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1、【作者】 许巧林; 【导师】 黄云德【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 结构工程, 2005, 硕士【摘要】 在我国,项目管理的实践活动源运流长,但作为有系统理论体系和方法的现代项目管得,是改革开放以后我国引进了国外先进的项目管理理论和方法,在总结了国内外项目管理经验的基础上,才逐步形成一门较新的管理科学。随着我国经济的不断发展,我国对固定资产的投资不断增加,工程项目建设也不断增多,伴随而来的项目管理问题也越来越突出了。 本文简明扼要地阐述了项目管理的发展史,以及项目管理在我国的发展。详细地阐述了国内外的工程项目管理的发展现状,并从项目管理理念、学科建设、法律制度、专业人员培养、专业人员待遇等

2、方面作了比较,找出了我国工程项目管理方面存在的问题。我们要学习先进的管理模式和经验,首先必须对管理模式有详细地了解,本文介绍了我国常用的业主自行管理、EPC、PMC等三种模式,以及国际上常用的DBB、CM、DB、EPC、PM、BOT等管理模式及其特点。在实际的工程建设中,管理模式的选择是受很多因素制约的,怎样才能比较准确、快捷的选取管理模式呢。本文中应用模糊层次分析法,建立了管理模式选择的决策模型,运用模糊互补判断矩阵的排序方法,计算决策指标权重,从而对管理模式进行综合评判,并结合实例进行了应用。 通过对国内外的工程项目管理比较和分析,找出了我国工程项目管理与发达国家之间的差距,结合这些差距对

3、我国的政府和建筑企业在工程项目管理体制改革方面提出建议,并指出了建筑企业如何具体做好工程项目管理与国际接轨。这些建议对于加快我国工程项目管理体制改革有一定的促进作用,对于建设行业和施工企业具有指导意义。更多还原【Abstract】 In China project management has been in long history, and the relevant practice is very abundant. As a modern managerial science with systematic theory and method, It has come into bei

4、ng gradually after reformation and open, based on introducing western advanced project management theory and method, and summarizing the domestic and overseas project management experience. With the economic development in China, fixed assets investment and project construction are increasing. Meanw

5、hile various problems are emerging in project management.The article describes the history of project management and its development in China briefly, and elaborates its present domestic and overseas development condition. According to the comparison between domestic and overseas project management

6、from aspects of management thoughts, science establishment, relevant laws and regulations, training special person, personal income, the author finds out the existing problems of project management in China. If we will learn advanced management mode and experience, we must distinguish the management

7、 modes. In this article the author describes these usual domestic modes-self management of proprietor, EPC, PMC, and overseas modes-DBB, CM, DB, EPC, PM, BOT. It is limited by many factors that how to select a proper project management mode in a simple and effective method. About this problem the au

8、thor makes use of the knowledge of the fuzzy AHP, and establishes the calculation model, and adopts the sorting method of fuzzy Matrix to judge the importance of the every element, then gains the synthetic judgment to project management modes. Finally, according to the calculation model, the author

9、takes a real example.Throughout the comparison and analyzing about the domestic and overseas project management, the author puts forward to the disparities in project management between China and advanced countries. Starting from these disparities, the author brings forward some reformative advice i

10、n project management reformation for government and construction enterprises, which will accelerate the reformation progress of project management, and be instructive to architectural business and construction enterprises. The author also points out that how to be in line with international situatio

11、n.更多还原 【关键词】 工程项目管理; 管理模式; 模糊层次分析法; 【Key words】 Engineering project management; management mode; fuzzy AHP; 【作者】 孔庆秋; 【导师】 周晓晔【作者基本信息】 沈阳工业大学 , 项目管理, 2008, 硕士【摘要】 随着中国加入WTO和改革开放的进一步深入以及社会主义市场经济建设不断深入发展,我国的项目管理日益与国际惯例接轨,本文立足于当前我国工程项目管理的新方向,对当前国内外建设工程项目管理中的管理模式的理论和应用进行研究。本文首先分析研究了PMC项目管理模式的主要理论内容包括PMC


13、模式才刚刚起步,在应用方面缺乏系统的研究,因此如何在实践中探索应用PMC管理模式,创新出与我国国情、法律制度、建筑规章、工程习惯相适应的PMC项目管理模式有着重要的理论和实践意义。更多还原【Abstract】 Project management in China is increasingly converging with international rules with the accession to the WTO, further deepening of reform and constant deepening social market economy constructio

14、n. Based on the new direction of the present project management in China, this paper researches on the theory and application of management mode in the current domestic and international engineering project management.Firstly, this paper analyzed the main content of PMC project management including

15、the meaning, type, application scope of PMC model and the implementation process and content. On this basis, compare the advantages and disadvantages and application scope of PMC project management model with other models. Secondly this text analyzed the college area construction status, and do furt

16、her analysis of the status quo of colleges area construction and management model.Analysis of project management in the optimization model the impact of factors on the basis of a project management mode selection of basic principles.Finally Based on the study of PMC Project Management mode, discussed the implementation programs of PMC model. As an example to the application of PMC model during the construction of the new campus in Yantai Vocational College, explored PMC



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