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1、 三L1(3)英语阶段测试 姓名_得分_一、单词拼写 在下列单词中填入所缺的字母或字母组合,使其完整与正确1.c_t 2. h_lp 3. n_ se 4. dr_ w 5. ch _ lk6. c _ke 7. sw_m 8. br_ _ d 9.l_ _ ve 10. b_ _ l二、按要求写出下列单词相应的形式1. too (同音异义词)_ 2.knife(复数)_3. policewoman(复数)_ 4.see(现在分词)_5. fly (现在分词)_ 6. up(反义词)_三、写出下列动词的现在分词。1. pump _ 2.take _ 3.swim _4. stop _ 5.op

2、en _ 6.play_ 四、选择 ( ) 1. Let me help_! A. they B. their C. them ( ) 2.Those slices _very thick. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 3. Sandys_ the jam ! A. eats B. eating C. eat ( ) 4.Im making some bread _tea .A. for B. of C. at ( ) 5.Give_the bread-knife, please . A.I B. my C. me ( ) 6.What_you doing ? A. am B

3、. are C. is ( ) 7.I can _the bread. A. cut B. cuts C. cutting ( ) 8. Bring me _ jam. A. a B. some C. an ( ) 9. There _some coffee. A. is B. are C. be ( ) 10. There_ a glass. A. is B. are C. am ( )11. There_ much jam. A. arent B. isnt C. are ( )12. I have _apples. A. a lot B. lots of C. a lot of ( )1

4、3.Bananas_Sandy. A. for B. of C. at ( )14.Is there any jam_ honey in the cupboard ? A. to B. or C. with ( )15. Im making_ shoppinglist . A. a B.an C. some( ) 16. _ that cupboard. A. Open B. open C. Opens( ) 17. There are some oranges_ the bowl. A. in B. to C. for( )18. Let me help _ . A. he B. his C

5、. him( )19. There _ an apple and two pears on the table . A. is B .are C. be( )20. I want_make a shopping-list . A. for B. to C.or五、用所给词的适当形式填空。 A: What _(happen), Sue? B: The boys _(fight). A: Stop! Stop! The teacher is coming. A: What _ Tom _(do) now? B: He _(pump) my tyre. A: What are you doing?

6、B: I _(hold) the bicycle for him. A: Whats that in the lake? B: Its my dog, Billy. A: What _ he _(do) in the water? B: He _(swim). A: Look! He _(go) down under the water. B: Billy, Billy! I cant see my dear Billy.六、句型转换 1. There are some biscuits.(变为否定句)There _ _ biscuits. 2. Thats all right.(变为同义句)

7、Thats _. 3.Is Sandy drinking lemonade ? (作肯定回答)Yes, he _. 4.Its nice picture.(变一般疑问句)_ _ a _picture ? 5.Pass me some blue chalk.(同义句)Pass _blue _ _me . 6.There is some sugar in my tea.(变成一般疑问句)_. 7. Im reading a book .(对划线部分提问) _are you _? 8.Give me that cup, please .(变否定句) _. 9.There isnt any milk

8、or sugar in it. (变成肯定句) _ 10.Its not very nice .(翻译) _ 11. I can fly .(变成一般疑问句) _七、英汉搭配 把A栏和B栏里英汉意思相同的一组用线连起来。 A B1、let me help you 1、给我拿点糖来2、make some sandwiches for tea 2、画一幅画3、bring me some sugar 3、让我来帮你忙4、draw a picture 4、做点三明治当茶点5、cut the cake 5、切蛋糕6、come out of school 6、在操场上跳绳7、taste the coffe

9、e 7、尝尝这咖啡8. skip in the playground 8、从学校走出来9. run down the hill 9、往山下跑10. fly over the lake 10、从湖上飞过八、阅读,判断正误。 Sandy : What are you doing ?Sue: Im drinking dads coffee .Sandy: Is there any sugar in your coffee? Sue: No,there isnt .Sandy: Ugh! Its not very nice . This isnt coffee, its tea .1.Sue is reading a book. ( ) 2. There is some sugar in Sues coffee.( )3.Sandy is drinking dads coffee ( )4. This isnt coffee. ( )5.It isnt tea .()十、口语部分 (15篇课文)3


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