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1、Module 2 Section 1 Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary(1)一、单词拼写1. Mr Wood is a very P teacher. He never gets angry, even when his students behave badly. 2. Our Chinese teacher is a very S man. Hes nice, but he never smiles. 3. Mary is always very n before an exam and she cant eat anything. 4. Mr Sm

2、ith is a very i man. He knows the answer to any question. 5. Im not really interested in biologyI find it b .6. All the students like Mr Li. He is a very p teacher. 7. Jane is a s girl. She never says anything or tries to answer any of the questions in class. 8. Our maths teacher is s . He gets angr

3、y if we dont do our homework or if we speak in class. 9. My parents are very a . They always make me laugh at home. 10. To be a good teacher, you need to be o . This is because there are a lot of things to do each day. 二、完成句子1. 我们的英语老师总是精力充沛。 Our English teacher is always . 2. 幸运的是, 昨天我们成功地避免了一场事故。

4、Fortunately, we succeeded in an accident yesterday. 3. 他已经承认了错误。He has his mistakes. 4. 这次班会很有条理, 老师表扬了组织者。 The class meeting is so well that the teacher praised the . 5. 临近期末, 学生们都忙着复习功课。Before the end of the term, all students are busy their lessons. 三、翻译下列句子, 括号中有提示词。1. 离开时请务必关灯。(make sure)2. 第一次

5、见他们时, 我看不出这对双胞胎的不同之处 (tell the difference between)3. 她来不来, 几乎不重要。(it doesnt matter)4. 请不要碰实验室的东西, 除非你老师要求你这样做 (unless)5. 今天早晨他起床晚了, 结果上学迟到了。(so that)一、单项填空1. 一Do you like here?一Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is so nice. A. this B. these C. that D. it2. As we joined the bi

6、g crowd I got from my friends. A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed3. The little girl go downstairs alone when her parents are out. A. dares not to B. dares not C. dare not to D. dare not4. production up by 60, the company has had another excellent year. A. As B. For C. With D. Through5. The boy

7、 wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him . A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to6. Ill look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little . A. wait B. time C. patience D. rest7. Do be quiet, Sally. And dont keep silly questions. A. on asking such B. ask

8、ing so C. to ask such D. to ask so8. He spoke through a microphone, he was clearly heard in the great hall. A. even if B. once C. in order D. so thatSection 2 Introduction, Reading and Vocabulary(2)1. 重点单词1. n. 印象2. vt. 避开, 避免3. vt. 感激4. vt. n. 尊敬, 尊重5. n. 总结, 摘要6. vt. 挥(手); 招(手)7. adj. 紧张的, 焦虑的8. a

9、dv. 立即, 立刻一n力. 立即的9. vt. 承认一n. 进入, 门票10-adj. 严格的一adv. 严格地lladj. 精力充沛的一n. 精力, 能量12adj. 耐心的一adv. 耐心地一 n. 耐心13. adj. 有组织的一n. 组织14. adj. 科学的一n. 科学1 5. adj. 聪明的一n. 智力1 6_adj. 可笑的, 有趣的一 adj. 愉快的, 被逗乐的. 重点短语1. make 确信2. a result结果3. make 取得进步4. fact实际上5. fall 睡着6. any time在任何时候7. agree 适宜, 同意(某人)8. be stri

10、ct sb. 对某人严格9. do well 在方面做得好10. jokes讲笑话1. The manager his hand to us and then drove away. A. raised B. waved C. showed D. threw 2. One in seven road accidents are caused by drivers falling while driving. A. asleep B. sleepy C. sleep D. into asleep 3. Remember me to your parents and l wouldhearing

11、from you soon. A. expect B. want C. appreciate D. hope 4. He was into the famous university after three yearshard work. A. admitted B. accepted C. regarded D. considered 5. I stopped laughing when I realised that he was about it. A. delighted B. amazed C. embarrassing D. serious 6. I shall take you

12、back to Beijing you are well enough to travel. A. presently B. soon C. immediately D. shortly 7. Do you think that I have made a goodon your parents? A. impression B. discription C. information D. instruction 8. Cindy was so about her exams that she couldnt sleep. A. nervous B. patient C. shy D. sur

13、prised 9. Hell grab at any excuse to avoidthe dishes. A. to do B. do C. doing D. to doing 10. My grandfather is asas a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day. A. enthusiastic B. energetic C. talkative D. sensitive ll. You know, Bob is a little slow in understanding, so 一So I have t

14、o be patient him. A. with B. on C. to D. for 1 2. Mr Chen is not only strict his pupils but also strict his own work. A. with; with B. in; about C. in; with D. with; about Section 3 Listening and Vocabulary, Grammar一、根据汉语意思填空1. 我记得在哪里见过她。 I remember her once somewhere. 2. 既然你做不出这道题, 为什么不试着换另一种方法做它呢? Now that you cant work out the problem, why not it in another way?3. 所有这些房子都需要重建。All the houses require . 4. 玛丽更乐意听音乐而不是打网球。Mary



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