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1、只接动名词的动词miss失去, mind介意, enjoy喜欢, give up放弃, finish完成, avoid避免, practise实践, escape逃跑, stop停止, excuse原谅, delay耽误, require要求, suggest建议, insist on坚持, cant help禁不住, complete完成, deny否认, put off推迟, favor赞成,支持, understand明白, risk冒险, keep保持, consider考虑,imagine想象、猜想,fear 害怕, include包括, suffer痛苦、遭受,report报告,c

2、elebrate庆祝prevent阻止。等。有些动词后面即可接-ing又可接不定式即permit, allow, encourage, advise, recommend, forbid等一般用动词-ing结构做宾语,但如有自己逻辑主语时要用不定式。e.g. 1.They dont allow smoking in the auditorium.礼堂内禁止吸烟。 2.The doctor advised taking exercise.医生劝告要参加锻炼。 3.We dont permit talking in class.我们不允许在课堂上讲话。 4.They forbid parking

3、here.这儿禁止停车。 5.He permitted me to arrive late, with an excuse.说明了理由,他允许我来晚了。 6.The teacher forbids us to talk in class.老师允许我们上课讲话。Two:1. I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and came running towards me.我横穿马路以便避开他,但他看到了我并朝我跑过来。2. I am considering going abroad. 我正在考虑出国。3. I am sorr

4、y I missed seeing you while you especially visited me to my home.真对不起,你专程来我家拜访机时我却不在。4. Carlos just missed being caught.卡罗斯恰好没被抓住。5. You certainly mustnt miss seeing this wonderful film.你当然不应错过这个精彩的电影。6. Its a pity that I missed listening to the report.真遗憾我没听到那个报告。7. Would you mind my opening the wi

5、ndow?我打开窗子你介意吗?8. He didnt mind being made fun of.别人拿他取笑他不在乎。9. I dont mind traveling by bus, but I hate to stand (standing) in queues.乘公共汽车旅行也可,只是我不愿排队。10. We dont mind his explaining the problem again.我们不在意他又把那问题解释了一遍。11. I have enjoyed talking to you about old times.我很高兴曾和你叙旧。12. I enjoy going fo

6、r a walk after supper.我特别愿意晚饭后去散步。13. Youd better give up smoking.你最好戒烟。14. I want to give up working on the novel.我不想写这部小说了。15. Have you finished correcting the students papers?人批改完学生的论文了吗?16. I havent finished doing the exercise.这个练习我还没有做完。17. She practices speaking English every day.她每天都练习说英语。18.

7、 Practise putting the tip of your tongue between your teeth.练习把舌尖入在牙齿之间。19. The enemy will never escape our watching off.敌人永远逃不脱我们的监视。20. He couldnt escape answering his wifes question.他不得不回答他妻子的问题。21. Please excuse my being late today.请原谅我今天迟到了。22. Excuse my interrupting you so rudely.请原谅我这样无礼地打断你。

8、23. You mustnt delay asking for the teacher over.你一定不要耽搁请那位老师来。24. I delayed answering you owing to the pressure of the work.由于工作的压力,我耽搁了答复你。25. The floor requires washing.地板需要擦洗。26. Does your watch want repairing?你表要修吗?27. The monitor suggested our having a picnic in Qian Shan Mountain.班长建议我们到千山野餐。

9、28. He suggested calling a meeting and letting the workers decide the matter themselves. 他建议召开一次会议,让工人们自己解决这件事。29. I suggested bringing the meeting to an end.我建议会议就开到这吧。30. I insisted on his going.我坚持他去。31. He insisted on going with me.他坚持与我同去。32. She could not help weeping when she heard the sad ne

10、ws that her mother died.当她听到妈妈逝世的消息时,她禁不住哭了起来。33. I cant help thinking hes still alive.我情不自禁地想着,他还活着。34. All the students of English Department have completed studying all subjects.英语系所有的学生已经学完全部科目。35. We must risk catching cold in a storm.我们得冒赶冒之险。36. I cant help wondering whether we should risk go

11、ing without raincoats.我真不敢想,我们将在无雨具的情况下,冒雨前往。37. News of successes keeps pouring in.捷报频传。38. It kept raining the whole day yesterday.昨天,雨不停地下了一天。39. I dislike getting up early.我不喜欢早起。40. I dislike being looked at while attempting to learn skating.学滑冰时,我讨厌别人看我。41. He was considering going to Beijing.

12、他在考虑去北京的事。42. We are considering making a plan for study.我们正考虑制定一份学习计划。43. I couldnt imagine that being possible.我想那是不可能的。44. I cant imagine him knowing all that.我真猜不出他是怎么知道这一切的。45. He denied knowing anything about (denied any knowledge of) their plans.他否认知道他们的计划。46. I forgive you for being rude.我原谅

13、你的卤莽。47. Please forgive me for being late. 请原谅我来晚了。48. Begged the hosts pardon for leaving early.请求主人原谅提前离去49. Pardon me for interrupting (you).对不起打扰(你)了。50. She could hardly resist laughing。她真忍不住要笑。51. Postpone sending an answer.暂缓答复。52. Fancy meeting you here!想不到在这儿见到你了!53. Fancy James winning the competition! 真想不到詹姆斯比赛赢了!54. Fancy having a fool like that for a husband!试想找了这么一个傻瓜做丈夫!55. I cannot understand his robbing his friend ( why he robbed his friend).我不明白他为何抢劫他的朋友。另外



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