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1、大学生英文自我介绍集合五篇 大学生英文自我介绍 篇 Hel evryoe, First leme introemyel. My name is *,* yars ldi a rm *, beauiful ctinhna prnce i s fmous a he itl of * and jyyh ho hatl*peon is hbest n world. * layea veryipantroeinchiehistory. so itas a prfun ulu bcgoud anmy get heritgesites have been wl rervd. suc as longme gr

2、otto,ne f the te grotoe ihin ang whitehose teml, being readed as the adl o cnese budhism.* oyi rld-amus. evryea, many touriss trael o * toseete bauy f peony .the pele inmyomeo r friendly, the wlcoe thetravellesfroall ovr theword. leyhomton very mc. amvegl o ee for hs ntervieI raduaed from* College n

3、 Jly,* an majr ifiac. Then, I as teache in abc, Wen was senor shool student, I nrsed ithougt and began to red a certain cass worf Marxim, spialyfiise reding “te loriegium fMao ZeDong”. Frm he on, have ble in mren ore theoeial wrs ad aled et iteest i heor ud,especialy nMaxism. I ave a am, dram of my

4、stdy. I is devot my l lifeand eergiotevoment of te Mrism. have theportunityto studyin bcnivrsy, Ilblein as mh as oumenauthespal ossible If it i osib, Iwantto ge t pma accmpshmentn y majr, tleas,stale basis.ersonaly,o dys hina, e firsttask to hedeopmtof Marismis a process of consruon. Thts o say, wes

5、uld ndesandrs mostlyfom the aspectof cnstrcon ndeelpmt of socia soiey. Only heou socialitc cut has a ore rapi and blanc development thane atasti, wecan nhance theatrctenes andperun o Mrxismevenually. Thak o ! 大学生英文自我介绍 篇2y hoeton s Gungong Maoming whch lesin he souh coast of Cina. I study i Shiyan H

6、ih sol andImi grde 2.u pus s verbeauiful and ther are muc carming vie. I study hardeveryay andI wishto gorod for futhrdcaioI e m hobie sch a askeball,tennis,swiminnd soon.k akn friend wth others.God moninaftnoo. Ismy great honor ave cne totk this iew.Lt me introdce yselfbriefl.Thi is -(ae),I wa eadu

7、ated frm Beijing HumatyUniersy in ths Ma. I made Mchnical &Electrica ntegraon as my major. n my lleg, ookpt-tie job sPobationl Sevir in Dio fe. Frm Apri to Spof20-, Iwoke as inpetor i -ngyueqn. Im senorear, workedasales directorinHuae rl etate r 8 oth. has all, thk you. 大学生英文自我介绍 篇 Gd rig ! It s rel

8、ly my honor thave ths opprutyf iee,I hope ica mke a goodprformnce toay.Imconfient tat Icn sccee Now iwil introduce myself befl. am 26year old,born insandon provine . a graduated omqingda university.m maoris lcroic.an igot m baheor egre after mygrduation in th yer o20 9.I endmost of y tim onstud,ihe

9、ased CT46 . ad haveacuire basicknoledgeo y major during m shol time.I Juy 20x, I egi ork for smliva cmpany asa tecnil suppor egner n QigDaoity.ecause m capble of morereosiities, so Iecided t cngemy jo. Adn ugst 2x,I ef Qgao toBeiJing and workedr a frenteprise as aomio softare test ngineer.BausI want

10、 chang m wrkig nviroment, Idike t fin ob whic is or chalngg MoroverMotorola is a glbal ompan, s I fel I can gain he ot from workingi ts ind compan envronme ht isth reso why I cme ee tcompte for tis posito. I think Ima good team ayeran Im aperon o eat hnesty o ors.lo a ale wor under gatpesue. Thats l

11、l Thank yo for givng me t hac. 大学生英文自我介绍 篇4 Ia a rd ar s aj i tomtionat Shghaiao og Univerity, . R. Cna Wh temedusinterest in Inutrial Engnerig,I am wrtnt ppyfrcep ino youh.D. gaduate pogram. Educatiobkgrud In 19, I eneed tNajing nierity f Scince Technology (US) - wielyconidered ne of the hinas bet

12、egineeringsools. Duri he followin unerrauate sud, m caemic cords ept dstigisedamngthwhole departnt. I wasaneFirst Class re ry semest,自荐信,I199, I gtth prvile to ete the grate program waid of eadiiontes. At he period ofmgradatetud, my overll GA(3.77/40)rnked top % ideprtmnt. In the econd smeste, I me techer asisant tha i voalented andmtured


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