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1、A heroic coming-of-age story which follows the epic adventures of a young lion cub named Simba as he struggles to accept the responsibilities of adulthood and his destined role as king of the jungle. As a carefree cub, he is both excited and anxious to become king, one day, and spends his days froli

2、cking with his pal, Nala. His father, King Mufasa, the revered ruler of Pride Rock and the lands that surround it, teaches him about the Circle of Life-the delicate balance of nature which bonds all animals together; Simbas father cautions him to prepare for the day when he will be called upon to le

3、ad. Mufasas evil brother, Scar, hopes that day will never arrive and schemes to do away with the king and Simba so that he can assume the throne for his own tyrannical purposes. Scar and his hyena henchmen-Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed-lure Simba into the path of a wildebeest stampede in which Mufasa is ki

4、lled trying to save his son. Scar convinces Simba that he is responsible for his fathers death and urges him to leave the Pride Lands and never return. A frightened and guilt-ridden Simba flees into exile where he is befriended by a wacky but warmhearted warthog named Pumbaa and his free-wheeling me

5、erkat companion, Timon. Under the dubious guidance of this natures odd couple, Simba adopts their Hakuna Matata (no worries) attitude towards life-taking things one day at a time. The cub matures into a young adult and is able to forget his past until a beautiful young lioness-who turns out to be hi

6、s childhood friend Nala-arrives on the scene. She tells him of the hard times and suffering that have come to the Pride Lands under Scars reign, and beseeches him to take his place as king. With the help of Rafiki, a wise shaman baboon, Simba realizes that his fathers spirit lives on in him and that

7、 he must accept the responsibility of his d e s t i n e d r o l e .一个英雄的成年故事讲述了一个年轻的史诗般的冒险的狮子辛巴 他竭力命名接受成年人的责任 ,他注定要扮演丛林之王。作为一个无忧无虑的幼崽 ,他既兴奋又渴望成为国王 ,有一天 ,每天和他的朋 友嬉戏 ,娜娜。 他的父亲 ,国王木法沙 ,受人尊敬的统治者的骄傲和土 地周围岩石 , 教他关于 “生生不息 ”大自然的微妙的平衡 ,债券所 有的动物在一起 ;辛巴的父亲警告他的准备时间 ,他将被号召领导。 木法沙的邪恶的兄弟 ,疤痕 ,希望这一天永远不会到来和计划废除国 王和辛

8、巴 ,这样他可以宝座的人对自己的残暴的目的。疤痕和他的 追随者 Shenzi在内的鬣狗 力岁,Ed 吸引辛巴的道路一踩 踏事件中 ,木法沙是角马杀害试图挽救他的儿子。辛巴 ,他说服了伤 疤负责他父亲的死亡和敦促他离开骄傲土地和永不回来。 一个害怕 和负罪的辛巴逃流放他在哪里结识了由一个古怪的但热心肠的疣 猪命名彭彭和他的同伴随心所欲的猫鼬 ,丁满。可疑的指导下这种 性质的古怪的夫妇 ,辛巴采用他们的 “哈库拉马塔塔 ”不(用担心 )生活 态度 把事情一天一次。幼崽的不断成熟,成为一个年轻的成人和能够忘记他的过去 ,直到一个美丽的年轻母狮 ,原来是他儿时的朋 友那勒 抵达现场。她告诉他的困难时期和痛苦 ,来到了骄傲的 土地在疤痕的统治 ,才能恳请他代替他作王。 Rafiki 的帮助下 ,一个 明智的萨满狒狒 ,辛巴意识到他父亲的精神生活在他的 ,他必须接受 他注定的责任的角色。



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