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1、第 一 单元 第 1 课课题Skirt and trousers课 型 New lesson教学目标知识:1)理解掌握单词skirt, trousers , shirt, sweater, T-shirt.2)理解句型:What is he / she wearing? He / she is wearing_. This is _. These are _.能力:熟练运用新句型描述人们的穿着。情感:让学生们从英语课堂活动中体验学习的快乐,从而逐步训练他们的听说能力。教 学重 点单词:skirt, trousers , shirt, sweater, T-shirt.句型: This is _

2、. These are _.What is he / she wearing? He / she is wearing_.教 学难 点理解并熟练运用句型进行简单的英语对话练习教 学方 法直观演示法,情景教学法学习方法小组合作,听说法教 学准 备教师熟悉教材 ,制作课件学生熟悉服饰词,预习新课课 时安 排1课时教 学 过 程二次备课Step 1: Class Opening 1. Greet the students with the familiar phrases:T: Hello! Boys and Girls! S: Hello! Miss Wen! 2. Review the colo

3、r words. Such as,Red, blue, white, orange, pink. Whats this?What color is this?Step 2 : New conceptsToday, I will give every student a surprise, I will take all of you to an interesting place, try to guess: Where is it? Lets go together.1. Words:Look at the pictures, lead students to learn each word

4、s, write the words on the blackboard. Show skirt, trousers , shirt, sweater, T-shirt.Explain each word, especially trousers, and then lead S to read the new words in different ways.Games for mastering words. Ask some S to read the words and lead others to read. Is this a _? YesNo. What is this?Is th

5、is a _or a_? Its a _.For example,Is this a shirt?Yes, it is.This is a trousers. (ask students to correct the sentence)Theses are trousers.Show : This is a _.These are _.Ask students to practice the words and patterns.2. Whats he /she wearing? Ask students to share their pictures in front, name the p

6、ictures at the same time. T: What are they?S: They are pants.T: What color are they? S: They are blue.T: Yes. They are blue pants. Blue pants.T: What is it? S: Its a shirt.T: What color is it? S: Its white and yellow.Explain “wear” and “wearing” in Chinese.T:(Point to a Ss clothes)What is heshe wear

7、ing? HeShe is wearing a_.(Lead S to read this sentences three times)S: HeShe is wearing a _.T:(Point to another S ) What is heshe wearing?S: HeShe is wearing a _.T :( Turn to a girl) What are you wearing?S: Im wearing a _.T :( Point to myself) What am I wearing?S: You are wearing a _.Practice in pai

8、rs: Ask S to talk their clothes in pairs with the new sentence patterns.Step3: Class closingT: Ok, you do a good job. Class is over, good-bye everyone.S: Good-bye, teacher.一、开学第一节课,给同学们提出要求和希望。简单的介绍本学期的总体内容。二、展示PPT skirt trousers shirtT-shirt sweater三、练习句子和对话板书设计 Lesson1 Skirt and Trousersskirt trou

9、sers shirt T-shirt sweaterwearwearing1. This is a _.These are _.2. What is heshe wearing? HeShe is wearing_ .Add ,What is he wearing? He is wearing a green sweater. What is she wearing? She is wearing a white skirt.教学反思 由于是开学第一节英语课,所以本节课的内容比较少,个别同学还没进入课堂学习状态,大部分同学在慢慢接受学会学习的过程,对于重点单词shirt,skirt,trous

10、ers,T-shirt,sweater五个重点单词的发音同学们还需要一节课的时间来练习巩固,He is wearing a green sweater. She is wearing a white T-shirt. He is wearing blue trousers. She is wearing a yellow skirt. 四个句子我是要求学生背诵的,在课堂上有部分学生已经能够说出或背诵。需要注意的是后进生的学习督促情况。第 一 单元 第 2 课课题New and Old课 型 New lesson教学目标知识:掌握new和 old这对反义词并能在句子中正确运用; 理解掌握句型:

11、I like your _. Its nice_.能力:能正确形容某物的新与旧,学会用本课句型。I like your_. Its nice.来对人们的衣着进行评论。情感:培养学生的探究精神,从而学会独立、自主获取知识的能力。 教 学重 点教会学生用new old正确形容某物的新与旧教 学难 点学会使用本课句型I like your_ .Its nice.教 学方 法情景教学法学习方法听说法教 学准 备教师认真备课,制作课件学生 熟悉服装类单词课 时安 排1课时教 学 过 程二次备课Step1: Class opening1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls!

12、S: Hello, teacher. T: How are you today?S: Im fine, and you?T: Im fine.2. ReviewReview the words and sentence patterns in a dialogue. Ask for S to come to the front, and then play games.T: What color is this?(Point to a girls clothes)S: Its_.T: Is this a_or a_? S: Its a_.T: What is she wearing? S: S

13、he is wearing a_ _.T: What are they?(Point to a boys pants) S: They are pants.T: What color are they? S: They are_.Step2: New concepts1. New and Old:Show some groups of pictures, such as a new shirt and an old one, a new bag and an old bag, a new sweater and an old one.Encourage S to guess the meani

14、ng of “new, old”.Lead S to read the new words and phrases for several times.Practice:T:(Point to the pants)What are they? S: PantsT: Yes, they are pants. Are they green? S: Yes, they are green.T: Are they new? Are they new? S: Yes.T: Yes, they are new.(Lead S to read this sentence) S: Yes, they are new.2. I like your_. Its nice.


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