his house and rang the bell。 His wife went to the door and opened it. Mrs. Black came in. Mrs. Black came in。 Mr. White didnt go

9、downstairs。About ten minutes later, Mr。 White went to the top of the stairs and shouted to his wife, “Has that foolish woman gone?” But Mrs. Black was still in the sittingroom with his wife。Mrs。 White didnt say anything, but then she said to her husband, “Yes, she has gone. Mrs。 Black is here now.”(

10、 ) 1。Who rang the door bell of Mr。 White house? A. Mr. Black B。 Mrs. Black C. A young man. D. One of Mrs. Blacks friends( ) 2.Mr。 White didnt go downstairs because_. A。 he didnt want to meet Mrs. Black B. his wife was downstairs C。 he wasnt feeling well D. he was having his breakfast( ) 3。Why didnt

11、Mrs。 White answer Mr。 White at once?A. Because she didnt hear what Mr。 White had said.B. Because she didnt think that Mrs. Black was foolish。C. Because she didnt understand what Mr. White really meantD。 Because she needed a little time to find a good answer。( ) 4. Where did Mrs。 White talk with Mrs.

12、 Black? A. In her bedroom B。 In the sitting-room C。 Beside the window D。 In Mr。 Whites bedroom( ) 5. What do you think of Mrs. White? A. She wasnt an honest woman. B. She was a bit foolish。 C。 She was very clever。 D。 She was strict with herself四、用适当的介词填空。(20分)(in, on, for, apart, by, up, as, except,

13、 of)1. Mr. Smith has worked here six years.2。 They went to Beijing train the day before yesterday。3. I met an old friend my way to the cinema。4。 They felt tired, but they walked .5. All of us passed the English exam Bill.6。 When he entered the office, the teacher didnt look from his desk.7。 from a fe



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