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1、Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B 教学设计官庄中学 程珊Teaching aims and demands:1. Learn how to identify singular objects in English.2. Master the usage of indefinite articles a and an.3. Learn the spelling of words.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review1. Sing the song whats this?2. Take out a CD and introduce a new topic

2、. learn and master the new words “a” “an ” “English” and the phrase “in English”.T: This is a CD. Whats this in English? Ss: (Lead to say “Its a CD.Show the sentence patterns of“Whats this in English?”and “Its a CD.”on the blackboard.Step 2 Presentation1. Show some pictures to teach new sentence pat

3、terns and words. For example:T: whats this/that in English?Ss: Its a book / desk/ map/ / ruler/pen/pencil. (Help students to answer and present the objects repeatedly)2. Use the same way to teach and let students master the new words an /apple /orange/ egg/ eraser.3. Let students try to sum up the u

4、sage of the differences between “a” and “an”.Then the teacher gives a further explanation about the usage of“ a/ an”.4. Ask students to complete sentences with a/an. then check the answers.5. Show pictures and ask students. Lead to the new word “spell. For example:T: whats this /that in English?Ss:

5、Its a book/map.T: How do you spell it? Ss: (.Help students to spell “B-O-O-K, book.)T: Thank you.Ss: Thats OK. / Youre welcome.(the teacher helps students to answer.)Explain and practice the sentence patterns of “How do you spell it? and “Can you spell it, please? learn and master the new words “spe

6、ll”, “can”. Practice with pictures.6. Learn la.(1) Listen to 1a and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.(2) Ask the students to read after the tape. Then read together.(3) Read 1a aloud in roles. Boys read Wang and girls read Jane.Step 3 consolidation1. the teacher explains the usage o

7、f and the difference between “this” and“ that”. 2. .Use objects to practice 1a in pairs .Finish 1a.3. Lets chant. To remember these new words make up a chant.“Whats this? Whats this? Its a pen, Its a pen.”Step 4 Practice1. Ask the students to complete 1b.the teacher ask two students to check the ans

8、wer.2. Pair work. Ask students to make up a new dialog. Pick several groups to perform, and encourage them with applause. Finish 1c.Step 5 Project Have a class activity. Touch and guess things with eyes covered by a piece of cloth. Make sure students can master the sentence patterns of identifying objects.


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