【精品】人教版高中英语选修八强化练习:unit 5 section 1含答案

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1、人教版英语精品资料Unit 5 Meeting your ancestorsSection Warming up; Prereading, Reading & Comprehending.单词拼写1. The kitchens always so_ (混乱的)after weve had guests. Give me a hand to do it over,will you?2. Be quiet! It is not polite to_(打断)people when they are talking.3. We must make a careful_ (分析)on the probl

2、em and then make a decision.4. If payment is not received within five days, legal action will be our only_(可能的选择)5. She used to suffer from_ (饥饿) but now she is_ (急于)herself to try to lose weight.6_ (如果)that we are capable of making our own happiness,how can a manager help things along?7. Please com

3、e out with your_ (试探性的)ideas at the meeting.8. He hits the ball with great_(精确)9A bad tooth can cause a_ pain.10The soldiers s_ up their knives.答案:1.messy2.interrupt3.analysis4.alternative5.starvation;starving6.Assuming7.tentative8.accuracy9.acute10.sharpened.根据课文内容用所给短语的适当形式填空 When 1._ the Zhoukoud

4、ian caves, the students became aware of the fact that the Zhoukoudian primitive people were one of the earliest people in the world. The evidence of the sixmetre ash suggested that they could 2._ to 3._ as well as to bake meat and 4._ wild animals, and it was also the evidence that they lived in the

5、 caves, 5._ the cold. When shown the needle 6._ three centimetres long, they realized that the primitive people could sew clothes from animal skins, and this also proved that they could make stone tools to 7._ animals and remove the fat and meat from the skin. Interestingly, the necklace suggested t

6、hat the ancient people also 8._ their appearance.答案:1.show around2.make fires3.keep warm4.scare away5.regardless of6.at most7.cut up8.cared about.单项填空1May I clean the room tomorrow?No, you have no _. You must do it now, for the guests will come at any moment.A. chance B. alternativeC. way D. help答案:

7、B考查名词辨析。由下句“You must do it now, for the guests will come at any moment.”可知,对方没有选择,不能拖到明天。2He _ the pencil and began to draw a picture on a sheet of paper. A. sharpened B. bought C. kill D. sharp答案:A句意:他削尖了铅笔,开始在一张纸上画画。sharpen“使锋利;尖锐;清晰”;buy“买”;kill“杀害”;sharp“锋利的”。A项符合题意。3To the great disappointment

8、of the poor peasant workers, a great part of their salaries were _ by the boss for no right reason.A. kept away B. kept offC. kept back D. kent up答案:C句意:令很多少贫苦农民工极其失望的是,他们的工资中有很大一部分都被老板无端扣了。keep back“扣留”,符合题意。keep away“远离”;keep off“远离”;keep up“保持;维持”。4All living organisms,_ their unique identity, ha

9、ve certain biological, chemical, and physical characteristics in common. A. as a consequence of B. for the sake of C. in terms of D. regardless of答案:D考查介词短语辨析。as a consequence of“作为的结果”;for the sake of“为了的缘故”;in term of“从的角度”;regardless of“不管;不顾”。句意:所有的有机物,不管他们有什么独特的特征,都有某种生物上、化学上和物理上的共性。5Hi, Tom. A

10、ny idea where Jane is?She _ in the classroom. I saw her there just now. A. shall be B. should have been C. must be D. might have been答案:C答句句意:她一定在教室,我刚才见她在那儿。此处用“must动词原形”表示对现在情况把握较大的推测。6It is bad manners to _ others while they are having a conversation.A. disturb B. bother C. interrupt D. intervene

11、答案:C考查词义辨析。句意:当别人谈话时打断他们是不礼貌的。interrupt sb.打断某人的讲话。disturb“打扰”;bother“麻烦”;intervene“干涉”。7_ that we cant get the necessary equipment, we will have to give up the experiment.ATo assume BAssumedCAssume DAssuming答案:D考查assume的用法。句意:假设我们不能得到需要的设备,我们将不得不放弃这项实验。主语we和assume之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词assuming表主动。此时assumi

12、ng已转化为连词,意为“假设”。8There was only one candy, so she _ it _ into little pieces and gave them to the children.A. cut; out B. cut; upC. cut; down D. cut; off答案:B考查动词短语辨析。句意:这儿只有一块糖,因此也把它切成了几小块,并分给孩子们。cut up“切碎”;cut out“删除,裁剪”;cut down“砍倒,削减,降低”;cut off“切断,隔绝”。9I think have _ time to get to the station. A

13、. many B. rich C. large D. ample答案:D考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我认为我们有足够的时间到达车站。time当时间表讲是不可数名词,不能用many修饰;可以用ample修饰;rich“富有的”;large“大的”。10Every athlete as well as some coaches who _ to go to the games _ asked to be here before 730 am. A. are; are B. is; is C. are; is D. is; are答案:Cwho引导定语从句,代替先行词some coaches,在定语从

14、句作主语,故从句的谓语用are; A as well as B作主语时,谓语动词与A保持一致,every ethlete是单数,因此谓语用is。.阅读理解A Sales of electric bicycles, or ebikes, a hot item in consumer green tech, are expected to grow by more than 50% in North America during 2013. Actor William Shatner, who is no stranger to futuristic tech, recently purchased two ebik



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