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1、“学 程 导 航”课 时 教 学 计 划教学内容Colours Comic strip & Welcome to the unit共几课时8课型New第几课时1教学目标1. 认识不同颜色的名称。2. 认识彩虹的颜色以及他们的顺序。3. 初步了解语言知识would rather Theres nothing wrong with教学重难点重点:would rather,彩虹的颜色难点:would rather教学资源PPT,the students knowledge about colours,预习设计1. 预习本课生词,并尝试拼读。2. 预习comic ,并想想下列句子是什么意思。(1) I

2、d rather wear blue than pink.(2) Theres nothing wrong with pink, you know.(3) But blue looks good on you. 海门经济开发区中学 何晓今 施教日期 年 月 日 学程预设导学策略调整与反思. Lead-inGuess what it is.It hangs in the sky. It looks like a bow (弓).It appears after the rain. It has seven colors. Task driving &Learning showA1. How ma

3、ny colours are there in a rainbow?What are they?2. 学习有关颜色生词。indigo violet rainbow3. Can you name the following colours4. Work in pairs.A: Have you seen a rainbow in the sky?B: Yes, Ive just seen one .A: Really? Do you know how many colors there are in a rainbow?B: Sure. There are seven colours.A: Wh

4、at are they?B: They are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violetB1. Do you know what colour does Eddie prefer? Listen to the tape and find out the answer.2. Read the dialogue between Eddie and Hobe.3. Discuss some important sentences.(1)Id rather wear blue than pink. 我宁愿穿蓝色也不愿意穿粉红色。(2)The

5、res something wrong with pink , you know.你是知道的红色本身没什么错。(3)But blue looks good on you.但是蓝色穿在你身上很好看。猜谜语导入课文,引起学生的兴趣。直接进入课题,学习彩虹颜色预习检测学生单词预习情况,注意纠正生词的正确发音。两人一组进行对话,同时注意黑体字部分。并且想想为什么。可以讨论。听录音,回答问题。书本合上。跟读,并模仿。让学生读,并且小组讨论出一些重要句子的用法。教师加以适当点拨。would rather (not) do sth would rather do sth than 比较:You look g

6、ood in blue.学程预设导学策略调整与反思. Production1. Read and act out comic.2. Fill in the blanks.Hobo brings Eddie some clothes, one is _, the other is _. Eddie _ _ wear _ than _ because he thinks _ is a girls colour. Hobo says there is _ wrong _ pink and helps Eddie put on the blue one. Eddie feels embarrassed

7、 (尴尬的) but Hobo says blue _ good _ him. ConclusionWhat have you learnt this class?You look nice in blue.Blue looks nice on you.Theres something /nothing wrong withwould rather (not) do would rather do A than (do ) B. Classwork( )1. Kitty looks _in red while green clothes are nice _ Helen.A. good; on

8、 B. well; in C. good; at D. well; for( )2. Lily asked how many colours _ in a rainbow.A. there are B. were there C. there were D. are there 3.There is something wrong with pink.(同义句)_ _ _ with pink .4. Blue looks good on you. You_blue 5. I like rice better than bread.I_have rice _bread.借助于肢体动作,可以有适当的改编。先独立思考,再个别回答,最后齐读。学生总结,每人说一个知识点。课堂检测,当堂完成。作业设计1. 复习本课相关的句子。2. 预习Reading



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