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1、常用词组1、be time to+动词原形 、 be time for+名词:到.时间了 It is time to have lunch = It is time for lunch. 到午餐时间了。 2、thank for(感谢) Thank you for your help。谢谢你的帮助 。3、look after 、take care of:照顾、照看 I want to look after my sister = I want to take care of my sister. 我要照顾我的妹妹。4、watch out、look out:注意 过马路时,要注意小汽车(下面两句话

2、意思一样): When you walk across the road,you should watch out the cars. When you walk across the road,you should look out the cars.5、get up(起床),go to bed(上床睡觉),be late for+名词(或动词+ing):迟到 If you dont get up early ,you will be late for school. 如果不早点起床,你上课会迟到。 Go to bed early, or(otherwise) you will be lat

3、e for school. 早点睡觉,否则你上学会迟到。 I was late for playing basketball yesterday. 我昨天打篮球迟到了6、catch up with:赶上 If you walk quickly,you can catch up with the bus. 如果你走快点,你就能赶上车。7、look for(寻找),find(找到、发现),find out(找到了、发现了) He is still looking for the Chinese book.他一直在找语文书。整理为word格式I find out the way to learn E

4、nglish. 我发现了学习英语的方法(way)。8、learn from:向学习 You should learn from Mary. 你们应该向玛丽学习。9、go to school(上学),go to work(上班),go to the cinema(看电影) go to hospital(去看病),see a doctor(去看病),see a film(看电影)10、in bed(卧病在床),in the bed(在床上) He has a cold,so he stay in bed. 他感冒了,所以他卧病在床。 Where is Mary?In the bed. 玛丽在哪里?

5、 在床上。11、have a walk/take a walk:散步,go for a walk(外出散步) That old man often has a walk(或takes a walk)after watching TV. 那个老人常常在看完电视后去散步 He often goes for a walk after supper. 他常常晚饭后外出散步。12、at first(首先,开始),at last(最后),in order to(为了) In order to keep us healthy,at first,we should eat more vegetables an

6、d fruits,at last,we should do more exercise. 为了保持我们身体健康,首先我们要吃较多的蔬菜和水果,最后我们要多做运动。13、be angry with+人(对人生气),be angry at+物(对事生气) The teacher was angry with Mary yesterday. 老师昨天对玛丽很生气。His father was angry at his homework yesterday. 他爸爸昨天对他的作业很生气。14、be strict with+人(对人严格),be strict at+物(对事严格) The teacher

7、 is strict with Mary. 老师对玛丽很严格。整理为word格式 His father is strict at his homework. 他爸爸对他的作业很严格。15、agree with(同意),be bad for(对没有好处),be good for(对有好处) I agree with you,smoking is bad for you,doing exercise is good for you. 我同意你,吸烟对你没有好处,做运动对你有好处。16、pick(摘),pick up something(捡起某物),pick somebody up(接某人)I am

8、 picking the apples. 我正在摘苹果。You should pick up the pen. 你应该捡起笔。I will drive car to pick you up. 明天我将开车去接你。17、solve、work out:解决 We have already solved this problem = We have already worked out this problem. 我们已经解决了问题。18、be from、come from:来自 I am from China = I come from China. 我来自中国He is from Austral

9、ia = he comes from Australia. 他来自澳大利亚。19、be interested in(对.感兴趣) I am interested in cartoon. 我对卡通片感兴趣。 My father is interested in movie. 我爸爸对电影感兴趣。20、be good at、do well in:擅长、在某方面做的好 He is good at playing basketball = He does well in playing basketball. 他篮球打得好。21、get on well with、get along well with

10、:和相处得好 Mary gets on well with her classmates = Mary gets along well with her classmates. 整理为word格式玛丽和她的同学相处得很好22、get on(上),get off(下、离开) He gets on the bus at Clliford. 他在祈福站上车。 He gets off the bus at Shiqiao. 他在市桥站下车。23、turn on(打开)、turn off(关掉)、turn .down(调小声)、turn .up(调大声) At first, turn on the co

11、mputer, at last, turn off the light. 首先开电脑,最后关灯。 At first, turn the TV down, at last, turn the cellphone up. 首先调小电视声音,最后调大手机的声音。24、have a good time/have fun:玩得很高兴 They had a good time today = They had fun today. 今天他们玩得很高兴25、laugh at 、make fun of、play a joke on:嘲笑 玛丽总是嘲笑史密斯(下面三句话意思一样): Mary always la

12、ughs at Smith. Mary always makes fun of Smith. Mary always plays a joke on Smith.26、hear from(收到来信)、keep in touch with(保持联系) I havent heard from Mary for a long time. 我很久没有收到玛丽的来信了。 Mary has kept in touch with me for three years. 三年来玛丽一直和我保持联系。27、join in、take part in:参加 I will join in the sports mee

13、ting next year. 明年我将参加运动会。整理为word格式 Mary took part in the sports meeting last year. 去年玛丽参加了运动会。28、keep .from doing、stop .from doing、prevent .from doing:阻止.做. 我们要阻止一些人污染水(下面三句话意思一样): We should keep some people from polluting water.We should stop some people from polluting water.We should prevent some

14、 people from polluting water.29、put on(穿上)、take off(脱下)Take off the coat,and then put on T-shirt.30、come true(成真、实现)、give up(放弃) Keep going,and your dream will come true. 坚持,你的梦想就会成真。 He never gives up learning English. 他从来没有放弃学习英语。31、have to(不得不)、go to sleep(去睡觉)、fall asleep(睡着了)、wake up(醒来)、 I am

15、sleepy,I have to go to sleep. 我很困,我不得不去睡觉。 Last night,when he came back home,his son fell asleep. 昨晚,当他回到家时,他的儿子睡着了 Mary often wakes up at six in the morning. 玛丽通常在早上六点醒来32、in fact(事实上)、prefer A to B(与B相比更喜欢A) In fact,I prefer the apples to the pears. 事实上,与雪梨相比我更喜欢苹果。 I prefer playing football to playing basketball. 与打篮球相比我更喜欢踢足球。整理为word格式 In fact,I prefer to play basketball. 事实上,我更喜欢打篮球。33、make sure(确信



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