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1、 Unit 1 Hello! (Period 1)Teaching contents 教学内容: Unit1 Hello Story time (period 1)Teaching aims & learning objectives 教学目标:1能认识主要的人物:Miss Li, Mike。2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Hi/ Hello, .Good morning/Good afternoon,.。3. 能够熟练运用本科句型和周围的人打招呼。Focus of the lesson 教学重点:1 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Hi/ Hello, .Good morning/Go

2、od afternoon,.。2. 能认识主要的人物:Miss Li, Mike。Predicted area of difficulty教学难点:能熟练运用句型和别人打招呼,并能初步了解招呼语之间的区别。Teaching preparation教具准备:图片 头饰 句子卡片 PPTTeaching procedures教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1.Listen and sing a song 2.Free talkT:Good morning ,class.Im your English teacher.You can call me Miss Zhou.Do you want

3、say something to me?S1: Good morning ,Miss Zhou.T: Good morning,S1.(课前让学生把名字做成卡片放于桌上)Can you say hello to S2?S1: Hello,S2.S2: Hello,S1.引导者两名学生站到讲台给全班学生打个招呼:Hello,class.(渗透理解class的含义)Step 2 Presentation1.出示单词卡片:Hello,示范读,(强调hello中元音字母的发音以及重音,提高学生发音的准确度)a.开火车读(read one by one)T: Can you read Hello?如果学

4、生听不懂,老师就在学生的耳边轻轻地提醒他说hello。b.Read four by fourT: Now please read it four by four.老师在说这类课堂用语时尽量配用手势,如果实在听不懂可以适当说一点点中文提示,让学生尽早适应老师的课堂用语。c.Say hello to each oter.(鼓励学生用不同的语调表达hello的语气)2.学习hi当学生用hello和老师问候时,老师及时用hi来回复。并用儿童语告诉学生hello还有一位胞弟hi,他们可以替换使用。带领学生用拼读的方式认读h-ihi,反复训练i的发音,注意发音时的口形。3.认识课文中人物T(出示Mike的

5、图片): Look , this boy is Mike.(范读Mike)Can you say hello to Mike?S:Hello/Hi,Mike.(教师及时纠正发音)给一位经过纠正后,发音准确的学生带上Mike的头饰,鼓励其他学生和他互相打招呼。T 带着Miss Li的头饰,和学生操练句型。S1: Hello,Miss Li.S2: Hi,Miss Li.S3;Good morning , Miss Li.(适时板书Hello,Hi,Good morning,并读板书,及时巩固)T:与老师等长辈打招呼,与同学等同辈打招呼,会有区别吗?(把这个问题示于黑板一角)引导学生看课本自己去发

6、现总结 ( 文化意识的渗透)Step 3Look,read and learnStory time教学1.T: Look at picture 1,2,3.Who can you see? And who appears in each picture?S: Miss Li and Mike.Mike T: Can you tell me what happened with Mike? Talk in groups first.T在几个学生发言后,做总结:In the morning ,Mike goes to school,and meets Miss Li and his classma

7、tes.T: What does Mike say? Read in pairs and circle them .学生汇报,教师及时补充板书。带读板书(根据学生掌握情况由学生或老师带读)Listen to the tape,read after the tape(模仿录音中Mike的发音,同时感受文中其它角色的语音)指名模仿读Mike的话。T:How do Miss Li and his classmates respond Mike?出示写有Good morning,Mike.Hi,Mike.Hello,Mike.的卡片,学生认读。并引导贴到黑板的适当位置。T指着黑板一角的问题,What

8、did you find?小组讨论问候语的使用区别。Watch the cartoon,read after it.Review the story.Play a game:小组合作给动画配音。T:You all did a good job.Lets enjoy a song.Good morning2. Learn picture 4.T:Happy time goes very fast,morning goes by,afternoon is coming.(出示一个两点半的闹钟)Guess what is Mike doing now?(having class)T:Look,cla

9、ss is beginning.What is she saying?Please catch the new word.教学afternoonT:Can you read it?注意oo组合这里发音/u:/师生用这个句子进行对话练习。理解classPlease guess ,what does class mean?class (C)A. A picture of a boy B.a picture of a girl C.a picture of some boys and girlsRead after the tape.Act out pcture 4.Say a chant(带着动作

10、说)Morning norning,good morning.Afternoon,afternoon,good afternoon.拓展evening教学Read after the tape,Story time.Read the text together.Step 4 productionFun time:1. play and say.T:Now lets play a game 示范游戏,分组对话练习。2.Look and say 用上所学内容,分组创设情境表演。Step 5 Assignment:1.Read Story time after the tape,and recite

11、 the dialogues.2.Try to know the other students in the story.板书设计 Unit 1 Hello Good morning,Miss Li. Good morning.HiHi,Mike. Hello Hello,Mike. 教后反思: Unit 1 Hello! (Period 2) Teaching contents 教学内容: Unit1 Hello Cartoon time & Fun time(period 2)Teaching aims & learning objectives 教学目标:1学生能听懂、会说、会读、会运用

12、句型:Hi/ Hello, Im /Good morning./Good afternoon.。2.学生能认识主要的卡通形象:Sam, Bobby3.学生能够在不同的情境下和周围的人打招呼。Focus of the lesson 教学重点:1 能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Hi/ Hello, Im /Good morning./Good afternoon.。2. 学生能认识主要的卡通形象:Sam, Bobby 3能读懂小卡通故事。Predicted area of difficulty教学难点:1能听懂、会说、会读、会运用句型:Hi/ Hello, Im /Good morning./G

13、ood afternoon.。2能初步会用英语表达自己的名字。3 能够在不同的情境下和周围的人打招呼。Teaching preparation教具准备:图片 PPTTeaching procedures教学过程:Step 1 Warming up.1. 在上课前,老师先放本单元的Song Time里面的歌来吸引学生的注意力。让学生下课也沉浸在英语的氛围中。T: Now class begins.S: Stand up.T: Hello, class.Ss: Hello. (如果不是回答的很整齐老师也不用太在意)T: Sit down, please.S: Thank you.可进行适当的课堂常

14、规用语练习2示范并要求学生开小火车相互打招呼T:Hello, Im (Miss/ Mr) S1:Hello, ImT: Now lets say Hello to each other one by one.S: OK. (如果学生不会打招呼,可以适当提示)Step 2 Revision1 出示课文人物头饰Miss Li, Su Hai, Liu Tao,Mike, Wang Bing。学生快速说出这些人物的名字。2 出示Stoty time部分的图片,让学生一同桌为单位练习。Step 3 Presentation1教师出示课文挂图并且板书who和 what先根据问题梳理一下板书的具体意思。 认识两个卡通人物,并教授cat和mouse。T:Whats the cats name? Whats the mouses name?(同样可以提示中文,让学生熟悉这样通过疑问词来自学课文的方式。)PPT显示课文图片 T:Now, please watch the cartoon, and find the answers.(放录音,让学生去听)


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