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1、八年级英语导学稿 编制:Lily 审核:Anna 时间:2011-9-1 编号001Unit 1 FriendsComic strip and welcome to the unit班级 姓名 学号 等级 _【学习目标】(Learning aims)1. 谈论人的外貌性格,复习描述人的单词和表达方式。2. 谈论各自的朋友,掌握描述人物相貌和品质的知识。3. 根据个人喜好,将描述朋友重要品质的形容词归类,了解一个好朋友必须具备的重要品质。【重点、难点】(key points and difficulty)用正确的形容词来描述人物相貌和品质。【学法指导】(methods and skills )1

2、. 自学指导:1)拼读并掌握单词(5分钟)2)朗读P6对话和P7词组, 用直尺划出词组,并完成A部分的词组练习(10分钟)2. 课堂上小组或同桌合作解决问题,教师点拨。【学习过程】A. 课前预习:1. 没有其他的_ 2. 再吃些食物_3. 一个诚实的男孩_4. 保密_5. 使我快乐_6. 相信他说的话_7. 遇到问题_8. 分享我的快乐_9. 一个长的好看的女孩_10.如此特别_B. 课堂探究 1. 课堂导入:How many friends do you have in our class?2. 小组讨论When you choose a friend, what do you want h

3、e is like? (appearance, quality)3. 独立完成课本7页A 部分练习4. 组内核对答案5. 看comic strip录像,小组讨论以下问题(1) If you are Eddie, will you give the pizza to Hobo? _(2) Do you like Eddie or Hobo? Why? _C. 小组展示1. 组内自主练习对话 (A1-C2 ,A2-C1 ,B1-B2)2. 学生两人一组上台表演对话,他组点评。D、精讲点拨1. 自己找出重难点_2. 小组内解决不懂的重难点内容._.3. 教师点拨4. 整理笔记_E、课堂巩固一、选择填

4、空( ) 1. Im so hungry, can I have _?A. anything eat B. something eating C. anything to eat D. something to eat( ) 2. There is a big cake. _ share it.A. May be we can B. We may be C. Maybe we can D. Maybe can we.( ) 3. Its so difficult a question. I think he will have problems _ .A. work it out B. wor

5、king it out C. in working out it D. work out it( ) 4. I believe _, because he is _ honest man.A. the words he says; a B. what he says; an C. he says what; the D. what does he say; an( ) 5. There arent enough chairs. Would you please _ones here?A. to bring another three B. bring more three C. to take

6、 three other D. bring three more( ) 6. Im going to _ them something about our new school.A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak( ) 7. -_ honest boy you are! -Thank you!A. What an B. What C. How an D. What a( ) 8. Millie is very_, so we all want to make _ with her.A. friends, friendly B. friendly, friends C

7、. friendly, friendly D. friends, friends( ) 9. -Can I have _? - Of course .Here you are.A. some more cakes B. a few food C. quite a few food D. a little eggs( )10. -Where _ will you go, children? -Lets go to Binhai, a nice and modern city.A. place B. other C. else D. the other二根据中文完成句子1. 我有一个比萨饼,你要来

8、些吗? I have a pizza. Would you _?2. 教室里没有其他人了。_ in the classroom.3. 我不相信你的话,因为你一点也不老实。I dont _, because youre not _.4. 我可以和他讲任何事情,因为他总会替我保密。I can _, because he always _ me.5. 你刚刚说的话让她很伤心。_ just now _.6. 你和朋友分享快乐有问题吗?Do you _?7. 再喝点咖啡怎样?_ coffee?8. -什么使你的朋友如此特别? -因为她很乐于助人并且考虑周到。- _?- Because she _.F、课

9、后拓展一、用所给单词的正确形式填空1. In our class, everyone likes Daniel. Because he is _ (friend) to us.2. My sister is good at _. She is _ (music).3. Do you think Peter is _ (clever) in your class?4. What a nice day! What about _ (go) fishing with me? 5. Nancy is a _ (care) girl. So she got good results in the exa

10、m.6. As a student, you need to be _ and speak to old people _ (polite).7. His handwriting is better than anyone _ (else) in his class.8. Tom didnt pass the exam. He felt very _ (happy).9. What about _(play) badminton?10. Do you believe what he _ (say) just now?11. _ (drink) too much is bad for our h

11、ealth.12. Harry Potter sells well among _. (teenager)二、单选题1314151617181920212213. We, _, like to go swimming.A. too B. also C. either D. neither14. Do you have _ to tell me?A. nothing new B. new something C. new anything D. anything new15. _ does he want to have? Nothing.A. Who else B. What others C. What other th



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