仁爱英语八下Unit5 Topic1Section D教学设计

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《仁爱英语八下Unit5 Topic1Section D教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《仁爱英语八下Unit5 Topic1Section D教学设计(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section DSection D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 4. 本课重点活动是1a和4。. Aims and demands 目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases:come into being, role, facial, gesture, culture, nowadays, make peace with sb., grateful2. Learn some knowledge about Beijing Opera: Beijing Oper

2、as historyfour main roles of Beijing Opera3. Review and sum up the structure of “linking verb + adj.”:You look excited.I feel disappointed.It tastes so delicious.The man seems worried.It smells terrible.Did she sound upset?She was very sad and went mad.The father was lonely and often became angry be

3、cause of the noisy children.4. Review and sum up the useful expressions in this topic.5. Learn about Chinese culture and love our national opera. Teaching aids 教具脸谱或图片(“生”、“旦”、“净”、“丑”)/卡片/幻灯片/录音机/京剧磁带. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 5分钟)复习并处理Section A到Section C的内容。1. (教师引导学

4、生用描绘情感的词问答。)T: Ask and answer the questions using the adjectives to express feelings.when your pet dies?when you have a temperature?when you see someone walking in the rain with a closed umbrella in the hand?when you listen to wonderful music?How will you feel2. (教师放京剧磁带。)T:What do you call this mus

5、ic?Ss:We call it Beijing Opera.T:Yeah. Beijing Opera is an important part of Chinese culture. So we think its our national opera.(板书生词culture, 并要求学生掌握。)culture 文化T: Do you want to know anything more about Beijing Opera? Lets learn about it from 1a.Step 2 Presentation第二步 表现(时间:13分钟)表现1a。1. (教师依次拿出“生”

6、、“旦”、“净”、“丑”的脸谱或图片,表现并理解生词facial, 掌握gesture。对京剧中“生”、“旦”、“净”、“丑”的角色做解释。通过这个环节检查学生的预习情况。) (教师拿出三张“生”的脸谱或图片。)T:Look at this facial painting. Its name is“Sheng”.(板书facial并要求学生理解。)facial 面部的T:What does“Sheng”usually stand for? Just Guess!Ss: It stands for Xiucai(秀才).T: Yeah, very good. There are three ki

7、nds of “Sheng” (分别表现“生”的图片). They are Wenxiaosheng, Wenlaosheng and Wusheng. Wenxiaosheng usually stands for Xiucai. Wenlaosheng stands for people in high positions. Wusheng stands for ancient soldiers. They all make wonderful gestures, and Wusheng also makes wonderful fighting. (板书gesture并用手势让学生猜词义

8、。)Gesture手势(教师拿出“旦”的脸谱或图片。)T:Do you know this one?Ss:Yeah, its “Dan”. (如果回答有困难,就用下列问题提示。)T:Are they all women?S1:Yes, they are.T:Do they wear beautiful clothes?S2:Yes, they do.T:“Dan” has Huadan and Laodan. They are all women. They usually wear beautiful clothes.(教师拿出“净”的脸谱或图片。)T:How about this one?

9、 In Beijing Opera, there are “Sheng”,“Dan”,“Jing” and“Chou”. Can you guess this one?S1:Its “Jing”.T:Whatre their faces like?S2:They usually have black and red faces.S3:They also have black and white faces.T:Yes. People with black and red faces are good, but people with black and white faces are bad.

10、(教师拿出“丑”的脸谱或图片。)T:What is this one called?Ss:“Chou”.T:Whatre their faces like?Ss:They usually paint their noses white.T:Do you like them?Ss:Yeah. They are so funny.T:I like them, too. They often bring us happiness and laughter.(老师同时展示“Sheng”,“Dan”,“Jing”,“Chou”四幅图。)T:How many main roles are there in

11、 Beijing Opera?Ss:Four.(教师板书生词,适当解释并要求学生掌握。)role(导入下一步。)2. (放1a录音,给学生布置听力任务。)T:OK, you have known much about Beijing Opera. But do you know how many years of history it has? Lets listen to the tape and find out the answer to this question.(学生听完录音后,回答问题。)T:How many years of history does it have?Ss:It

12、 has over 200 years of history.3. (让学生读1a的短文,在重点词、短语下画线,鼓励学生在语境中猜词义,然后适当讲解。学习并掌握come into being,理解nowadays。)T:Boys and girls, please read this passage and underline the key words and phrases. Try your best to catch the meanings in the context. (板书)national opera, come into being, main roles, music a

13、nd singing, facial paintings, gestures and fighting, an important part of Chinese culture, be popular with, nowadaysStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 7分钟)巩固1a,完成1b和1c。1.(让学生再读1a,独立完成1b。)T: Read 1a again and mark True or False in 1b according to the passage.(做完1b后,核对答案。)T: Lets check the answers togeth

14、er.2. (通过听力训练完成1c。)T: Beijing Opera is full of famous stories. Do you know the stories in it? Lets learn about them. First, please read through the passage and then underline the new words and phrases in it.(板书并要求学生掌握。)peace, make peace with sb. (让学生听1c的录音, 完成1c。)T: Listen carefully and complete 1c.

15、(核对答案。)T: Lets check the answers together.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间: 12分钟)总结本话题的语法及目标语言。1. (复习巩固3a,本话题的重要知识点并以双簧的形式表演出来。)(方案一) (全班分为四个小组,每组选出两名学生,到前面表演双簧。此活动主要目的是巩固系表结构。)T: Now Ill divide the class into four groups, and then ask two students from each group to come to the blackboard and act.A (表演) B (说句子)1. I look so excited.2. I feel disappointed.3. The food tastes so delicious.4. It smells terrible.5. The boy seems worried.6. He becomes angry.(方案二)


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