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1、冀教版四年级下:lesson17 how old are you?(1)教学过程:一.问候( Free talk:)What day is it?How are you?How old are you?三.新句型:How old are you? I am _ years old.1.句型的介绍,注意一岁时,one year.领读句型几遍.2.用该句型提问班内同学,让几个自告奋勇的学生回答.3.同桌,小组内互相练句型,问年龄.4.介绍该句型的变化形式:How old is she/he?She/He is _years old.用变化后的句型提问学生其同桌的年龄.5.让学生拿出准备好的家人照片

2、,指着照片把自己的家人介绍给大家.例如:This is my father.He is thirty-seven years old.This is my mother让学生拿出准备好的家人照片,指着照片把自己的家人介绍给大家.例如:This is my father.He is thirty-seven years old.This is my mother.She is thirty-five years old.四.新句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is _ _.1.介绍该句型.讲清楚回答中两个空分别填月份和序数词.2.用该句型提问班内同学,让

3、几个自告奋勇的学生回答.3.同桌,小组内互相练句型,问生日.4.介绍该句型的变化形式:When is his/her birthday?His/Her birthday is _ _.用变化后的句型提问学生其同桌的年龄.第二部分:How old are you?教授新句型How old are you? I am _ years old.1、用该句型提问班内同学,让几个自告奋勇的学生回答.2、同桌,小组内互相练句型,问年龄.3、当学生问到老师的年龄时,教师要向学生介绍中西方文化的差异,告诉学生在西方询问女士的年龄是不礼貌的行为。4、多媒体出示Jenny, Steven的图片和年龄,介绍该句型的

4、变化形式:How old is she/he? She/He is _years old.5、多媒体出示一幅婴儿的图片,教师提问How old is he? 引出He is one year old. 提示学生注意一岁时year后不加s。6、用变化后的句型提问学生其同桌的年龄.教授新句型: When is your birthday? My birthday is _ _.1、教师首先介绍自己的生日,引出句型My birthday is _ _.2、用该句型提问班内同学,让几个自告奋勇的学生回答.3、同桌,小组内互相练句型,问生日.4、多媒体出示Jenny, Steven的图片和生日,介绍该句

5、型的变化形式:When is his/her birthday? His/Her birthday is _ _.5、教师指着英文日历:What day is it today? Ss: Its .一位学生惊喜:Oh, Miss Wang. Today is my birthday. T: Really? When is your birthday ? S: My birthday is . T:Yes, its your birthday. .T: How old are you? S: Im eleven years old. T: Happy birthday to you! S:Tha

6、nk you. T: Lets sing the birthday song. for OK?Ss: OK.学生齐唱歌曲 Happy birthday to you.使课堂气氛温馨达到高潮6、让学生拿出准备好的家人照片,指着照片把自己的家人介绍给大家.例如:This is my father. He is thirty-seven years old. His birthday is .His favourite colour is This is my mother. She is thirty-five years old. Her birthday is . Her favourite

7、colour is 7、听录音跟读感知英语教学, 听后教师提问检查理解情况。T:How old is Danny? S:T: When is Dannys birthday? S:三、结束课堂教学1、课外作业小组合作调查小组成员的基本情况,将表格填完整 NameFavourite colour Age Birthday2、课堂评价T: All of you did very well today. Im very happy. Are you happy?S: Yes.T: Goodbye!S: Goodbye!教学过程:1. Free talk:What day is it? How are

8、 you? How old are you?2. (show a picture of a little boy) T: How old is he? He is one year old. Say it, please.When is his birthday? His birthday is June 24th. Say it, please.When is your birthday? S: My birthday is _.3. Exercise in chain.How old are you? When is your birthday?4. Ask and answer. (Sh

9、ow some pictures.)Ss: When is his/her birthday? S: My birthday is _.5. Listen: When is Steven and Dannys birthday? How old are they?6. Guess my birthday.7. What do you have on your birthday? S: birthday cake and candles, birthday presents, birthday partyT: I have birthday presents, too. Do you know

10、what they are? Look. (Show the pictures: a red apple, a pink dress )This is a red apple. T: Why isnt it an red apple?Here are two blue chairs.8. Tell me your birthday , your birthday presents and what colour they are.Writing on the blackboard:Lesson 17 How Old Are You?How old are you? I m _ years ol

11、d.When is your birthday? My birthday is _.What colour is it? _.Exercises:Fill in the blanks.This is _ red apple.Here _ three yellow markers.Dannys birthday is October _.六、教学过程 Step1:Warmingup and Lead-in 1. 师生自由对话 T:How are you? S:I am fine,thanks. T:what day is today? S:Today is -(星期)-(月份) - (序数词)

12、设计说明 用以复习星期名称,月份和序数词. 2. 利用图片复习已经学过的表示颜色的词汇 T:Ok,Look,I have many colours,do you like it?what colour is it? S: It is -. T: What is this?/What are these? S: This is a yellow marker.(red apple) 设计说明 用以复习关于颜色的词汇并引入课文第一部分。使学生学会用更多的形容词。如Here are two blue chairs. Step2:Presentation 1. 教学句子How old are you?

13、I am -years old. 出示张贴画(Danny) T:Look,who is he ?How old is Danny?yes,He is -years old. 同样方法出示Jenny LiMing T: How old are you?(to a student) S: I am -years old. 提醒学生注意:若一个人只用一岁大,我们用one year old 表达。若大于一岁,我们则用-years old表达。 通过依次提问一排(列)中的学生来演示这个短语,确保学生能用实际年龄回答。 设计说明 通过教师演示和学生小组练习,使学生掌握句子How old are you?I am -years old. 2. 引出本节课新句:When is your birthday?My birthday is-(月份/序数词) T: (出示日历)Look,today is is my birthday,when is your birthday? 3. S: My birthday is-(学生找出日历中的一页并读出月份及序数词) 考考一些学生,他们要用月份和序数词回答。 设计说明 将教学内容与学生的实际生活相联系,激发学生的学习兴趣,并适时呈现本节课话题。 3.听录音 (1



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