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1、八年级英语(下)Module 7 Summer in Los Angeles导学案Unit 1 Please write to me and send me some photos课型:听说课学习目标:1、谈论计划和将来的活动。 2、掌握and, but, or连接的并列复合句。 3、学会自主学习、合作学习、探究学习或小组合作学习。学习重点:单词list, crazy, shorts, trousers, sunglasses, homestay, weigh, weight, total, passport, culture 词组make a list, at the end of, pay

2、 for, had better do sth, by the way, write to sb 句型When are you leaving and how long are you going to stay there? It sounds crazy, but I dont know what to take. Shorts are good, or you can wear light trousers.一、 自主学习(要求同学们在预习课文中自主完成)1、 词形变换weigh(名词)_ photo(复数)_prepare(现在分词)_pay(过去分词)_ early(比较级)_ ex

3、pensive(比较级)_2、 英汉互译列清单 had better do sth 在的末尾 forget to do sth付款 have a great time顺便说 write to sb 为做准备 too much3、 词汇拓展(要求同学们学会查字典,掌握词的用法)1)too much和much too 2)spend, pay, take, cost的区别3)forget to do sth 和forget doing sth 二、合作探究 要求同学们小组讨论,一起解决预习过程中存在疑问的知识点。三、 巩固提高( ) 1. I dont know _ A. What do I ta

4、ke B. What I take C. What to take( ) 2. 200 dollars _ enough. A. is B. are C. be( ) 3. Youd better _ the doctor for some advice. A. to ask B. ask C. asking( ) 4. Dont forget_ your passport when you leave. A. taking B. to take C. take( ) 5. I will pay 50 yuan_ the T-shirt. A. on B. to C. for( ) 6. St

5、udy hard, _ you will get good marks. A. and B. but C. or( ) 7. The woman is very ugly, _ she is very kind. A. and B. but C.or( ) 8.Do you like coffee_ milk? Coffee, please. A. and B. but C. orUnit 2 Fill out our form and learn English in Los Angeles课型:阅读课学习目标:1、掌握本课重点单词和短语。 2、能够读懂有关英语课程宣传的文章。一、自主学习(

6、要求同学们在预习课文中自主完成)1、快速阅读课文,找出全文的中心思想和每个段落的大意(Parts2-3)2、阅读课文,选择正确的答案。 ( ) 1. You can_ in Los Angeles A. learn about American culture B. improve English C. Both A and B ( ) 2. English courses will start_. A. in July B. at the end of July C. at the end of June ( ) 3. The students will live_. A. with the

7、 A merican family B. in a hotel C. Both A and B( ) 4. You must pay for the courses_.A. at least one month before it starts B. before it starts C. after it starts( ) 5. The passage may be found in a_. A.storrybook B. newspaper C. notebook 3、英汉互译同时 daily life取决于 at least参加 go shopping与某人保持联系 as well as填写 choose to do sth二、合作探究 要求同学们小组讨论,一起解决预习过程中存在疑问的知识点。三、 书面表达假设你的笔友暑假将从美国来中国看望你,他正在列举旅程的清单,希望早些做好准备,请你给他写封信,给他一些建议,告诉他要带上什么物品。70词左右。Dear Peter, _ Yours _ 2


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