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1、THISOS WOULD AN AIMLTESTINGnimas v a int to be harmePOIT:Thedfernes btween us and other vertrates ae atter f egree ratheta kin。Not onlyd teclosly reembe u aatomcaly n physoogally, but soto do tey ehav iws whichmtconvey meanin。 They recoilompain, ppear oexpres earof a tormentor, adppr to tepleaure nt

2、ivitis; aint clr o anye who ha observed he bhaiur o apt dog hering tewod“wlk”。 Ourreasons fobiigt rfelow human ae cabl of epriencng feelins like uelves can surely onlye hathey reembl usbothinappane ahavur(we cnnot redeir mn). Th anyanmal sharing natomial, siologial,ndbehaioura charctertis srel lkel

3、to haveligs like. If e acet ast fo e of arguent, thatallhumanshv a rght not o be harmed, simpy virtueof eisting a a bng of moral wh, nwemustaskwht akes anmasodifen。 If anmals can feelwhaw eel, an fferas suffe, t tiscriminate meelyn aritra dfferece ofbeongig to difeen spcies, inogos to discriinating

4、n the bass of y other ralarbirar chacristc, uh ascer sx。Ifu nd rcial mora discimnatin is wrng,thens too is secieismCOUNERPOIT:Animas o not ave sua gt notto b hrme; evni theyae imilar to humn in tem o thir feelings (hat oppoition osnotconed) this rgh imosible toague orTherigt of hman nt tobe arme is

5、a part ofa quid pro qo that we wilntdormto oters. nil are unal to engage in such a conractiher tusr thrnimls. Animal are not about o top hting ther animalscause the amlthat is huted eels pain en is caugtand it evn if nima eerio wa to be ended t is unlikly that hmanity would top ili nials ete or fod,

6、to prent overpoultion or y accide all f whic wo av t e te cae ifanialsfeein f lease and pn and rsuting rigts hadto taken into ccoutAnimalresrh ncesitate signiicantarmto h animalsinoved.PIT:Anml eearch,by its vynaturenecesittes hrm t the nimals。 Evnif they aet mde t uffer as part ofte xpint, evatmajo

7、ri oanimal used,mu be iled at he concuin f eexprnt.ih115 million anml bingused in the sttus thsino small if wewre to vastl redu anima xperimentation, elasing omestited aals t theil,woul b deathsentnce, and t hardly se ralistic think thaman bviourally anormalanimal, ten mie rats, igtbe readl

8、movablento the pe rae.It is ma asi obvious, at it is noth inerestofth aimal ivoe o beklled, oharedt such an extent that sch ling mihtsem rcifl。Even if the oppsiton outeraruent, thtanimals lacte acty to trlyuffe, is bieved, researc old e theless bebaei order t reven the eath of miln ofanmls。COUNEPOIN

9、T:Firsl,ue t our larer and mre sohiscatedrains, ouldpe te erge humn have a geatamoreintests thn ay ima, rthose nrests be mo complex and interconected,ad fr there to be ageraaito eflecionad comhenson of he satisfatngeand from th realstioofch ntrsts. Thus, we can aib geater vlue ttee of human tn aanim

10、a, and thus ncl tere o be ss arm i panlslklling an ail tan ahum Scdly, t theeent thtrerc oanimals is of beneft ohmans, s thus emissileto ndct exprimesirin euhanasaof t aml subjects.eserchanbe done ffctively wthut eperimentig n livngcretue.OIN:Asperimenting onanimalisimmoral we shoulstopsin nmalfor e

11、xpment. ut apat from it being orll wron prctical we ll evr kno ow uch wewilbe ableto dvancewitout anial exprimnaion f we nev stop eperienn on aimal.nial esearh as been e histrcal gld stndard, an in case o sechemical creening test, was for many a, bymany westernates, reie b law efore a compououl be r

12、eleasd on ale。 cece ad tchnlgy hasovdaser than rsearch proocols however, anso thee is n longerneed for nials to bexerimentd on。 e owkow te chemal opertie f ostustnces,anpoweul cters alow u toredict the outcome of cemica inractions. Exprienting on lie tissue uturlo llow us o gininsih as t howvig els reacwhen xosd to dfferent sutances, with no ia requrd.Eehumn skin leftver rmoeaons rovides efectivemeium for eperienton,and being huma, prvides a mo


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