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1、A1层 AI horizonA2层 A2 horizonABC型土 ABC soilAC型土 AC soilAG型土 AG soilAo层 Ao horizonAp层 Ap horizonA层 A horizonBC型土壤 B C SoilB层 B horizonC层 C horizonG层 G horizonH层 H layerL层 L layerpF曲线 pF curvepF值 pF valuepH值 pH ValueU形沟蚀 U-shaped gullyingV式节制坝 V-type check damV形沟蚀 V-shaped gullingV形拖板 V-dragX线分光分析 X-ra

2、y spectrophyX线绕射分析 X-xayd iffraction methody次量养分元素, Secondary nutrient element(即 Secondary essential element安定粒团 Stable aggregate氨态氮 Ammonieal nitrogen胺化作用 Aminization暗 Dark (指Soil colour暗渠排水 Closed ditch drainage暗色火山灰土 Ando soil白垩土 Chalk soil白毛微法 Cunninghemella plaque test斑点 Mottling半定域土 Semizonal

3、soil半润度含水量 Moisture content at 50% relative humidity半沼泽土 Half bog soil (同 Marsh border soil)榜纹 Streak剥蚀作用 Exfoliation保土坝 Soil saving dam保土调查 Soil conservation survey保土局 Soil conservation service (U.S.D.A.)保土作物 soil protective crop保土作物 Soil conserving crop饱和度 Degree of saturation饱和渗透度 Saturated perme

4、ability饱和水流 Saturated flow鲍氏单位(鲍尔) Baules unit (haule)鲍氏生产律 Baule s law of percentage yield被护作物 Cover crop崩积层 Colluvium崩积土 Colluvial soil边际地 Mannings formula Marginal Land变质多米高岭石 Metahalloysite表层冲蚀 Sheet erosion表土 Surface soil表土截去 Truncation冰川沈积 Glacial drift冰积土 Glacial soil冰沼土 Tundra soil薄片状构造 Lami

5、nar structure卜来水化云母 Bravaisite不饱和水流 Unsaturated flow不坚结 Unconsolidated不自由水 Unfree water不足供应 Poverty adjustment残积土 Residual soil槽式培段 Channel-type terrace草地 Grass land草皮 Sod草滩腐植土 Marsh soil草原黑土 Black prairie soil草原土 Prairie soit颤动容积 Oscilation volume超施石灰 Overlim ing超效水 Superavailable water超粘粒 Ultra cl

6、ay成熟剖面 Mature profile成土母质 Parent material成土因子 Soil former成土作用 Soil forming process赤道聚钙土 Equatorial pedoca冲积层 Alluvium冲积扇 Alluvial fan冲积土 Alluvial soil冲蚀 Erosion冲蚀比 Erosion ratio冲蚀防治 Erosion control冲蚀性 Erosiveness冲刷 Scouring虫泄 Worm excretion虫穴 Mole burrow出水口 Outlet初步沟蚀 Incipient gullying (即 Finger gu

7、llying)锄力作用 Dynamic process处女土 Virgin soil穿透度 Penetrability穿透计 Penetr0meter垂距 Vertical interval垂流涵洞坝 Drop inlet dam次边际地 Submarginal land次量要素 Secondary product of weathering次生矿物 Secondary mineral次生土 Sedentary soil次生土 Heterochronogenous soils次生土粒 Secondary soils (同 Heterochronogenous soils)次生盐土 Second

8、ary soil particle次生砖红壤 Secondary laterite粗糙系数 Coefficient of roughness粗骨土 Skelctal soil粗管状 Tubular (指Pore space)粗砂壤土 Coarse sand loam粗团率 State of aggregation脆性 Brittle (指Consistence)代换性盐基 Replaceable bases单杆式霸 Pole type brucn dam单粒构造 Single grain structure单粒构造 Primary particle structure单值测定 Single v

9、alue determination淡 Weal (指Soil colour)淡栗钙土 Light chestnut coloured soil氮肥 Ammoniate氮化细菌 Ammonifving bacteria氮化作用 Ammonification氮素循环 Nitrogen cycle弹性 Elastic (指Consistence)弹性梳物养分 Elastic plant nutrient当量碱度 Equivalent basicity当量酸度 Equivalent acidity稻田阶段 Paddy terrace等电点 Isoelectric point等电点 Amphoteri

10、c point (同 Isoeiectric point)等电沈液 Isoelectric precipitate等腐植质带 Isohumus belt等高川作 Contour listihg等高耕作 Contour Planting (farming)等高间栽 Contour strip cropping等高线 Contour等高作沟 Contour ridging (同 Contour furrowing)等高作沟 Contour furrowing等力 Isodynes等斜阶段 Uniform terrace低腐植潜水灰壤 Low humic glei soil狄屯高岭石 Dickite

11、底堆石 Ground moraine底土 Subsoil地臂冲蚀 Geological erosion地景 Land scape地力衰竭 Soil exhaustion地势 Relief地下灌溉 Sub-irregation地下水 Ground water地下水位 Ground water table地形 Topograph电导测定法 Electro-conductivity method电解质 Electrolyte电渗 Electrophoresis (同 Cataphoresis)电渗 Caraphoresis电透析 Electrodyalysis电子显微法 Electromicrosc

12、opy凋萎点 Wilting point凋萎系数 Wilting co-efficient跌水冲蚀 Waterfall erosion碟状构造 Platy structure定位 Orientation定位吸着 Oriented adsorption定域土,顾域土 Zonal soil冻胀计 Dilatometer动物穴 Animal furrow豆科桢物 Leguminous plant犊聚作用 Accumulation短行 Short row (同 Point row)短行 Point row断键水 Broken bond water对称浓度 Symmetry concentration对

13、称值 Symmetry value多孔状 Porous (指 Pore space)多铝蒙特石 Bidellite多镁蒙特石,皂石 Saponite多水高岭石 Hailoysite多铁蒙特石,绿高岭石,硅铁石 Nontronire多硅高岭石 Anauxite遏渡域 Transitional zone二层法(机械分析) Two layer method (mechanical analysis)二电性 Amphoteric character二甲苯当量 Xylene equivalent二可性细菌 Faeultntive bacteria二性胶体 Ampholytoid矾斑 Alum spot反附着作用 Negative adsorption反吸收柞用 Negative absorption泛域土 Azonal soil方块构造 Cubic like structure防风草带 Shelter belt防风间栽 Wind strip cropping防风林 Wind break放牧地 Grazing land放射菌 Actinomycetes放射性迹示法 Radioactivity tracer technique非共生好氧性固氮菌 Azotobacter非共生嫌氧性固氮菌 Closteridimn pasterianum非交接性阴离子 Non-exchangeable ca



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