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1、辅 导 讲 义一、教学目标复习巩固八年级下册第五单元Topic 2语法知识点二、 上课内容1. 复习上次上课内容2. 讲解复习相关语法点3. 做对应巩固练习三、课后作业1.复习课堂知识点2.习题练习四、家长签名(本人确认:孩子已经完成“课后作业”) _Topic 2 Section A 1、Anything wrong? = Is there anything wrong? 有什么麻烦吗? 形容词修饰不定代词要后置. 如:something bad 不好的事情 everything new 一切新的事物(1).Is there _ wrong? _ bad happened to me. A.

2、anything,something B.anything,anything C.something,anything D.something,something2、 What seems to be the problem? 似乎有什么问题?seem to do sth. “似乎做某事” 常与 “It seems that + 句子” 转换, 如:He seems to know her name. = It seems that he knows her name. 似乎他知道她 的名字. 否定:He seems not to know her name.seem + 形容词 “似乎(怎样

3、)”, 构成系表结构. 如:You seem sad. = You seem (to be) sad.= It seems that you are sad.你似乎很伤心. (1).You _ very sad. What happened to you? A.seem B.seems C.seem to D.seems to (2).Mary _ be doing her homework. A.seem B.seems C.seem to D.seems to (3). _seems that Tom like swimming very much. A.It B.This C.What

4、D.That3、 be strict with 对要求严格Eg:Our teachers are always strict with us.(1) .My father is very strict _ my brother. A.to B.with C.of D.with(2).我的母亲对我要求严格。_.4、 be worried about 担心Eg:He is sick,so I am worried about his health. (1). I am worried _ the weather. It seems that it will rain soon. A.of B.to

5、 C.about D.with(2). Your mother is _ (担心 )you. You should go home.(3).Dont _(担心) me. I will be fine.5、cheer up 使振作Eg:Ann is ill,his class hold(举行) a party to cheer her up.(1) .She seems sad. Lets _. A.cheer up her B.cheer on her C.cheer her up D.cheer her onSection B1、Wh + 动词不定式作宾语 Eg:I dont know ho

6、w to talk with others. We should decide where to meet first.2、at the age (在这个年龄)和at the age of (在几岁时)Eg:At the age of six ,he can write short stories. (1).At the age _ ten, I can swim. A.of B.in C./ D.when (2)._(在八岁时), an accident happened to her.3、, but I dont know how to get other students to talk

7、 with me. 但是我不知道怎样使他们和我交谈.使役动词:make ,get,letget sb. to do sth. “使(让/ 叫) 某人做某事”, 相当于 ask / tell sb. to do sth.或者说 let / make sb. do sth.(不带to) Eg:The cruel(残忍的)boss made the workers work day and night. = The cruel(残忍的)boss get the workers to work day and night. (1).My mother got me _ the kitchen. A.t

8、o wash B.wash C.washing D.to washing (2).My mother made me _ the kitchen. A.to wash B.wash C.washing D.to washing (3).My mother asked me _ the kitchen. A.to wash B.wash C.washing D.to washing4、 in ones +数词(整十复数)在多大时 Eg:In his thirties ,he became a doctor.在他三十多岁时,他成为了一名医生。5、 call sb at + 电话号码 Eg:If y

9、ou want more information,please call me at 88888888.6、 too much 太多(后接不可数名词) Eg:I have too much homework to do. too many 太多(后接可数名词) Eg:There are too many people in this room. much too 非常, 后接形容词 Eg:This box is much too heavy,I cant move it. (1). It is said that Tom has _ homework to do. A.much too B.t

10、oo much C.too many D.many too(2).You should not drink _ milk. A.too much B.much too C.too many D.many too(3).There are _ girls in my class.A.too much B.much too C.too many D.many tooSection C1、It is important to talk to someone else. 跟其它人交流很重要.句型 “It is + 形容词. + to do”中, “It”是形式主语,真正主语是后面的动词不定式. 如:

11、It is normal to feel tired after a long trip.长途旅行后,感到疲劳是正常的. It is dangerous to swim in the sea. 在大海里游泳是很危险的.句型 “It takes sb. some time to do sth.” 花了某人某时做某事. 如: It took me three days to finish this work. 花了我三天时间完成这项工作.(1) ._ took me one hour to finish my homework. A.That B.This C.It D.What(2) ._ is

12、 important to learn English well. A.That B.This C.It D.What(3).我花了三个小时来清洁房间。_.2、It is said that 据说 It is said that it will rain tomorrow.(1)._ is said that he will go to the USA. A.That B.This C.It D.What(2)._ _ _(据说) we will have a party tomorrow night. 3、. when something bad happens to us. 当不好的事情发

13、生在我们身上时. “sth. happens to sb.”, 指“某事发生在某人身上”. 是一种惯用句型. 如:A serious accident happened to his brother yesterday. 昨天,一个重大事故发生在他的兄弟身上.happen to do sth. 指 “碰巧做某事”, 如:I happened to see my friend Jim in the street yesterday.昨天,我碰巧在街上看到我的朋友吉姆. (1). Something bad _ me yesterday. I lost my keys to the door of my bedroom.A.happen B.happen to C.happened to D.happened(2).It rained suddenly yesterday. Mary_ _ (碰巧)have an umbrella.(3).She happened _ her classmate last night when she wa


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